“Tomorrow begins today”, corny, common, and seemingly consequence-free, but for me, three words which can carry the weight of the world upon the soul of a human who is BEING not just EXISTING…BEING is living a life in real-time, EXISTING, is permitting life to happen, but never really paying attention to its promise and purpose!
So, now we greet a year in which the trials and tribulations of a previous, fools parade, continues to crawl and creep, still seeping into our sanity, trying its best to turn us into an insane society, in which up is down, and whatever was said is considered hearsay, and whatever was true, is heresy. It might be similar to sitting at the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, in the story of ‘Alice in Wonderland; “strange characters, providing insidious conversation, and all the while ignoring the here and now has just happenstance.
So it is 2020, supposedly clearer vision, viewing vistas with a keen eye, facing forward, and hoping the newest of horizons are no mirages, but meaningful moments, meant to make us safe, free and equal. But for me, as both eyes watch what is to come next, I refuse to forget what has led me to this moment and hold history as a valid indicator providing me more insight. So, I wish, and hope, and pray, and SHOUT, let this new year be of comfort and not consequence, clear and not chaotic, correct and not corrupt! Feliz año nuevo!