Wednesday, September 30, 2020

A Call To Arms





I made a last-minute decision and chose to view something called a Presidential Debate, knowing that in doing so, I would purposely offend any morsel of human dignity, remaining in my body, regarding the thing referred to as the Body Politic (The body politic is a medieval metaphor that likens a nation to a corporation which had serious historical repercussions throughout recent history and therefore giving the Crown – "as a legal entity today the Crown as executive is regarded as a corporation sole or aggregate" – a corporate entity.) From the moment, TRUMP roiled onto the stage, looking as if he had just escaped the ravages of a dozen or so Orange Dye Glass Bottles exploding, as he lumbered toward his podium, so bloated as to make one wonder when would his entire face become like shrapnel; I thought I was witnessing a man having a seizure and transient strokes all at one time. And then the barrage of the bully, ballistic blabber began, and I immediately understood, nothing of a debate would occur, but something more bizarre as perhaps an invitation to the Madhatter’s brunch, in which nothing was real, and only the worst intentions were to be served! I remained seated with my heart palpitations and angst, commenting aloud to Joe, expressions of such doubt and desperation for our democracy, and whirling around my head, the worries of the next 34 days, and worse, the weeks of chaos and confusion to follow! “Accepting reality on reality’s terms and having a cavalier attitude are two different things.” (Joshua Dalzelle/’Call to Arms)


A Call To Arms: a summons to engage in active hostilities/ a summons, invitation, or appeal to undertake a particular course of action.  I did not know when the timing would permit, but did realize, as the sweat grew grainier and deeper flooding the creases and mounds of flesh on the face of pure fatigue,, which failure provides, TRUMP, would not and could not refrain from the evil and hate racist and vengeful nature of which he only can survive; and TRUMP  would showcase the skeleton in his closet…and he did. “Stand back, stand alert,” A CALL TO ARMS  for his own Brown Shirts, his AUTHORITARIAN Militia of Misfits to proceed in making America Fascist, and maintaining his AUTHORITARIAN grip to remain in office, devouring democracy and disgracing, anything great left of America. And, now the Proud Boys, are one more authorized “Law and Order “ con, for TRUMP and his treasonous and cowardly Republican Party to place in their arsenal against the American citizen, and this nation!






Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Of things that go bang in the day

 Trump wanted Biden to take a drug test before the debate, once again Trump is projecting his own actions, knowing full well, his Klan of Cultists must have filled him with mega doses of any drug, permitting him to stand upright, not slur his words, continue to have him lurking around the stage like some sinister shadow man, and remember even a modicum of talking points so somewhat is spoken is in a language most people with the lowest IQ can understand. Trump ALWAYS projects the kind of nasty deeds he has done, due to his mental incapability and severe mental illness of narcissism/delusion/being a sociopath and a bit psychotic! 


So, the Evangelicals want Amy Coney Barrett as the next Christian Sharia Law Justice. Forget the fact that her religious background and cult-like church, PEOPLE OF PRAISE, exerts considerable sway over members, “lifelong promise of love and service to fellow community members, … a covenant commitment,” that members make “which establishes our relationships as members of the People of Praise community,” “our covenant is neither an oath nor a vow, but it is an important personal commitment” among people who “support each other financially and materially and spiritually.” But this candidate has had only two years’ experience on the bench and has never been responsible as an attorney to present the kind of legal issues, she will be responsible to address…which will resonate for decades!


And now, on top of all of this and THAT and THIS and THAT, once again, we learn that Trump has at least $450 million in loans that are will become due in the next years, and we have no idea TO WHOM THE MONEY IS DUE! A compromise parasite, still in office, still napping at the heels of society and we are to watch as no one in the Senate, questions any of this, but pretends he is a Republican, so that is all that is necessary!


And if you have forgotten, because Trump and his Brown Shirts, and his newest member of the Lying Class White House Coronavirus Task Force member Dr. Scott Atlas, a critic of severe lockdowns who has supported herd immunity strategies against the coronavirus -- has found himself at odds with other medical experts in his administration, including Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx. And just be certain, what fool this man is, how about the numbers…7.16 Million cases of The CORONAVIRUS and 205,000 deaths!




