Tuesday, December 31, 2019

a round of golf

OMG! Of all the nerve…Trump has to be called from his game of golf to deal with an emergency regarding his lack of foreign policy in Iraq. Dressed in his best Mar-A-Lago too tight golfing pants with his stuffed to the brim polo Mar-A-Lago shirt, the poor guy had to waddle over to a golf cart rented by the taxpayer and actually stop cheating at his game of golf, to pretend he gave a shit about the lives at risk in Baghdad! Serious shit is gonna come your way Iran, said Trump, holding a seven iron in his hand or was it a putter…and then his treasonous Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, “lock him up, lock him up,” warned the façade of an Iraqi Government to TAKE CARE of the situation.

OMG! Of all the nerve, on a holiday, in the midst of yet another round of golf, during the winter break from Washington, the time the Politicians pretend to speak to their Constituents, Trump had to Tweet, foreign policy, and stop fucking around. Lives of Career professionals in danger, a brink of another Middle East War…the audacity that an attack on the safest place the USA created in Iraq, had been breached…and we get a “I’ll get you my pretty and your little dog too, Tweet Storm, and then back to the Gold Course, and another Tax Payer Vacation! This stuff pisses me off, a whole lot!


Wait, wait, don’t tell me…let me guess…if it has anything to do with an embassy being attacked it is ONLY Hillary’s fault…so no one will be shouting Baghdad, Baghdad, Baghdad, Or “lock him up, lock him up” (as in Mike Pompeo Secretary of State). And when it comes to overrunning and invading an embassy, it is only Jimmy Carter’s fault, so no one will call out Trump for the incursion onto the Green Zone (you know the Security Zone) in Iraq.

I just want to make certain I get my lessons in hypocrisy correct…if its Hillary, or Jimmy Carter, or a Democrat…it is the end of American power… If it is Pompeo, Trump or the GOP all is cool and calm and there is nothing to see. Right!

Monday, December 30, 2019


Ivanka Kushner dismissed questions about the separation of migrant families by saying “immigration is not part of her portfolio.” I had to read this a few times, each time wondering how she actually is a mother, has children, and can actually pretend that the lives of any child do not matter. Her fucking portfolio, of which whatever the fuck is included, she is not and has not the credentials to fulfill any job, except that her father has a crush on her, and as he actually stated, she is some babe, and he would date her, if only she wasn’t his daughter!

Ivanka Trump Kushner, what an inhuman spawn from a monster, whose DNA is filled with lack of empathy, crime, grifting, perpetual buffoonery, and the same sociopath disease that afflicts her father. What a shame… Is anyone concerned that her children will ever grow up to be normal caring people? She and her Prince consult with a Saudi Prince to murder a journalist, her list of bribes and threats to foreign nations probably too great to count. Her father a Russian Agent and her father-in-law a Felon…her brother steals from charities for children, and the other one with the name of Junior is unaware of the Constitution of the United States…Her husband owes so much money to foreign investors and his tradeoff is to provide US Top Secret Information, even though he never truly passed any test to be trusted. It is not in your portfolio, Ivanka, what a useless, piece of crap you have molded into. Can’t wait for justice to discover all of your criminal activities, is Prison in your portfolio?

say good riddance

Pick one, try both…”Silence Equals Death,” “Never Again!” Either or each and every, and who I have discovered my own strength to become. I write MY blogs because History is either a friend or foe… you learn from its lessons and gain wisdom and insight, or you ignore its existence and all you get is shit upon or worse. I read the news, trying hard to discover the facts and forget the fiction, I will read the various blurbs on Facebook, once again trying to decipher the truth from the deception of the devious whose only purpose is to deny, freedom, equality, honesty, judgment, or choose your own words that describe living a life not a peon, a cult member, a minion or a victim. If you read my rants and raves, I thank you, if you want to debate my perceptions I am open…but for me in the land of Trump and his criminal and anti-American, self-preservation, narcissistic world, there are issues not debatable any longer. Truth is truth, facts are facts, and history can repeat itself and be wary if you ignore it!

Recently I have been either accused of or called: living in a bubble, and not in the real world, someone told to shut the fuck up about Trump because he has his own problems, why not be positive instead of negative, leave the Kushner Family alone because they are honest people who earned their wealth on the up and up, and oh yeah, I am still angry because my girl lost the election in 2016! Hamm….What to do, what to do…NOT!!! Don’t follow me if you believe Trump is honest and his intentions are pure…Don’t follow me if you believe the Russians then and the Russians now are not interfering with our democracy, enabled, of course, either the blackmail or bribery of the Republican Party! Don’t bother me if you believe Concentration Camps are Christian values, or that a lying adulterer, and Russian asset, is the next coming of Christ! Don’t argue with me of the merits of one Democrat candidate for President over the other, when in fact, all that matters to me is the DNC has on the ballot a person WHO CAN DEFEAT TRUMP, even as the GOP and Russians try their best to highjack the 2020 elections. Do not bother me with accusations that there are two sides to hate, or that FEAR is not really the most reliable tool Trump and his Christian Evangelical Taliban, the White Supremacists, FOX NOISE, the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy, the insecure bigots, act upon and use as their Bible.

Time is running out. If you look closely at the entire Trump Klan from his Cabinet, to his family, to his wealthy donors, both Christian and Jewish 1%’ ers, to the Log Cabin Republicans, they all provide fodder for what once might have been considered Conspiracy Theories, which by intention are NOW real. So please, I will not debate good versus bad, right versus wrong, what is Patriotic and what is not…say goodbye to me, because right this moment, I am worried for the life of this nation, and not only the current generation, but the dozens and dozens to follow.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

no more

I will not, nor ever again permit anyone to tell me, as a Gay man and as a Jewish man, that I am less than or some kind of monster, at the ready to attack a perceived God, who is fearful of mere mortals. I will no longer debate, the sheer moronic, and self-serving atrocities which involve Trump's bigotry, and racists views, and his disdain for American democracy, as he demonizes the citizens of this nation and adores all that is Putin and his army of other dictators. I am so tired of even considering the cover-up, the enabling, the denial, the hate, the fear of the MAGA, the American Christian Evangelical Taliban wishing, so desiring that this nation become a Theocracy and the Republican politicians enabling Trump to turn this nation into either a Banana Republic, Fascist State, or a Dystopian Government. There is Good and there is Bad, there is Truth and there is Fiction, there are Facts and there are lies. There IS HISTORY, and with HISTORY there ARE lesson to be taught and to be learned!

I will not permit other Jews to remain silent regarding the Anti-Semitism which has increased under the deceitful eye of Trump and has been enabled via the silence of prominent Jews who support Trump either financially, politically, for self-gain, or sheer selfishness. I will no longer debate how better of a Jew I am or you are, because somehow moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem means Trump loves the Jews, when in fact his actions, his Executive decisions, and his continued romance with the “Good Nazi’s is his priority!

