Quiz time and the answers have something to do with either Trump or the ReRussicans!
When is a murderous act against this nation by foreign fighters not called terrorism?…when Trump is being bribed by the Saudi Royal Family…When is a Concentration Camp not like the ones established by the Nazis to separate a demographic in order to punish them for just being alive?…when the ReRussicans build them!… When is the Constitution an old school invalid piece of paper, undermining the freedoms to create a dictatorship?...when Trump wants to break the law to make money for himself and consider himself either a Chairman, a King, or Despot…When are allies considered enemies and enemies considered allies?...when Trump and the ReRussicans are bribed blackmailed or bullied to do so!
When are stupid, bigotry, bias, and racism considered qualifications for a job?...when Trump and the ReRussicans run for office and are elected either by a group so gerrymandered that the average IQ of that demographic is below 10, or he Evangelical Jesus has said so! When is it considered a good thing that a nation, like the Confederate States, or Russia or North Korea, are more Patriotic than say your average American who happens to identify as a Democrat or progressive or a Liberal?...when Trump is playing to his base, Trump is bragging about his own racist roots, or the ReRussicans are receiving paychecks and placing them in offshore accounts, or Trump is being directed by Putin to just screw the world! When do Jews hate Jews, Women despise Women, Homosexuals could give a shit about other homosexuals?...when tax breaks are so huge, that nothing but finances matter more than freedom!
And when was the last time this government, ever came completely transparent regarding its generation and eagerness to create wars, which devastate the lives of American citizens, set to rubble the landscape and environment of other nationals, but either make a politician regain his or her popularity in the polls, and create a great profit for the Industrial War Machine?...NEVER!