We had a foreign terrorist attack on the shores of the United States by a group of Saudi’s, all of this on Trump's watch. We are witnessing a cover-up, a conciliatory re-telling of that terrorist attack, by Trump, because he has been bribed and owned by the Saudi Royal Family. Foreign Terrorism has come back to America, and not ONE Republican has been loud enough to insist, and demand action is taken against the Saudi Government.
Yeah, yeah, Rick Scott, Governor DeSantis, and Matt (DUI) Gaetz have moaned and groaned, but not an iota of ANY REPLY has been initiated by Trump.
I am so tired of saying IMAGINE if this had happened under Obama…I would rather say, why are not the Dems acting in the same WILD and Beating the War Drums and demanding Trump DO something in retaliation! When the President of the US is a pawn a puppet and owes billions of dollars to dictators, and that guy is a Republican nothing seems to matter regarding the security of this nation! I for one am so tired of this!