Toy soldiers, nothing but plastic men on a battlefield, and the big bad bully can manipulate and mangle them any which way he decides, because, after all, they are his possession, and as long as he is King of his domain, the war will be waged, knowing that when it is finished or not he can walk away and let the plastic soldiers just waste away! Of course, Iranian General Qassim Soleimani was Evil Incarnated and deserved to feel the pain and suffering of the thousands of lives he intentionally murdered, and I am glad he is dead…BUT, now what…now what from Trump who sees the immediate, and cannot focus on the next minute the next day, let alone an exit strategy to answer the question, NOW WHAT! I am not one of the Troops going to yet another war in the Middle East, and I do not know, personally anyone who will be sent over to Iraq, but I know, many men and women will serve their country, and wonder, WHAT NOW!
Trump accused President Obama of wanting to start a war with Iran to get elected. Trump has been jealous ever since President Obama sent in the Seals to capture and kill Osama Bin Laden. Trump’s MAGA minions believe power is the only tenant necessary to make America great, again, and again, and the ass lickers left in the State Department and the midget Military leaders (those too afraid to correct Trump’s impulsive behaviors) will abide by any bull shit bogus, handed down to them by Trump.
Criminal proceedings are have multiplied since the first Articles of Impeachment had been issued. More eyewitnesses addressing the actual laws broke by Trump have emerged. Congress once again has been left out of decision making, and the future of peace or war, safety or terrorism. And like most irrational and knee jerk actions, Trump pretends he is Emperor, or King, or Chairman, and places the lives of others in harm's way. He now can once again play with his plastic toy soldiers, showing no understanding, or empathy for the actions taken and about to take place!