A new report has made its way from the slimy propaganda cell blocks owned and operated by Russian Oligarchs, bought and paid for by Putin to once again assure that his Primary Puppet Trump, wins a rigged election, by having HACKERS tap into emails of the Ukrainian Gas Company Burisma, hoping to find, no let's be more honest about it, wishing to create false information and negative disinformation about Biden, as was done regarding Hillary. Two years of Republican Propaganda, two years of media frenzy trying to make her the bad Hillary, two years of Trump asking if anyone has any dirt on Hillary just keep on digging it up…and now almost four years of greed, crime, treason, tyranny, a blackmailed and bribed Republican Party, run by Russian Agents like McConnell/Graham/Nunes/Pence/Pompeo/Barr…and we watch Ground Hog Day reappear in a more bold and dangerous iteration!
But to make matters even worse, and this IS the part that EATS AWAY AT ANY COMMON SENSE, the remaining participants running for President from the Democrat Party are “eating each other alive.” Yep like flesh-eating Zombies, the candidates are fighting among themselves, not even trying to unite the Democrats or even the Independents, and maybe some honest to God Moderate Republicans. The ego’s, the sheer insanity that THEIR egos are the priority over a unified attempt to defeat Trump at the polls, is as amazing to me as watching the Sun Implode, creating a Super Nova! WTF! The 2020 elections should be about a UNIFIED, COHESIVE, COMMON GOAL, to come together, fight as one voice, win the White House, take back the Senate and keep the majority in the House…But, somehow, those men and women running to do this, seem to be running right into the arms of the Putin backed candidate Trump.
Ya want to call something Bull Shit, well here we have it America! It’s as if, we lose THIS election, we will have another try…Trump gets a second term and the only part of the Constitution to remain will be the 2nd Amendment!