I will continue to call out the hypocrisy of any LGBT person who feigns disgust that all the Gays care about is equality but instead insist there is more to life like money and finances. These individuals live in a bubble of denial and think money is some kind of shield against homophobia.
And I will not remain silent, as the so-called Christians worried about a six-week-old fetus having civil rights, while children are dying in Concentration Camps, separated permanently from their families, having their SNAP dollars depleted, drinking dirty water in Flint and living in abject disgusting third world poverty in the Appalachians, and being relegated to poverty in states like Alabama and Mississippi. 

And as long as Trump and his fellow GOP Oligarchs continue to deny access to witnesses regarding all of the crimes Trump has been convicted of, I will NOT debate any outlandish idea that Trump is a victim, and its only because I don’t like Trump. Enough bull shit has been hovering over this country, so much so that it seems like the skies of a Nuclear Winter.    

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Yadda, once again yadda

A crime is committed and all we do is consider the characters involved, we huff and puff, yet play the games of how bad of a crime was it and was it criminal enough to be considered a crime. Crimes have been committed by various and sundry scoundrels, we wring our hands, Talking Heads ponder and pose, Professor’s rant and rave regarding matters of Law and Constitution, all the while contemplating, and considering WTF!  All of this communicating filling the airwaves, and still, the immense rot and ruin continue running rampant, regarding the perpetrator's actions and the countries INACTION!

Today, I listened as the Political Pundits philosophized or was it fantasied about the stupor and stupidity of the Farmers who never received the true Government Socialist Bailout (the mere meager small farmer, has not been the recipient of the money, it is the Agri-Corporate millionaire Farmers reaping the benefits), the Soy Bean Farmers are now lost forever in the Global Market, as other countries vie for the product, the Coal Miners in Kentucky, and West Virginia, watch as their billionaire owners declare bankruptcy and reap those rewards, while all the while the Coal Miners get Coal Ash poison in the rivers. And now, the Trump Administration is preparing Eminent Domain Rights on the parcels of land in the Southwest, where portions of Trump's Racist Wall is to be built. Most of these landowners will NOT get a fair price…after all, it is Trump, the businessman in charge!

And yet, it seems that NO MATTER the CON, the RIP-OFF, the LIES, there is talk that the MAGA maniacs, the cultists so enthralled with Trump’s WAY of Running or is it ruining the Government into the gutter, still will vote for him…because no matter how much he fucks them over…Trump screams and warns the MAGA about FEAR of the other…When will the stupid, realize just how dumb they are and when will GOOD TRIUMPH over EVIL!!!

Friday, December 27, 2019

Finding Neverland

“I see it all around us In every single color And every dimension Crowns the reinvention And if it is black then it's white
And when it is dark then it's light So fill in all the spaces With imaginary places It's so frustrating When no one else sees
Everything you see…” (Believe/Finding Neverland/Barlow/Kennedy/Frankel)

In my senior year of High School, I was a Lost Boy (Curly), and the choreographer for our class play “Peter Pan, directed by Lenore Musoff, (a teacher of the century as far as I was, and am concerned-but that will be another blog.) Our Senior Class Play still resonates with amazing memories, of friendships, creativity, and the magic of being on a stage, and permitting the imaginary world of music and comedy, and the story of never having to grow up, remain for me as an important purpose and place in my life. Peter Pan found Neverland and introduced a place where good DID triumph over bad…where wrongs was never right…and purpose in life was to live it with love, not devour it with the despair and doom, which nowadays seems like the low hanging fruit!

My husband Joe wondered why I haven’t written one of my, maybe there is hope in the world blogs, which somehow I tend to create near the end of the year, I gave him a look of what the fuck, we are living in the time and turmoil of Trump, so what exactly is hopeful!!!! Joe and I are lucky enough to be in North Truro, six miles east of our Neverland, Provincetown, and as our 10-seater plane with its two propellers was flying above the Cape, me looking down at the light choppy waters, I began to contemplate, my world, and how I see it! The sad part was, the worry the angst, the anger from which I view the state of our Union, has overwhelmed me.  And I knew and know I must be vigilant and LOUD. So as the lyrics of the song from ‘Finding Neverland’ suggest…” it’s so frustrating when no one else sees everything you see…”  So, I will look for hope, and heart, and human kindness, I WILL try to imagine a world in which all of those are a priority…BUT I will never be silent until I can just stop imagining that justice and freedom and love…and embrace a world made better, by the sheer energy of people with conscience, and soul. I want to find Neverland, not just for a few weeks in a year, but forever! 

Thursday, December 26, 2019

a Table Setting

The Formal Place SettingThe formal place setting is used at home for a meal of more than three courses, such as a dinner party or a holiday meal. It's simply the informal place setting taken to the next level, adding glassware, dishes and utensils for the foods and beverages served with the additional courses.

Most Holiday meals have been shared, enjoyed and eaten. People fortunate enough to have family, or friends have gathered, and many have recited the phrase…”Eat, Drink and be Merry!” Food Kitchens having sent out their donation requests, fed the poor and homeless, those lucky enough to find a place at the table, and more so those who did not remain invisible during the Holiday Season, seeking refuge and nutrition. Super Markets requested adding an extra few dollars to your final receipt, sending on the additional amount as a gift toward feeding the ever-growing population of the HUNGRY! The local TV newscasts, have pretended that the athletes and the folks in the entertainment industry, who volunteered a few hours of their time to serve or cook the food are real hero’s, and reporters, found the right heartwarming stories, by placing a microphone in front of a kid finally eating a hardy meal, or a camera panning the poor souls who at least at Christmas time, have some food. If you denote a bit of sarcasm from what should be considered a super-duper event, you are CORRECT! Feeding people, on Christmas and Easter does not and will not replace, people, (you know human beings, believe it or not just like you and me,) from living a full life year-round, in a nation able to provide the wealthiest with even more wealth, while deciding that the poor, deserve their due in life…because you KNOW they are poor!

The Mega-Church Pastors making seven-figure salaries, building shrines to the Heavens, the CEO’s making seven-figure salaries, even continuing to remain wealthy when they fuck up, having that Golden Parachute, then politicians receiving perks from Lobbyists, hiding their money in banks where money is laundered, criminals and treasons like the Kushner’s and Trumps, Pence’s, DeVos’s Ross’s all hidden in their winter getaway’s, as they get away with robbing the poor…they have enough food, and nutrition, they don’t need Food Kitchens, Food Banks. And to add insult to even more inhumane injury, the Republican’s supported by the Evangelicals, enabled by the Corporations who have been deemed People, are passing laws to make it even MORE IMPOSSIBLE, for those not only below the Poverty Line but actually living in Poverty, or just above Poverty (you know the adults working two to three jobs just to exist) have decided that to pay for the Tax Cuts, keeping the 1% voting Republican, to CUT the budgets of most food and health care programs. As the High and Mighty Evangelical American Taliban Pastors who find Trump the new Prophet shout, if you can’t pull yourself up by your own bootstraps, then Jesus is pissed, and if Jesus is pissed, no food for you!

