On Monday, January 27, 2020, all we heard was that Obama, Joe Biden both should have been impeached. We heard Dershowitz debate amongst himself, whether what he was telling the Senate made legal sense or didn’t, and how what he said, could be misconstrued, or construed, or right or wrong, what hey, what the heck this is trump so he’s a good guy leave him alone.
On Monday, January 27, 2020, we heard Ken Starr insist that having sex with a female aid, is worse than fucking the Constitution! All the lawyers tried to tell us that separations of powers as written in the Constitution were not written to include the Executive Branch, because the Executive Branch is like the Royalty which the Founding Fathers really did intend the Executive Branch, to mimic. We heard that this President was just following in the footstep of other Presidents (except for Obama of course,) in withholding any information he so desired, especially if that information concluded that he President broke a few articles listed in the Constitution which indeed begged the question for Impeachment. And we heard that the Perfect letter and conversation with Zelinsky was not really perfect, and perhaps then information relayed to Zelinsky was way below the standards of law, but none of that mattered because Trump is the Executive and he can say and do whatever he wishes. We did hear that this President, is really new at the game of being the Commander-In-Chief, so if he cuddles up with the Russians, or ignores the Constitutional rights of the Congress give the guy a break! We heard more embellishments on the truth (we call them lies) The only thing we didn’t hear, surprisingly was that it was HILLARY who did the whole thing.
We also heard on Monday, January 27, 2020, that Rudy Giuliani was a nobody, unimportant as a scab on a newt in the Amazon Forest kind of nobody! But we ended, the Impeachment Trial on Monday, January 27, 2020, with a semi-rant from Alan Dershowitz that almost made, Rudy Giuliani seem that his mental health issues had all disappeared. Dershowitz, contradicted himself about half a dozen times, seemed like some street person rambling about a scrap of food on the ground, and telling the American public, Trump most likely IS guilty, but ITS TRUMP, so what the fuck!