Unsolved mysteries Part 1056! (Days Trump has remained hacked into office)
A Congressman, named Gaetz sitting on the Judiciary Committee, with at least a known record of one DUI, by which his wealthy DADDY, had paid to have it removed and, paid to have the police officer writing ticket fired…decided to call out Hunter Biden on his past drug use…A Congressman named Jim Jordan, all full of fire and fury, insisting that facts don’t matter, is also accused of knowing full well of misappropriating sexual behavior at Ohio State, by a wrestling coach, named Strauss who had a habit among other thing masturbating in the showers with his wrestling team, and Jordon’s response was “Yeah that’s Strauss…” Congressman and inbred entity Louie Gohmert blurts out the supposed name of the Whistleblower, and is proud to have broken a Federal law, prohibiting such actions, and pats himself on the back with his third arm! These three are just a short selection of Congressmen voting on the merits of Trump’s Impeachment. @ Moscow Mitch, and Leningrad Lindsey both jurors on the upcoming Senate trial regarding articles of Impeachment have both decided that no matter what evidence Trump is innocent, imagine that happening in any other court, regarding the selection of a Jury! And Senator Bayou Kennedy, confused and dazed has decided on taking a trip to Russia before the Impeachment trial, yet one more Juror!
Doctors with medicine and flue vaccinations, whose only intent is to try and keep innocent children and their families a bit healthier, while they waste away in the squalor of Concentrations Camps or Cages, are arrested, for attempting nothing more than trying to save lives. The Gang of Christian Crusaders who are always banning abortion because life is Jesus’s message, remain silent, nowhere to be seen, and celebrate the fact that ICE Agents have become the Gestapo or the SS. And the Border Patrol and other forms of Trump's military have no conscience in watching kids suffer, or parents full of wrought, because they are just following orders, and empathy is not on the To-Do List!
Once again, behind closed doors, with no American translator, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Lavrov visits Trump in the White House. No transparency needed, and no shock and aw by any Republican Politician. Melania, or is it Melanie (depending on the Dementia Drugs Trump is taking at the time), is somewhere buying a new dress or getting a better facelift so her lips actually move when she tries to lie, is completely silent as Trump cyberbullies Greta Thunberg, (yet once again.) No reason here for Donald To Be Best! Pastor Robert Jeffress expresses Jews rotting in Hell at the White House Hanukah Dinner, and “Mums the word, from two prominent Jews, Robert Kraft, and Alan Dershowitz, as well as the Jewish Prince and Princess Kushner. Oh, there is so much more, but we are only on Day 1056, since Putin declared war on the USA, with the assistance of his army of Evangelical Snake Oil Salesmen and the entire Republican Party!