It's no longer Christmas Time In the City…hear the bells, hear the bells…It is back to the normal of the HAVES and fuck the HAVE NOTs!

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas Day

During the days my father was a policeman, we received at least 200 Christmas Cards, from all of his FOP, collogues, and the myriad of people and friends he had met while a Foot Patrol Man walking the neighborhoods in Pittsburgh. It was a treat to hang the cards all over the mantel in the living room and making a path of cards leading up the wall to the second floor and the little nook overlooking the first floor. Most cards we received were generic, but we did receive plenty of cards, my younger sister and I referred to as “even though these are real Christian cards, we will hang them but swear we are Jewish…” (These were the cards with lots of crosses, and some of Jesus actually with the Crown of Thorns). We also received plenty of Christmas gifts, lots of alcohol, and from one really wealthy friend of my father’s a box complete with 500 pieces of a variety of chocolates.  “White Christmas”, the movie was on television, and back in the day in black and white, and we never missed “It’s A Wonderful Life.” We understood, that for many this day was of love, albeit, prior to and post, many of the same people who wished us “Peace on Earth,” sort of kind of mumbled those words.  There was a local Catholic Cardinal in Pittsburgh, back in the ’50s who, even though it was Christmas time, reminded the world, that, of course, it was the Jews who killed Christ!

This Cardinal, at the time, frightened me, but my father would tell all of us, that if we just looked around our living room, it might seem that more people loved the Jews than hated them. He was correct, and all of us stopped wondering about the FEAR, and embraced the love!

In Pittsburgh, back in the day, when Climate Change was still in its infancy, and snow still fell in December, our Christmas vacation was filled with sled riding down the hills located in Schenley and Frick Parks, and of course piling at least eight people in one car with no seat belts, and driving to the restricted neighborhoods (Restricted in as no Jews, no Blacks, no Irish and no Dogs) and viewing the amazing amount of Christmas decorations on houses many of us in the row homes only dreamed of once calling home!

I wish a Merry Christmas, or as my Father-In-Law, insists Happy Christmas, because it is the celebration of the birth of Jesus, to all who still believe that their God is not a Trump supporter, not a member of the Swamp living anywhere Trump sets up his home, be it the White House/Mar-A-Lago/Trump Tower. I wish a merry Christmas to those American’s appalled by kids sexually harassed, denied medical care and separated by their parents because they all have brown skin. I wish a Merry Christmas, to those who can’t understand why funding for the SNAP program is being cut, and why, the streams and rivers in communities where coal ash flows freely, usually a poor community or Flint Michigan, is actually a thing supported by those who sell Christianity in exchange for Snake Oil. And I wish a continuous Cha’g Se’Me’ach as the lights of the Menorah still glow, to those Jewish Families, who find Stephen Miller the most heinous of Anti-Semites, Sheldon Adelson and Bernie Marcus blind, deaf and dumb to Trump’s embracing of White Supremacists, and are totally embarrassed by Mr. and Mrs. Kushner, who could give one fuck about anyone’s life, Jewish or non-Jewish. 

There is an article that the protests in Hong Kong, remain alive and angry, even during this supposed Peaceful Time of year…I applaud them because Silence equals death, and Silence is just an easy way for Evil to speak louder! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, and Peaceful Kwanza!

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Eve of Christmas

My dad was a Cop in Pittsburgh, one of the few Jewish Policemen (I use policemen because in the 1950s women were still second-class citizens, wearing pearl necklaces and fancy aprons cleaning houses and were too frail to even be considered brave or tough enough for police duty.) The majority of police officers working with my father, were families born into immigrant homes of Italians, Irish, Polish and Hungarian descent.  For many of the families of these police officers, our family was the only Jews they had met, or at least spoken to. But during Christmas time, especially Christmas Eve, many of my father's co-workers would invite our family to celebrate the season by having dinner, or desserts.

My sisters and I loved the idea, and throughout the ’50s, we learned the various ethnic and cultural traditions, that the various nationalities performed during the Christmas Season. Not only did we get to taste perogies, stuffed cabbage, and pasta of every shape and size, we also decorated trees, and got to touch the actual figures placed in the Nativity Scenes, under the trees. We even were told, by some of the kids of these families, that even though WE were Jewish, they did not blame us for Christ’s eventual death. Some did tell us that it might not be a good idea to visit certain homes at Easter time.

Having gone to public school in the 50’s and having myself been selected as the lead angel in one of our Christmas pageants, as the entire school gathered around the Christmas Tree with a Nativity Scene, I knew all the lyrics to all the Christmas Carols of the time, even the songs that about four stanzas. So when we sang some Christmas songs at the homes of Christians, and my sisters and I belted out the lyrics, great shock and awe appeared on the faces of our peers. 

Back then, policeman’s salaries paid very little, but most of the homes we visited provided plenty of well-wrapped gifts under the tree, and it was truly a fun and colorful experience in my younger years. It was also an informal educational experience when much to their dismay, these kids wondered how we survived not getting presents on Christmas. We explained we were way cooler because we got gifts eight nights in a row. 

To all who celebrate, Christmas, please have a Merry and Joyful one. And as you share your gifts, set aside some love for the kids in American Concentration Camps, neighborhoods where the income is below the poverty level, the families left homeless, the families, whose loved ones won’t be home due to the NRA and their love for guns…  and I suppose as you celebrate the birth of Jesus, ask out loud, What Would Jesus Really Do with the village we all share, and would he want to be celebrated, whiles so many others suffer!


Monday, December 23, 2019

wonder why

“City sidewalks, busy sidewalks Dressed in holiday style In the air There's a feeling Of Christmas”(Silver Bells/Livingston/Evans
As I was headed to my gym in WEHO, the light poles dressed in banners written with Holiday Cheer, and Season’s Greetings, most storefronts selecting red bows, some silver shiny mylar to look like this and that, I noticed two kinds of folks carrying bags and boxes…some well-dressed men and women arms filled with soon to be gifts for friends and family tied in decorative ribbons… and a group of men and women, pushing their shopping carts, brimming with plastic bags clanging loudly as they hit each pothole or bump on the sidewalk from the aluminum cans inside, or the shrieking of plastic bags inside plastic bags, swooshing as the wind managed to peek inside…and inside, as they pushed along or carried loads of their black plastic bags were, what I imagine to be the TOTAL of their belongings! 

