If YOU play by YOUR own set of rules, that only YOU decided should be the extent by which ANYONE, participate in the laws of the land, why should ANYONE else adhere to those rules, and concede that anything before is null and void? But when the ANYONE else is a Democrat, and the YOU is both the President and GOP Majority Leader, somehow whatever came before no longer matters, and the road ahead becomes not only winding, but full of ruts, potholes, and mysterious rock formations, where most likely more criminal activity live and are nurtured.
So, it seems according to the way of the Senate world, one in which a Lord and Master, named Moscow Mitch, in defiance of any democracy laden Constitution, working cunningly so for a King named Trump, will ONLY play by HIS rules, and the United States will no longer keep its three branches of government as co-equal partners used as a “checks and balances,” so its citizens can continue to reap the rewards of a Revolutionary War 243 years ago.
The commentary that as president the MAN or WOMAN can have free reign over the status of this nation in the world, which might include, a quid pro quo or two for self-preservation, let me say that again, for only PERSONAL GAIN…the bull shit commentary that we must let the people decide the fate of the Executive Branch, so to Impeach, stains the Constitution (which already has been stained by an Imperial Presidency)…the pie in your face, cowardliness of politicians placing their political careers ahead of truth/fact/and the law…the fact…that if provided, in a public forum, and the fact that even more facts drop like orange turds FACTS MATTER, and because these FACTS are so heinous as to the guilt of Trump…these FACTS would force ANY ONE of conscience and patriotism to IMPEACH TRUMP, and ALL OF THE FACTS most likely withheld from the American public is scary and dystopian destruction for a doomed and decayed future and the demise of the US Democracy!