Another day, another civics lesson, another reminder that if no one speaks out, this nation will become nothing more than one more Soviet Republic, and suffer the consequences of FEAR, LYING, GREED, and CORRUPTION, and that any nation unable to maintain law, and a Republic established to NEVER become a Kingdom or a Dystopian Land Mass, is a fragile thing no matter how many years of its existence. Another day, and it is not quite over, but today, I learned that Rudy Giuliani is Trumps’ Roy Cohn, and Heinrich Himmler (at least Himmler was in the army, not a mere citizen.) I have learned so far, that the GOP might as well be called the KGB.
What I already knew, but had it hammered hard today, was and is the fact, that never EVER did Trump want to become President, but in fact wished and desired to either be a King, or make America his own business (and we know how badly all of those have gone,) and to forgo the Constitution (something he once heard about but never read), and to act the Mafia Boss, sending his Goons to intimidate and dismantle any other legitimate governing bodies. And one more thing that came out loud and clear today was and IS the fact, that Russia stole/hacked/intruded in the 2016 election, is still intending to do the same thing in 2020, to re-elect Trump…and that a large of Republican ass licker and politicians were the perfect enablers. A long day’s journey into night, so it is said…and I worry if we will ever see the transparency of a new day ever again!