“I read the news today, oh boy About a lucky man who made the grade And though the news was rather sad Well, I just had to laugh I saw the photograph…” (A Day In the Life/Beatles)
The 20th American member of the Military died today in Afghanistan. No notice from the White House with more details, but the Taliban did take responsibly for the death. Surveillance cameras have noticed a few more potential sights in North Korea from which launch pads might be erected carrying nuclear warheads. The Democrats held a debate and decided to eat their own. Trump and his Crime Syndicate are on a two-week vacation in mar-A-Largo, at the taxpayer's dime. And speaking of dimes, the SNAP program, and Home Delivered Meals budget is being cut.

“You're so vain You probably think this song is about you You're so vain, I'll bet you think this song is about you Don't you?
Don't you?” (You’re So Vain/Carly Simon)
Walking back from the gym I also noticed a bunch of people at Starbucks all in the latest trends of fashion, and almost all of them were wearing their straight-legged jeans, and each and every pant leg had a precision cut, a slash if you will, to assure the knee cap provide a little skin, and the really, really cool ones had a few other smaller cuts and slashes, to provide the ultimate chic appearance of poverty to the tenth degree. Passing them, were to women in a combination of ripped clothing, with no stitching, just holes in their clothes, and a combo of rags, dirty and torn to cover their upper torso. They too were carrying plastic cups, the ones they had just discovered by leaning over the trash cans sipping the remains of whatever spittle and coffee were oozing at the bottom.

Just a day in the life. I am not holier than thou by any means…and I often mutter there for the Grace of God go I…but I can’t stop looking, and listening, and wondering WHY!

Sunday, December 22, 2019

First miracle

When my Romanian Jewish immigrant grandparents arrived in the United States, they brought with them very few items and were told to pack only the necessities, and three items which of such personal meaning, that no matter how great America might be, nothing could replace the emotional value of just three special objects. My Grandmother told her story and recalled her diary, a scarf knitted by her grandmother, and a poem her father had written for a birthday. Along with her two other sisters, mother, and father, my grandmother arrived in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, luckily received and housed by her mother's relatives. When they finally unpacked, much to my grandmother's surprise, she and her sisters discovered that her parents, fearing that there would be too much luggage, brought with them, some personal papers, a Romanian marriage license, and a bronze Menorah. The Menorah, had been in my Great grandmothers family for a few decades, and THAT was one item, which no matter how many miracles regarding the celebration of Hanukah could never be replaced, should never be replaced, and would always be a strong reminder of the miracle of finding freedom, even at the cost of leaving a place where memories grew, but increasingly and increasingly were stymied by ignorant and bigoted people, who felt that all the problems in the village, in the country and in the world were because of the Jewish people. Even, back in the day, the Romanians, thought the Jewish People were outlanders preying on Romania, and should go back to their own nation of Juda Land!

Many items, as we grow older, and move packing and unpacking, changing locations, establishing new homes, get lost in the harried shuffle of our lives, but somehow, of all the remnants which remained of the first exodus from Romania, it was the Menorah which survived. When, my Grandmother became too tired for the Hanukah preparation, and her generation of siblings and cousins grew old, my mother, became the recipient of the MENORAH. My Grandmother proudly, but with a small tear falling as if in slow motion, wanting to linger in her eye, handed the MENORAH to my mother. But as the MENORAH was still in the clutches of my Grandmother's hand, and before the official handing down from one generation to another was finalized, my Grandmother cleared her throat, and in her VERY OFFICIAL I AM the MATRIARCH of this family voice, said to my family. “Do you see all of the colors from the candles melted, they look almost as if they are a quilt upon the MENORAH. All of these splotches of wax, tired and roughly strewn, are memories of decades of our family celebrating a holiday of miracles. NEVER, and I mean NEVER remove that wax…because in doing so you have removed a part of YOUR past.

I have that MENORAH. And when I look at it, I smile, I sigh, I remember, I miss, I yearn, I cry, and I promise my Grandmother to always recall. We all are living in a time of terrible trauma, caused by the empty and unempathetic evil, a sociopath named Trump. We seem to be living in a time, also when HISTORY, so full of facts and relevance has been ignored or discarded…all, which if we paid more attention to its lessons, might help us understand the DANGER that lies ahead of us in a days’ time a week’s passing a month’s arrival, but soon! We should be, as a nation, a combination of a patchwork of the past, but even as this season of miracles arrives, I fear the future.  Tonight, for those who celebrate, it is the first night of Hanukah, and the first candle will be lit, and we will wish for a miracle.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

not so silent night

“Silent night, holy night All is calm, all is bright' Round yon virgin Mother and Child Holy infant so tender and mild Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly peace…”(Silent Night/Joseph Mohr/John F. Young) So it seems as this Christmas Season is finally culminating on December 25, some hard truths, and some fairly easy lies are being presented to the Christian world, and in particular a sect of that religious domain, the Southern Baptist Evangelicals. Silence at times can eat away at your soul (if you have one,) and it can rot your conscience (if you have one.) It seems that one Evangelical Christian, Mark Galli, Editor of a newspaper titled Christianity Today, has had enough of remaining silent, as sadly as is the case of most prominent Pro-Trump peons, only when they either do not run for office any longer or in the case of Mr. Galli, are retiring from his position as Editor-In-Chief of Christianity find some backbone and speak a truth which had been gnawing in their guts so long and so devastating that it must be released…and, in fact, Mr. Galli did so in an editorial: 

But the facts in this instance are unambiguous: The president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents. That is not only a violation of the Constitution; more importantly, it is profoundly immoral. The impeachment hearings have illuminated the president’s moral deficiencies for all to see. This damages the institution of the presidency damages the reputation of our country, and damages both the spirit and the future of our people. None of the president’s positives can balance the moral and political danger we face under a leader of such grossly immoral character.

To the many evangelicals who continue to support Mr. Trump in spite of his blackened moral record, we might say this: Remember who you are and whom you serve. Consider how your justification for Mr. Trump influences your witness to your Lord and Savior. Consider what an unbelieving world will say if you continue to brush off Mr. Trump’s immoral words and behavior in the cause of political expediency. If we don’t reverse course now, will anyone take anything we say about justice and righteousness with any seriousness for decades to come? Can we say with a straight face that abortion is a great evil that cannot be tolerated and, with the same straight face, say that the bent and broken character of our nation’s leader doesn’t really matter in the end?

But of course, the truth has become a sin, with the most recent gang of Holy Rollers and Con Artists, claiming to understand Christianity and Christ, as if they personally actually believed as their Lord and Savior, Christ would choose a man like Trump to spread HIS Gospel. So the response from the Pay to Pray Gang comes as no surprise: “We’ve heard this before,” Perkins said. “Christians should apply a biblical worldview, not a PC worldview, to the current political landscape. @realdonaldtrump‘s robust record on life & religious liberty speaks for itself.”(Tony Perkins)……….@CTmagazine is a dying magazine that has been “Never Trump” from the beginning. They are going against 99% of evangelical Republicans who oppose impeachment. President @realDonaldTrump is the most pro-life, pro-religious liberty, pro-Israel president in history! (Dr. Robert Jeffress)........ Less than 20% of evangelicals supported @HillaryClinton in 2016 but now @CTmagazine has removed any doubt that they are part of the same 17% or so of liberal evangelicals who have preached the social gospel for decades! CT unmasked! (Franklin Graham)

But this Christmas, the Night may not be so Silent after all. Peter Wehner, is a veteran of three administrations (Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush) and the author of The Death of Politics, and he added his voice to the self-anointed False Idols“ That’s the significance of what Christianity Today did,” “They stood up and they said: ‘No, that’s not right. We can’t continue with this charade, this moral freak show anymore.’”