Monday, September 28, 2020



Today, I am distraught. I am in conflict, a bit of self-imposed turmoil, tired of the angst of just waiting with bated breath for the next natural event, or man-made, or naturally convoluted man-made disaster, dilemma, or damned stupid event to occur. Wanting to just hide in a cave, but afraid that being hidden now, might mean invisible forever! Today I am overwhelmed. One more series of events, not of my creation, but each of which has a cause and effect, creating confusion, chaos, when all I want is celebration and clarity! Today, as a Jewish man, raised in a family of combined traditions, religious, ambiguity, all presented as a recipe from which various cooks have decided how the meal should be prepared, I embrace the day of Atonement, wondering about LIFE itself, and not quite certain, why, if in fact, we live, there must be so much evil, which is, when spelled seems a backhanded slap at the word LIVE. So, I search, and seek and sought out some members of my human race, and share their thoughts, which leave me still wondering, what is LIFE! 


“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.”
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, 

“The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better.”
Robert F. Kennedy

“Human beings are so destructive. I sometimes think we're a kind of plague, that will scrub the earth clean. We destroy things so well that I sometimes think, maybe that's our function. Maybe every few eons, some animal comes along that kills off the rest of the world, clears the decks, and lets evolution proceed to its next phase.”
Michael Crichton, 

“True glory consists in doing what deserves to be written, in writing what deserves to be read, and in so living as to make the world happier and better for our living in it.”
Pliny the Elder


The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer.”-Anonymous


Sunday, September 27, 2020


Sunday, September 27, 2020: For many of the Jewish Faith, (and I am one of them) tonight is the eve of Yom Kippur ( a 24-hour period of atonement. (OR, one might pronounce it AT-ONE-MENT) Kotvenu b’sefer he-ayyim, “Inscribe us in the Book of Life,” Jews pray in the days from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur. “May you be written down and inscribed for a good year,” they say to each other. This, Book of Life: First, it implies that after Yom Kippur the fate of everyone is sealed for the rest of the year and suggests that Judaism adheres to a belief in pre-determination. Once we are in the column for good or bad, our path is pre-set.In fact, the opposite is true: many scholars believe, God may know ahead of time what choices we are each going to make, but we have complete free will and it is we who take the ongoing, everyday decisions that affect the course of the coming year. This Hebrew Year, 5781 and our American calendar year of 2020 based on the Gregorian Calendar (The Gregorian calendar is the calendar used in most of the world. It is named after Pope Gregory XIII, who introduced it in October 1582.) have been tumultuous, terrifying, treacherous, and tyrannical, and so full of self-imposed Theocracies, both within the confines of the dogma’s of religiosity as well as the coffin-like confines of politics and politicians!


Choices have been made by madmen such as Trump suffering the maladies of insecurity, vengefulness, vindictiveness, narcissistic needs, and delivered in a manner most suitable to a sociopath or someone deeply disturbed, considered to be a psychopath! His newest, attack on the lives of Americans is to nominate a very controversial Judge, Amy Comey Barrett, whose personal religious views do not permit for a well stated and VERY intended DIVIDE between church and state, as the Founding Fathers declared within the Constitution, and the various papers written as collateral reinforcement. One could conjure up the impetus for this one particular choice, by Trump, and because it IS Trump the variety feckless, selfish, self-serving snake oil gimmicks would most likely fit under the column of truth and consequences…Trump’s truth (which is as vapid as a fart, and his consequences intended for his perceived bully’s.  But, even in this chaos, and intentional corruption, now, of the meaning of a Supreme Court, and of Lady Justice (The Scales of Justice represents the balance of the individual against the needs of society and a fair balance between interests of one individual and those of another), the Senators, “have complete free will and it is we who take the ongoing, everyday decisions that affect the course of the coming year.” I must, as I begin my 24-hour period of reflection, introspection, and atonement, understand, miracles can happen, and that the enigma of evil, is a frail as the humans who created it, and could evaporate. I watch my Book of Life, and as the last open pages of the Book appear, I must BELIEVE for the BETTER!








