Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Letter F

Today’s letter is F! I will not use FUCKED up as an example of a word starting with F until the very end of my continuous urgent commentaries, from which I, as an American citizen FIND, absolutely no FIELD of FLOWERS, except a patch of Poppies, which once stood upon, will only hinder our sense of FREEDOM, lulling us into a world of Authoritarianism and FACSIT governance!

FRE·NET·IC (lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible.) The GOP has behaved in a FRENETIC manner, in trying to not only cover up the crimes and criminal activities of Donald J. Trump, and in doing so, lying to the public only to retain their jobs, has caused an Imperial Presidency to not only remain alive in the White House but Thrive! Trump and McConnell’s, FECK-LESS (lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible.) intentionally so, on McConnell’s part, irresistibly so on Trump’s behalf, have enveloped a Partisan pimple on the body of this nation, so filled with the puss of hate, that when or if it is burst, all of us will be FLOODED, with the ruins causing  a very  FA-TAL(causing death) to our nation by inciting a Civil War!  A not Civil, if you will, kind of war, but a FREN-ZIED (a state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behavior.) It seems FRUIT-LESS (failing to achieve the desired results; unproductive or useless) because the wheels of a coup are speeding FASTER and FASTER, and nothing seems to be a barrier to stop a collision immersed in corruption, collusion, and Communist intent!

I FEAR the worst, I see little to no realistic way FORWARD, as all the laws and institutionalized manner of behavior created in our, Constitution seems ignored or shat upon. And all the while FEAR seems the only word leading us into the FUTURE, and if anything at all ain’t that (I promised I would use this word) a FUCKED  up way to make tomorrow nothing but misFORTUNE!