Friday, December 20, 2019

Vacate your Responsibilities

This is a blog about a Few Things on this Friday: I write these THINGS, as the overly tired Trump Forever’s, the overly cornered and cowardly Congress, the overly pretentious partisan politicians, the overly ruined Russian propaganda used and abused eunuch’s, are all packing their bags, and flying home, supposedly to speak to the People of their districts…in other words, take another vacation, avoiding anything that might at all provide comfort and care for We The People. Yet another perk from which the taxpayer (Oops, I mean those of us not the 1%, and the Corporations who have not yet attained People Hood), pays!

It is the Christmas Holiday (If you look closely at the GOP, very few of their white brethren would celebrate Hanukah or Kwanza, and if they did so, much consternation and much disdain, and of course, without the permission of people like White Supremacist Stephen Miller) This Family First Group of Goons using this paid vacation as an excuse for the Putin pirated Republican Party, to go back home and avoid discussing the coup that they begun, in the process of demolishing Democracy. The Democrats are leaving the sinking ship which is Congress also, so they can confer and conference on their next steps to keep Democracy alive…but then, after the Democrat Debacle (MY bad, I mean the Debate, the Democrats are also home trying to decide which process will be the best to either shoot them in their feet, eat their own, or become hysterical hyper Partisans within their own Political Party!  

The point of this Friday Few Things is of course regarding the failure which has become American politicians, and the cults on both sides of the aisle, which permit such immature and uneducated actions, but more so, what is left behind as OUR Congress, takes their useless and used bodies home! In El Paso, the Border Guards, (At least that is what we call them in English, but they act more like SS Troops from Germany), have provided the ACLU and other advocacy groups with false addresses for the brown-skinned kids they have kidnapped. We still have people in Concentration Camps (or as the Trumpster refers to as used Wal-Mart Warehouses), some children will be left abandoned, and some will discover, white parents, and wonder even more about their own heritage. A radio show host and his co-hostess wife in Denver were recently fired for laughing about maybe we need another school shooting to take our minds off of the Impeachment, and the Trump Administration has cut back all kinds of money and eligibility for the poor in receiving Food Assistance. And oh yeah, for the kids rotting in the Concentration Camps, no flu shots or medications for you!  Congress IS going on vacation, but the Devil in the details remains working harder and harder! 

Thursday, December 19, 2019

a vote

The clips, the video of the Republican’s rebuttal of a corrupt, contemptuous, clown, selfish, and a dangerous treasonous, maniac, maniacal, moron, all trying their best to permit their Political Party, to become the center of attention, saving their political professions, were stupendous, and slimy, insidious and full of the kind of bull shit and bluster, of empty men and women pulling at rotted straws, attempting their most delusional demonstration of trying to keep a façade, a charade from imploding, and providing nothing but the odor of a most hideous fart. 

From comparing the trials of Christ, (insulting even the most mundane of Christians with that analogy), to the McCarthyism of the 50’s (a trick of the trade the Republicans salivated over while McCarthy demolished lives, and the real irony is that most of the GOP in 2019 IS their support the Communists), to trying hard to persuade the public that a man who received less of the popular vote in 2016 than his opponent (“Lock her up Hillary”), is denying the public a right to keep a despot in office, was nothing but the sham and the shame, which has become the Republican Party, renamed the Party of Trump! How in this nation, can any of the GOP House of Representatives, the People’s House, consider their actions on Wednesday, December 18, 2019, to be more Patriotic than “Taking a Knee?”

And for good measure, and reassure toward this nation, and the parts of the world, who need both a good sarcastic laugh, and a sad reminder that the US is as vulnerable as any uneducated, bigoted nation on Earth, Trump stood before his adoring crowd of maggots in Grand Rapids, and humiliated himself, by demeaning the death of a long-time Congressman, a war veteran, a man who fought for the equal rights of workers, and civil rights for all Americans, John Dingell. And acting as he truly is a Second Banana, trump throws in the punchline, Rep. Dingell is looking up from Hell. AND these ARE the actions of a MAN the GOP, in strict unity defended…Not the man, (because even these treasonous politicians understand the evil emanating from Trump.) FEAR, it keeps his base alive, and thriving, but if that is all you desire from your leaders you become nothing but a pathetic pile of shit!

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

the side show

“I think the greatest illusion we have is that denial protects us. It's actually the biggest distortion and lie. In fact, staying asleep is what's killing us.” (Eve Ensler)---- “So let the sideshow begin, Hurry, hurry, step right on in, Can't afford to pass it by, Guaranteed to make you cry…”(Bobby Rivkin/Lisa Coleman/Wendy Melvoin)

For the brave, I give you credit, watching, the partisan politicians, decide the fate of this nation. For the GOP, gerrymandered into office, or rewarded for their voter suppression antics, their purging of voting rights for citizens of a once free country, it is about nothing BUT, licking the rotting wounds of a man who given the choice of asking for empathy or just driving through a crowded street, would beg for the keys to a tank. For the Democrats, it is about the removal from office, of a man who thinks he is King, has the ability to remain above the law, and will, if left to his own devices, divide and conquer this nation with the assistance Vladimir Putin.

I began watching the procedure, thinking I am living history in real-time, but a wave of nausea swept my gut so severely I actually ran to the bathroom to puke up the essence of evil. I now understand how an Exorcism might work, and he chaotic gyrations of removing the demon from your own soul! YES, it has been and IS that revolting to watch, the GOP pretend that the Constitution, with the exception of the Second Amendment (and even that is questionable as to their understanding), is meaningless as long as Conservative Judges, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, racial bigotry, anti-sematic, and theocratic Dictators and their minions remain in place. For the GOP, Trump IS above the law, and for Trump, he has never been told differently, nor faced any major consequence where the law has really stopped his criminal and devious behavior.

I need to breathe and have been suffocating ever since I discovered that the Russians, with the Republican Leadership as Enablers, elected Trump as Commander-In-Chief. Three years later, the slow but methodical smothering of anything of truth, value, morals, freedom, fairness or quality has slowly been in place, and I worry when will the final death knell be heralded by those who can only demand the death of democracy! 

