Now, a new Reality TV Courtroom Comedy will be presented for the American viewers! A special delight, actually on how justice is nothing but a lot of sleight of hand, insidious tricks of the trade, and a bunch of smoke and mirrors to keep you off guard from EVER discovering a truth, because the truth actually can be a deadly result, resulting in the arrest removal and Impeachment of a man who has lived his entire life, facing zero consequences for his intentional actions. This new Reality Courtroom Comedy (minus the courtroom and replaced with a Good Old Boys Private Club, the Senate Chambers) will promise to be a combination, of the OJ Trial/Judge Judy/Maury Povitch/with Attorneys at Law, who are more Showmen, and Snake Oil Salesmen then actual Lawyers.
So it seems, Alan Dershowitz and Ken Starr have been hired to defend the crimes, mafioso, treason, and tyranny of their good bud, Trump, a lavish, bling driven, never once telling the truth, hacked into office with via bribes, and blackmail, Commander-In-Chief! These D List Stars will provide performance but might not actually care to perform the duties to protect the American people from a THUG. Facts which have never mattered will be considered fiction, and in fact, we may never be permitted to see or read the facts, because they are so damaging, that Trump under unbelievable acts of obstruction of justice, has decided are too toxic (for him to have public access!
We will witness hypocrisy, mendacity, the waylay of justice in manners causing many of us to just shout at the TV FUCK YOU! But, as much as I relish the fact that Trump is finally…well almost being held accountable for his failings, and his self-interests, and narcissistic sociopathic behaviors…I am only thinking that what will take place is a side-show extravaganza. There are too many people in this nation who believe because the word Reality is placed before the letters TV, everything witnessed MUST be real! Oh yeah, if you wish to call me pre-prejudiced, then my response to you IS DUH, have you been living in a cave, and not smelled the stench, watched the con, and read the first-hand reports regarding ALL of the illicit and illegal activities of Trump. So, please don’t bother me with any…but’s or maybe’s or perhaps’!