Each night for the past three and a half, almost coming on four years, I go to sleep, anxious, and worried, that when the new morning appears, and day breaks, I will no longer live in a country, I have recognized for my 70 years of life, and I will become a prisoner, of a dictatorial regime, enhanced, encouraged and involved with enemies of the state. I used to worry that it was only Vladimir Putin who was the puppet master, a foreign terrorist; but after the details of today’s news, (Wednesday, January 15, 2020,) I am even more concerned regarding OUR domestic terrorists, ranging from the Evangelical American Taliban, the FOX Entertainers disguised as humans but really Pod People, and now almost the entire Republican Party, its politicians as well as its administrative snake oil salespeople, to members of our own government, named Pompeo, Pence, Barr, McConnell, Nunes, as well as used up toilet paper salesmen such as Giuliani and Kushner!
I am not overreacting, as a matter of fact, I feel ashamed that I have not ACTED enough to save my country, from Domestic Terrorist, a Traitor, a Treasonous Tyrant named Trump. Who knows what other evil is lurking in the demented, dangerous, and predatory mind of a sociopath, who even as we speak has all the power and still the permission as President to end my, yours, OUR Democracy and Freedom? If you have not been afraid if you have just ignored all of this…and if YOU even think all the Bull Shit surrounding who will win the Iowa Caucus matters…you and I and we are in for a rude awakening while Trump remains the Commander-In-Chief! It soon will be bedtime for me, here on Pacific Coast time, but tonight I know I will lay awake wondering, if America will be the same, the morning of Thursday, January 16, 2020!