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Joe and I just returned from our American prerogative, as citizens of a country which STILL permits protest, free speech, and an opportunity to gather in groups to speak the truth! I write this, as not a big deal that Joe and I participated in the Nationwide Pre-Impeachment Rally’s, but that in fact it just might be one big deal, if Trump remains in the office of President, and #Moscow Mitch continues to spit in the face of Liberty and Justice, and shits upon our Constitution, BECAUSE, in most Authoritarian Regimes, no one but the Dictator has the privilege to speak up or speak out!

On Wednesday, December 17, 2019, the House will vote on Articles of Impeachment, which in a more perfect world, would never have happened, had the person sitting in the Oval Office, first not been hacked into, secondly not used the power of foreign nations to corrupt our election, and thirdly, for me the most important part…Had those who voted for Trump, done one iota of a background check, one moment of asking why everything he was supposed to provide this nation regarding finances, taxes and business dealings was kept a secret, or those who felt it was better not to vote for Hillary…we would not be faced with a Plutocracy wrapped in Theocracy smothered in Fascism potential government.

We protested with hundreds of others in West Hollywood, and I am certain millions of Americans across this nation. Silence was not heard, it was because silence ALWAYS equals death!

The Letter F

Today’s letter is F! I will not use FUCKED up as an example of a word starting with F until the very end of my continuous urgent commentaries, from which I, as an American citizen FIND, absolutely no FIELD of FLOWERS, except a patch of Poppies, which once stood upon, will only hinder our sense of FREEDOM, lulling us into a world of Authoritarianism and FACSIT governance!

FRE·NET·IC (lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible.) The GOP has behaved in a FRENETIC manner, in trying to not only cover up the crimes and criminal activities of Donald J. Trump, and in doing so, lying to the public only to retain their jobs, has caused an Imperial Presidency to not only remain alive in the White House but Thrive! Trump and McConnell’s, FECK-LESS (lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible.) intentionally so, on McConnell’s part, irresistibly so on Trump’s behalf, have enveloped a Partisan pimple on the body of this nation, so filled with the puss of hate, that when or if it is burst, all of us will be FLOODED, with the ruins causing  a very  FA-TAL(causing death) to our nation by inciting a Civil War!  A not Civil, if you will, kind of war, but a FREN-ZIED (a state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behavior.) It seems FRUIT-LESS (failing to achieve the desired results; unproductive or useless) because the wheels of a coup are speeding FASTER and FASTER, and nothing seems to be a barrier to stop a collision immersed in corruption, collusion, and Communist intent!

I FEAR the worst, I see little to no realistic way FORWARD, as all the laws and institutionalized manner of behavior created in our, Constitution seems ignored or shat upon. And all the while FEAR seems the only word leading us into the FUTURE, and if anything at all ain’t that (I promised I would use this word) a FUCKED  up way to make tomorrow nothing but misFORTUNE!

Monday, December 16, 2019

another place to pee

As I was out this morning walking our dog Chance, my phone started to beep and an alarm was pulsating, it was early morning and honestly, at first I thought, that somehow Martial Law had been ordered, and of course, there would be no MOCK TRIAL, or FAUX TRIAL, or CIRCUS TRIAL regarding Trump’s crimes, but then looked at my phone and saw, sadly it was an Amber Alert. The madness of life goes on, amidst the chaos and consequences of a population who at one time considered a hot air balloon of a human would somehow take us into the stratosphere of prosperity, named Trump. All Trump had to play, and play well was the FEAR card, and his plan with the coordination of American allies, afraid that democracy would deny them of collecting their own fame and fortune, assisted with the financial backing and the DEAL with the DEVIL to make America into a Soviet Satellite! (Yep, the USSR, has never truly died, just like the Confederate States of America…but have remained in hiding.)

Anxiety has overtaken my body and mind. Evil is triumphing and the Guardians of the GOP and the Enablers of Trump, with the inbred hate and bigotry of insecure Americans who always need an enemy, EVIL is thriving.

Chance was taking his time sniffing all the aromas of dog pee and  had an opportunity to look at my phone, which buzzes when something which is supposed to be news comes across the internet. The statement read a majority of Democrat voters have not found consensus regarding their Party’s nominee…and that made me laugh out loud…and as Chance was still sniffing for the exact right spot to pee…I said out loud (now I am talking to myself)…does it really matter who wins the Democrat nomination, if Mitch McConnell is still the Majority Leader, and nothing has YET to be done to try and rid the hacking of our elections...I laughed again, a sad, and deep moaning laugh, at that…the Democrat Party is pretending that all the rules that once were, will still remain when November 2020 arrives, while the GOP is plotting and planning a coup. Then it dawned on me, just as Chance was peeing on a previous dogs claim of land, so will the GOP once again to claim victory, no matter how insidious it has to be, but they will not pee over the people, but take a big giant shit on We The People! 

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Raphael and Johnny

Dear Raphael (Teddy) Cruz, you are a schmuck, you know it and that Jesus impersonator you seem to use as a reason for your hate, you know the one who came a knocking on your wife’s bedroom door, and your Fidel Castro pal fathers house (Is the pay scale the same for Elvis impersonators as make-believe come and visit me Jesus’s), know it, and the Chief of Police of Houston knows all too well and called you out on your cowardness and shallowness in vetoing the one teeny tiny amendment against the NRA, THE BOYFRIEND LOOPHOLE (The term boyfriend loophole refers to a gap in American gun legislation that allows access to guns by physically abusive ex-boyfriends and stalkers with previous convictions. ... The different states in the US have tried closing this loophole by more legislation.) In addition Raphael, the Houston Police Chief had these words for you and at least two other of your bought and paid for NRA/Oligarch GOP BUDS! 

"We all know in law enforcement that one of the biggest reasons that the Senate and Mitch McConnell and John Cornyn and Ted Cruz and others" have not reached a compromise on the bill is that the National Rifle Association "doesn't like the fact that we want to take firearms out of the hands of boyfriends that abuse their girlfriends," Police Chief Art Acevedo said. 
"And who killed our sergeant?" he asked. "A boyfriend abusing his girlfriend. "You're either here for women and children and our daughters and our sisters and our aunts, or you're here for the NRA," he said. He said he did not want to see the Republican lawmakers' "little smug faces" as they talk "about how much they care about law enforcement when I'm burying a sergeant because they don't want to piss off the NRA." "Make up your minds," Acevedo said. "Whose side are you on? Gun manufacturers, the gun lobby or the children that are getting gunned down in this country every single day?" 