Saturday, September 26, 2020

be afraid, now

 I write THIS BLOG, as I turn off the television, having first eaten dinner, hoping that I had digested my food prior to any mention of the diabolic, demon seed Trump, and his Brown Shirt enablers who love nothing but the idea that they remain in POWER, and as it might be, to keep Trump in POWER for as long as their forever lasts, or can be controlled to last! It is Friday, September 25, 2020, and just to try and comprehend, not understand, the situation we find ourselves…WE, as in WE THE PEOPLE, let us not forget that there are 39 days until the official Election Day, there are, as of today, 7.02 million people infected with COVID-19 ( quite a number for a HOAX and there have been 203 thousand deaths, (for the Trumpster’s, these folks died to spite Trump) and at least 40 to 42% of Americans still support Trump! Ruth Bader Ginsberg is lying in state, and Trump has decided to nominate a female, who is not only in direct opposition to anything Justice Ginsberg believed in, but a female, who is one of the leading MISOGYNISTS, in America, replacing the Constitution wither own form of her own Bible! ( I believe a part from whatever else Trump’s Brown Shirts may consider being a REASON why it is wise to nominate Amy Coney Barrett, given Trump’s petulance, and vengeful sociopathic nature, he is has decided to give Ruth Bader Ginsberg his middle finger, even in her death!) Think about this, please, THINK hard…Ruth Bader Ginsberg told her granddaughter that she hopes Trump loses the election, and Trump, not one to forgive, forget, but just be spiteful, is very, VERY, proud to nominate a Justice, who, in reality, will spit in the dead eyes of Ruth Bader Ginsberg!


And as I write this, I learn that the hacked into office (very questionable ballot count in Florida) Governor DeSantis, one of the best entrail cleaners and lickers of orange Trump turd, has decided to not only open all of Florida but has hesitated or delayed any testing in Florida…because the best way to prove there is no CORONAVIRUS is to NEVER test anyone for it! And right before I shouted to my dog Chance and my empty house, ENOUGH OF THIS BULL SHIT, I listened as some prestigious journalist’s reported how alarmed the Military has become as Trump continues to create more violence, lies about the quality of our democratic way of voting, and Trump’s insistence (why do reporters even give him the 15 minutes of shame asking him HOW HE FEELS about the process of transitioning power)…how OUR MILITARY consider Trump a RISK, and ENEMY DOMESTIC TERRORIST!  And then, I had to explode or implode, so here I am sitting in my office, at my computer, and trying my HARDEST, to be loud and SHOUT…BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID!

Friday, September 25, 2020

The 20th


“Well, we’ll have to see what happens. You know that. I’ve been complaining very strongly about the ballots. And the ballots are a disaster,” Trump said at a White House news conference. It appeared Trump was referring to mail-in ballots, which he has repeatedly condemned, without evidence, as susceptible to massive fraud. The president had been asked by a reporter if he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power, “win, lose or draw.” When the reporter noted that “people are rioting,” Trump replied: “Get rid of the ballots, and you’ll have a very — you’ll have a very peaceful — there won’t be a transfer, frankly, there’ll be a continuation.” Donald J. Trump (CNBC)

Types of coups:

Failed coup.

No regime change, such as when a leader is illegally shuffled out of power without changing the identity of the group in power or the rules for governing.

Replacement of incumbent dictatorship with another.

Ouster of the dictatorship followed by democratization (also called "democratic coups")

Military coups are, for the most part, outside the American political tradition. Talk of military coups, however, tends to surface at times when politics are divided and the nation is under stress. Such talk has resurfaced during the recent election season and a YouGov poll of Americans even found that support for a military coup, while perhaps not actually strong, was certainly stronger than many might hope.


The 20th Amendment is often referred to as the Lame Duck Amendment. ... It was passed by Congress on March 2, 1932, and ratified on January 3, 1933. The amendment changed the date of the Presidential inauguration from March 4 to January 20. If the electoral college failed to elect a President, or the election became the responsibility of Congress for any other reason, the architects of the 20th Amendment wanted to ensure that the incoming Congress, with its fresh public mandate, would do the choosing.


