OMG! Of all the nerve…Trump has to be called from his game of golf to deal with an emergency regarding his lack of foreign policy in Iraq. Dressed in his best Mar-A-Lago too tight golfing pants with his stuffed to the brim polo Mar-A-Lago shirt, the poor guy had to waddle over to a golf cart rented by the taxpayer and actually stop cheating at his game of golf, to pretend he gave a shit about the lives at risk in Baghdad! Serious shit is gonna come your way Iran, said Trump, holding a seven iron in his hand or was it a putter…and then his treasonous Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, “lock him up, lock him up,” warned the façade of an Iraqi Government to TAKE CARE of the situation.
OMG! Of all the nerve, on a holiday, in the midst of yet another round of golf, during the winter break from Washington, the time the Politicians pretend to speak to their Constituents, Trump had to Tweet, foreign policy, and stop fucking around. Lives of Career professionals in danger, a brink of another Middle East War…the audacity that an attack on the safest place the USA created in Iraq, had been breached…and we get a “I’ll get you my pretty and your little dog too, Tweet Storm, and then back to the Gold Course, and another Tax Payer Vacation! This stuff pisses me off, a whole lot!