“Being disappointed is one thing and being discouraged is something else. I am disappointed but I am not discouraged.”
― Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie
― Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie
“Memory takes a lot of poetic license. It omits some details; others are exaggerated, according to the emotional value of the articles it touches, for memory is seated predominantly in the heart. The interior is therefore rather dim and poetic.”
― Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie
― Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie
“The future becomes the present, the present the past, and the past turns into everlasting regret if you don't plan for it!”
― Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie
― Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie
The United States of America is not as it seems, nor, sadly has it ever really been the land of the free the home of the brave. It has been a game board for the wealthy, the arrogant, the selfish, the self-serving, and a host of bottom feeders, whose desire is to divide and conquer. Recently a few secrets, have become uncovered and the tales they tell are leaving me with one of the heaviest hearts ever, I have felt for a nation I believed in.
A recent list of Dark money donors toward the Trump and Republican campaigns reads like a list of Fortune 500. Investment Firms, Banks, 1% Families whose wealth when added up triple the wealth of the rest of the 99%. Corporations as people have evolved into a treasonous, poisonous pariah, all façade, with no depth except the destruction of democracy to be replaced with a PLUTOCRACY. Now the Washington Post has been able to provide the public with once upon a time secret documents hidden from view by the Bush/Obama/Trump Administration’s regarding their lack of a plan, lack of direction, lack of resolving, and lack of undoing the devastation which has been the War in Afghanistan. Military hierarchy, well paid Department head, Directors of this Agency and that Agency, sitting around together with no solution to the War in Afghanistan, which has cost the American people, the lives, the will, the love, of men and women whose honor was to serve this country, and this country, who practically could have given one shit! History DOES repeat itself, FAUX Viewers and die-hard Republicans, we were sold a bill of bull shit in Viet Nam and it continued with our War in Afghanistan.
Now, we have a Republican Congress more concerned with the welfare of a corrupt, convicted criminal, Trump, who has admitted to so many illegal actions as President, that one has to wonder why is no one in jail. And unless, it is more Russian propaganda, from which Facebook has no problem in printing, or worse if it is EVEN close to the truth; almost a majority of Republican voters are siding with Putin, considering he is an ally! More Concentration Camps are being built; more Immigrants taken to secret locations. Meal programs are being denied the poor and the Religious right is celebrating the starvation of the American people. Trump is considered the next Jesus, and the mainstream Christian community remains silent. Trump tells Jews they had better vote for him and slanders Jews as brutal me and women of business, and few Jews, other than the Democrats seem to care! Judges refuse to marry homosexual couples, and the Log Cabin Gays response is, it’s all about the finances. Women across the nation will no longer be permitted to own their reproductive anatomy, and now ultrasounds are required if a female desires the right to abort. Republican/and the Evangelical American Taliban Females rejoice.
I read The Glass Menagerie in high school and was profoundly impressed with Tennessee Williams understanding of the Human Condition. I have begun to see all of us, a nothing but breakable glass on a shelf, which at any time can just shatter. Tennessee Williams also provided hope, I must try and hold onto that, but each day, I find my fingertips slipping away and my body falling into an abyss. And none of this HAD or HAS to happen. Where is the Revolution!