It never EVER should have been, “just listen to what trump is NOW saying,” followed by a laugh and a sarcastic eye roll! Ever since Trump was dubiously injected into the position as President, the common theme has been, oh Trump, that’s what makes him special, he says what he thinks, he breaks all kinds of norms. Ha-Ha, and each day, he was permitted to that crazy uncle always invited to the family gatherings, he has become more insane, more belligerent, more vindictive, more aligned with the most despised despots and dictators of the world, and more inclined to FUCK any and all CONSTITUTIONAL LAWS. As I write this we HAVE ONLY 38 Days, 16 Hours, 10 Minutes, and 35 Seconds, to decide, the fate of just how dangerous this nation may become, because, of Trump’s desire to stamp out democracy! 







Thursday, September 24, 2020

Apologies to Boris and Natasha the Cartoon

 Boris and Natasha (The scheming villains in most episodes were the fiendish spies Boris Badenov (a pun on Boris Godunov) and Natasha Fatale (a pun on femme fatale), forever attempting to "catch Moose and Squirrel".) So as I write this my apologies go to Jay Ward, Alex Anderson, and Bill Scott, who created ‘The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show,’ and thus these two cartoon icons! But today I happened to catch of a glimpse, of the real-life Boris, (DONALD, taller, but if he actually did finally fall over and the truss holding him in place just snapped he would actually assume a position round and rounder like BORIS BADENOV…I also used to think, the last name translated into BAD-ENOUGH…walking outside of the DARK HOUSE, with his own Natasha, Melonie, err, I mean Melania…I had the same oopsie moment Trump had when he forgot this wife’s first name…(she got’s herself an American desperate man bemoaning his masculinity, husband, Melanija Knavs; Germanized as Melania Knauss; April 26, 1970) is a Slovenian-American former model and businesswoman. Germanized, what an interesting description used by Wikipedia, and the term businesswoman, as in the business of making menz photo her in just enough clothing to fall in love and think of her as some fatal…I used to think the word Fatale meant fatal!...


Both Donnie and Melanie (I like that moniker, it makes her more American (you know like MAGA American), both, wearing masks (because getting too close to a person who has passed away, lying inside a coffin is a way to get COVID, but holding MASS RALLY’S is not even a close call) appeared outside the portico of the Dark House (high enough, away from the mourners below, because as Trump understands you can pretend that building fences around things keeps people out, (like the MEXICO NEVER PAID FOIR IT FENCE AND NOW THE BARRICADE AROUND THE DARK HOUSE.) (JUST TO ADD TO MY SYNICISM, I really believed the masks were used to hide the smiling faces and laugher and Trumps moving his lips has he does most likely when he reads, saying the words “I Gotcha, Bitch,”…for her behalf, Melanie was muttering in one of her only truest languages, that she speaks in a full sentence, Slovenian, was dreaming about her green coat, her disaster go to wardrobe, and was saying I don’t care, which is VSEENO MI JE!


Oh yeah, both BORIS AND NATASHA, were greeted by the throngs of real mourners, not only for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg but those who are sitting SHIVA, for the death of WOMEN’S RIGHTS/LGBTQ RIGHTS/CLEAN AIR/IMMIGRANTS/BLACK LIVES MATTER! Jews do not actually believe in Heaven of Hell, but I am relieved to know that the body lying in that coffin was just flesh and bones, and Justice Ginsberg, wherever her soul and conscience have enjoined themselves never even noticed these two specks of feces on the shoes of America!






Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Nuremberg, Kentucky

 Two distinct laws passed in Nazi Germany in September 1935 are known collectively as the Nuremberg Laws: the Reich Citizenship Law and the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor. These laws embodied many of the racial theories underpinning Nazi ideology. They would provide the legal framework for the systematic persecution of Jews in Germany. Adolf Hitler announced the Nuremberg Laws on September 15, 1935. Germany’s parliament (the Reichstag), then made up entirely of Nazi representatives, passed the laws. Antisemitism was of central importance to the Nazi Party, so Hitler had called parliament into a special session at the annual Nazi Party rally in Nuremberg, Germany. (Holocaust Encyclopedia) The Nuremberg Laws were antisemitic, racist laws that were enacted in Nazi Germany on 15 September 1935, at a special meeting of the Reichstag convened during the annual Nuremberg Rally of the Nazi Party. (Wikileaks)

In a press conference soon after the grand jury result, Kentucky’s Attorney General Daniel Cameron gave a news conference on Wednesday where he acknowledged that “not everyone will be satisfied with the charges” unveiled. Shockingly, Cameron also added under questioning that he thought when it comes to the shooting at Taylor’s apartment, “it is unlikely that there will be any additional prosecutions that come from that event itself.”….Outlining the case that was presented to the grand jury earlier this week, why it is believed Hankison’s shots never struck Taylor, and why the two other officers were “justified” to fire back in perceived self-defense, Cameron seems to be drawing talking points from his remarks to night 2 of the Republican National Convention in August. “Mob justice is not justice,” the state official proclaimed in pejorative and loaded language that could have been pulled straight out of a Donald Trump rally and its law and order re-election focus. (DeadLine)

So, it IS official, you can legally be murdered in your own apartment, sipping an ice cream cone on your front porch, watching television, sitting in your car, jogging in public, entering your own home, WHILE BEING BLACK, if a Racist man or woman in the profession of a Police Officer, decides you are endangering someone, something, or just feels like taking target practice because they were bored! "Once again, a prosecutor has refused to hold law enforcement accountable for killing a young Black woman. Breonna Taylor should still be alive today."(ACLU) In Nazi Germany, the Non-Jewish Germans looked the other way/in America, it seems the justice system has decided to not only look the other way when it comes to Black Lives, it actually seems to be enforcing its own version of the Nuremberg Laws…Racist Laws, pure and simple!









 I grew up in Pittsburgh, building blocks and foundations of the particulars of my personality, stemmed from the roots of this city, and branched out in various means, setting the stage as props and scenery, for the play called Gerry Buncher. Of course, calculations and algorithm’s are established by nature itself, but we all need a beginning, and Pittsburgh was that place in my time, in my life, where the questions of the world were molded, modeled, many times in madness, sometimes with a modicum, but etched in mediums, to create my life.


On Tuesday, September 23, 2020, Donald J. Trump held a rally at the Pittsburgh International Airport, which if there had not been a timestamp, one might have considered, we were watching Adolph Hitler, rousing his racist base, from a bully pulpit, insisting that to be the bully is beautiful, and to permit freedoms and rights, equality, and inclusion, and evil entity, as dangerous as his claims against the Chinese for inventing than exporting their flu! I watched, gangs cheer the shooting of journalists, the naming of immigrants who became naturalized citizens, as foreigners, and heard Trump beg the crowd, what are they doing in MY country, in YOUR country, as if it was never to be THEIR country. Standing shoulder to shoulder, most without masks, all minus social distance, except of course for the distance between the first row of thugs and Trump's stage, I witnessed what seemed like cattle in a confined meat processing factory, making noises of glee, as if they ALL had no idea that their cheering and applauding, their bigotry and bias, was based on the bogus bull shit, produced by the man who at a moments notice would say to the foreman, turn on the meat grinder, it’s time for this herd to be slaughtered.


For many, even when you physically leave, Pittsburgh, there is a lingering sentiment, that surrounds you, and for a moment, or minutes the melancholy and magic, act as DNA, and no matter what, HOME, has followed you to the place you now reside! I watched in horror and disgust, with dread, depression, and sheer desperation, as Donald J. Trump, enticed, (mesmerized the willing lemming) these Pittsburghers’, into not only a false narrative, but a self-serving journey into is sociopathic dystopian reality, and they, without hesitation loved it. It was then I realized, with Trump and his Enablers in power, Pittsburghers’ and Americans ( as the Thomas Wolfe quote reads,) “You Can’t Go Home Again” 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