And all you could muster up in a Tweet, cause Tweeting is usually a safe place for weak people to hide, is that the Police Chief is playing politics and has political ambitions. No words about death, dying, innocents nor the NRA. Kind of makes you even more sub-human than you already are. And your Senior Senator from Texas, running this time in the 2020 election, trying to brush past reporters in the Halls of the Senate also used his Tweet, to become indignant and huffy puffy ( a straight version of a Lindsey Graham routine, arguing the Senate is mired in the trump Impeachment witch-hunt! What fucking bull shit from this dude! But Senator Cornyn,  the police chief had words for your cowardness and exercise in getting down on your knees for the NRA! On Monday Acevedo rejected Cornyn’s argument. “And don’t tell me, senator, with all due respect, it’s about the impeachment. Because you brag every day, you and Mitch McConnell, about getting judges confirmed. You brag about every piece of legislation you care about. “You are an American, and American blood is being shed every day in this community throughout this nation,” Acevedo said. “Do something about it or retire.”

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Are You Now

So, back in the day, the Republicans all full of themselves, and all full of Patriotic bull shit, and were fervent anti-Communists. McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence. The term refers to U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy (R-Wisconsin) and has its origins in the period in the United States known as the Second Red Scare, lasting from the late 1940s through the 1950s It was characterized by heightened political repression and a campaign spreading fear of communist influence on American institutions and of espionage by Soviet agents. After the mid-1950s, McCarthyism began to decline, mainly due to the gradual loss of public popularity and opposition from the U.S. Supreme Court led by Chief Justice Earl Warren. The Warren Court made a series of rulings that helped bring an end to McCarthyism.(Wikipedia)

Other forces encouraged the rise of McCarthyism. The more conservative politicians in the United States had historically referred to progressive reforms, such as child labor laws and women's suffrage, as "communist" or "Red plots", trying to raise fears against such changes.[15] They used similar terms during the 1930s and the Great Depression when opposing the New Deal policies of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Many conservatives equated the New Deal with socialism or Communism and thought the policies were evidence of too much influence by allegedly communist policymakers in the Roosevelt administration.[16] In general, the vaguely defined danger of "Communist influence" was a more common theme in the rhetoric of anti-communist politicians than was espionage or any other specific activity. (Wikipedia)

So, now in the DAY, the Republicans, THE PARTY of voter intimidation, gerrymandered districting, voter ID’s, voter restrictions, and INFLUENCED by a base of the Confederate States shall rise again, this nation was never intended to have a division between church and state, and should become a Christian Theocracy, White Nationalists, the KKK, and the insidious self-promoting bigots of Faux News, AND RECEIVING PLENTY OF EXTRA CASH, from the billionaire Soviet Oligarchs, has become the Party that begs the question of all of its members, “WHY ARE YOU NOW OR HAVE NEVER BEEN A MEMBER OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY. The GOP sadly still clings onto pretending the health and welfare of even its most ardent supporters is an unnecessary burden on the government, and sadly the Supreme Court has lost its standing as a neutral guidepost for the nation. The Senate Trial regarding IMPEACHMENT looms high on the horizon, and from the direct words of the Jury Pool, it seems a moot cause, that any justice will reign…because too many, let me be clear WAY TOO MANY REPUBLICANS, understand, left to their own devices they will lose the power they currently have. So the New Normal (and I hate that term) is the more foreign money that flows into the pockets of the GOP, the fewer Patriotism matters and who could give one shit about Democracy

Friday, December 13, 2019

Dear Attorneys

I am nothing more but an American citizen, and now with trump’s proclamation, since my religion of choice is Judaism, I am also a Nationalist from Jewish Land, (Does anyone know if that is near Methodist Land, Presbyterian Land or Lutheran Land), so perhaps my question does  not count, but I will ask it anyway, because I know my birth certificate does say I was born in the United States of America! Oh yeah, and I understand that we have been living under the corrosive, and corrupt land of @Moscow Mitch for quite a while, and the original Constitution means nothing to him except for the 2nd Amendment full of permission to murder and kill, BUT I must BEG the question of ALL Attorneys of Law out there in Facebook Land…how the FUCK, let me be more EXACT, how the FUCKING FUCK, will there be a fair and equitable trial in the Senate, when @Moscow Mitch has made it clear, speaking to another degenerate, Sean Hannity, that he and his Republican Klan will follow the marching orders of Trump's cadre of lawyers.  So the pool of Jurors has already sided with the defendant, without any due diligence or recusal, or other legal bull shit! So, please all you Attorneys, explain to me a simple communal worker, retired, how this is a Lady Justice still wearing her blindfold? 

unsolved mysteries

Unsolved mysteries Part 1056! (Days Trump has remained hacked into office)
A Congressman, named Gaetz sitting on the Judiciary Committee, with at least a known record of one DUI, by which his wealthy DADDY, had paid to have it removed and, paid to have the police officer writing ticket fired…decided to call out Hunter Biden on his past drug use…A Congressman named Jim Jordan, all full of fire and fury, insisting that facts don’t matter, is also accused of knowing full well of misappropriating sexual behavior at Ohio State, by a wrestling coach, named Strauss who had a habit among other thing masturbating in the showers with his wrestling team, and Jordon’s response was “Yeah that’s Strauss…” Congressman and inbred entity Louie Gohmert blurts out the supposed name of the Whistleblower, and is proud to have broken a Federal law, prohibiting such actions, and pats himself on the back with his third arm! These three are just a short selection of Congressmen voting on the merits of Trump’s Impeachment. @ Moscow Mitch, and Leningrad Lindsey both jurors on the upcoming Senate trial regarding articles of Impeachment have both decided that no matter what evidence Trump is innocent, imagine that happening in any other court, regarding the selection of a Jury! And Senator Bayou Kennedy, confused and dazed has decided on taking a trip to Russia before the Impeachment trial, yet one more Juror!

Doctors with medicine and flue vaccinations, whose only intent is to try and keep innocent children and their families a bit healthier, while they waste away in the squalor of Concentrations Camps or Cages, are arrested, for attempting nothing more than trying to save lives. The Gang of Christian Crusaders who are always banning abortion because life is Jesus’s message, remain silent, nowhere to be seen, and celebrate the fact that ICE Agents have become the Gestapo or the SS. And the Border Patrol and other forms of Trump's military have no conscience in watching kids suffer, or parents full of wrought, because they are just following orders, and empathy is not on the To-Do List!

Once again, behind closed doors, with no American translator, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Lavrov visits Trump in the White House. No transparency needed, and no shock and aw by any Republican Politician. Melania, or is it Melanie (depending on the Dementia Drugs Trump is taking at the time), is somewhere buying a new dress or getting a better facelift so her lips actually move when she tries to lie, is completely silent as Trump cyberbullies Greta Thunberg, (yet once again.) No reason here for Donald To Be Best! Pastor Robert Jeffress expresses Jews rotting in Hell at the White House Hanukah Dinner, and “Mums the word, from two prominent Jews, Robert Kraft, and Alan Dershowitz, as well as the Jewish Prince and Princess Kushner. Oh, there is so much more, but we are only on Day 1056, since Putin declared war on the USA, with the assistance of his army of Evangelical Snake Oil Salesmen and the entire Republican Party!

Thursday, December 12, 2019


Since Melania's native language is Slovenian, I thought maybe, she might be having some trouble with English, since she always seems so silent when her latest hustle bully's and bully's and she pretends with her mouth that really never moves that she detests cyberbullying, so I thought I would send her a message in her native tongue!

Hej Melania, ali kot pravi tvoj mož, Melanie. Najboljše sranje za prvo damo je samo to, sranje! Vas ni sram, ker imata sina Barrona dva starša, ki le lažeta in lažeta in lažeta?

Hey Melania, or as your husband sometimes says, Melanie. Your Be best First Lady crap is just that, bull shit! Aren't you embarrassed for your son Barron, having two parents who only lie and lie and lie?

Hey Kids

Hey there, Arabella Rose, Theodore James, and Joseph Frederick, I am wondering have you asked your parents Ivanka and Jared which city in Jewish Land you were born. Your Grandfather, no not the Felon, but the other one, the Russian Agent/Spy/Asset has stated that Judaism is a Nationality, or maybe he said JudenLand. I am not quite certain; I get confused between your Grandad Donald Putin and Adolph Hitler. Also, your parents and your Felon Grandfather Kushner are in the real estate business, have you asked them if they are brutal beasts, you know the way Grandpa Donald Putin described Jews, kind of similar to how Adolph Hitler described Jews as vicious bankers, and money lenders! Oh yeah, I am curious have you asked your parents, if according to Grandpa Donald Putin’s bestie Pastor Robert Jeffress if you as Jewish people from either Jewish Land or Juden Land will be going to Hell, and when that might be. Or you can ask two other Jewish buds of your Grandpa Donald Putin, Alan Dershowitz, and Robert Kraft if they will be joining you in Hell at the same time! Oh, by the way, Kushner Kids, do you think your Grandpa Donald Putin even knows you three are Jewish?

And, please, if you are reading this I DO NOT want to hear word one on leaving the Kushner kids out of the anti-Semitic policies and politics of their parents, until the Prince and Princess Kushner address publicly how INNOCENT kids with brown skin are being held captive in Concentration Camps/Cages/ and or sexually assaulted or left to die without medical care. Once the Prince and Princess Kushner demand that ALL kids are as equal as Arabella Rose, Theodore James, and Joseph Frederick!


We the People have run out of time to play fair, be kind, try and find consensus, and let the liars lead. We have pretended that democracy is a goal the Republicans have engendered themselves toward celebrating when all the while, treacherous, and treasonous tropes have truly been their rhyme and reason. This nonsense and circus-like tactics used by the GOP to defer and deny and only enable Trump and Russia to collude and coordinate a war against the United States both a Civil War and international conflict must no longer be tolerated. Trump loves to jump upon those he deems his enemies, and with his psychopathic, sociopathic personality he has succeeded along with I am certain both the mafia of America and Russia. It’s time for ALL Americans, excluding the real “Deep State” traitors of MAGA-Ville, Faux Noise, the Klan, the Nazi’s (both bad and good), and the long-time ancestors of the Confederate States of America, as well as the Evangelical American Taliban, whose only interest is creating a Christianized version of Sharia Law, to FIGHT BACK loudly…enough trying to play by rules that the ReRussicans ignore, and laugh at!

First of all Trump your Anti-Sematic Trope about the Jews being a nationality is full bull crap most likely created by the most self-loathing JEW, Stephen Miller…and Sheldon Adelson, Bernie Marcus, The Prince, and Princess Kushner fuck you for your arranging passages on the trains to some very soon to be built Concentration Camps in America for the newly invented Jewish Nationals! By the way all of you fucking Jews working for Trump or Jewish Donors to Trump please tell where on the map is JEWISH LAND? Is located next to Presbyterian Land, Methodist Land, Catholic Land Lutheran land?

And speaking of Concentration Camps, a but go to hell to the Guardsmen and Guardswomen on the Border who arrested doctors for trying to keep Immigrants healthy by the mere audacity of providing flu vaccine. And to the ICE Agents, all proud and machismo in your ICE outfits which might as well have the same insignias as Hitters beloved SS, go to the same Hell the German Soldiers find themselves, for JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS. This IS still America, we fought against the kind of tyranny to keep despots and delirious dictators from murdering the innocent. You have a choice, for fuck sakes JUST quit! Nothing Patriotic about torturing children, dividing families, letting kids die and for the few of you still trying to de-emasculate your already insecure egos, stop raping the women.

And all of you Military Families, and all of you in the Military currently, or you Vets, that think Trump and his cavalier ReRussicans and their talk of nationalism makes them real Americans, BULL SHIT. You all know better. You or your family have provided this nation with your own life, and bravery. The bone spur guy has made criminals in the military hero’s. The lacky and his other draft dodger advisors, are permitting our allies the Kurds to die, and have any of you even begun to read the Afghan Papers and remember the lies about the War in Viet Nam. And where the Hell is any evidence that VA is any better than when Bush or Obama were presidents?

And if your own leadership is giving the middle finger to America, why IS taking a knee so offensive to you when Vladimir Putin and his army of Oligarchs have bought and bribed and blackmailed the ReRussicans Party. IT IS TIME TO REVOLT!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

A Quiz

Quiz time and the answers have something to do with either Trump or the ReRussicans!

When is a murderous act against this nation by foreign fighters not called terrorism?…when Trump is being bribed by the Saudi Royal Family…When is a Concentration Camp not like the ones established by the Nazis to separate a demographic in order to punish them for just being alive?…when the ReRussicans build them!… When is the Constitution an old school invalid piece of paper, undermining the freedoms to create a dictatorship?...when Trump wants to break the law to make money for himself and consider himself either a Chairman, a King, or Despot…When are allies considered enemies and enemies considered allies?...when Trump and the ReRussicans are bribed blackmailed or bullied to do so!

When are stupid, bigotry, bias, and racism considered qualifications for a job?...when Trump and the ReRussicans run for office and are elected either by a group so gerrymandered that the average IQ of that demographic is below 10, or he Evangelical Jesus has said so! When is it considered a good thing that a nation, like the Confederate States, or Russia or North Korea, are more Patriotic than say your average American who happens to identify as a Democrat or progressive or a Liberal?...when Trump is playing to his base, Trump is bragging about his own racist roots, or the ReRussicans are receiving paychecks and placing them in offshore accounts, or Trump is being directed by Putin to just screw the world! When do Jews hate Jews, Women despise Women, Homosexuals could give a shit about other homosexuals?...when tax breaks are so huge, that nothing but finances matter more than freedom!

And when was the last time this government, ever came completely transparent regarding its generation and eagerness to create wars, which devastate the lives of American citizens, set to rubble the landscape and environment of other nationals, but either make a politician regain his or her popularity in the polls, and create a great profit for the Industrial War Machine?...NEVER!