a once upon a time fetus

 Maybe it’s just the wording that is all wrong with the statistics when we record those infected, LET ALONE those who have succumbed from the CORONAVIRUS/Trump Re-Election Denial Pandemic. Maybe, we are not explaining the deaths correctly to those in the EVANGELICAL TRUMP CHRISTIAN MAGA CULT, because it seems these arrogant self-proclaimed Pro-Lifers are always demanding that their Jesus truly cares about the FETUS, not much else after that so it seems, except his supposed disgust for the LGBTQ community/Immigrants/and Black Lives…so MAYBE it’s time, to redefine the statistics not as how many Americans have died due to Trump’s pre-meditated murder intentions, but HOW MANY ONCE UPON A TIME FETUSES HAVE DIED!


And while we are replacing the words Human Beings, let go further, and explain to those Good Nazi/Confederate Flag Waving/EVANGELICALS and suddenly now the very ULTRA ORTHODOX CATHOLICS, that the kids held in Concentration Camps are not just brown skin kids, BUT BROWN SKINNED FETUSES!  And then add that the ICE no Board Certified Doctor known as the Uterus Death Doctor, is not providing unauthorized hysterectomies on Latina Women, but Doctor Kill the Uterus is actually killing the eggs, which will form into zygotes which eventually will become a FETUS!


And for all of those who herald the possibility of an Ultra Conservative Christian  Justice, being named so he or most likely she can join the other ACTIVIST CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE JUSTICES in overturning the AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE ACT, remind them that, once again, it will be THOSE ONCE UPON A TIME FETUSES who will no longer remain healthy or afford to see a doctor or die of pre-existing conditions, and who actually might not be able to provide their own FETUSES with appropriate health care or food. Maybe it is in the wording, because it certainly IS not in the belief system of Jesus, that these zealots and Crusaders behave. So, to save HUMAN LIVES, let’s just refer to all of them and us as ONCE UPON A TIME FETUSES!

Monday, September 21, 2020



Like so many, I am experiencing, a morbid sense of future, one version with few exits or detours, and the other one leading directly to either a collapsed tunnel entrance, or a version of Thelma and Louise, as they ride the roads of Nevada, selecting the one highway, ending at the edge of a long deep ridge, and their only way forward is a free-fall into oblivion! I am not surprised at the hypocrisy of men like McConnell or, Graham, who, both have presented their insecurities and ignorance of the human spirit, and their disgust for democracy throughout their careers, at least for the past 8 to 12 years. I had never believed that Trump could become anything more than the insecure thug and bully, fraud and criminal, (all) motivated by his deranged personality manifested and learned by his inadequate parents and have grown even more fearful of what I believe to be a very serious mental collapse of his lack of sense for reality, and total lack of empathy. I see no hope from politicians, especially calling themselves Republicans, (Conservative Christian to be exact,) who have replaced honor with honorariums received from wealthy American Donors who might as well be titled Domestic Terrorists; OR even more appalling, gifts from Russian Oligarchs, agents of Vladimir Putin.


As an American who was raised in a Jewish Family, I am also experiencing the High Holy Days, where my tradition reminds me (and visions of my mother and grandmother adding an extra point of view, from their place of peace), that MY Book of Life, for the new year, is about to be opened and soon, slammed shut, culling all the piecemeal and potential, promises, purposes, failures and fractures into one volume. I am overwhelmed with worry about the very moment I wake and breathe and perseverate until bedtime, wondering to use an old cliché “how many more shoes can drop,” before I find myself either bloodied or smothered.


Jewish tradition explains that the days between the beginning of the New Year (the opening of this BOOK, and the Day of Atonement (the closing of the BOOK) are The "ten days of repentance" or "the days of awe" { AWE: an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like: in awe of God; in awe of great political figures. Archaic. power to inspire fear or reverence.}  Perhaps it is AWE, in both a positive and negative definition, in which I now live my present, view my future, and try to understand my past. Have I become more religious, not necessarily so, but I preciously have begun to cling to the notion that there must be a Higher Power, because, I am beginning to wonder about the availability of the human spirit!









Sunday, September 20, 2020


 There are no longer ANY principles within the Republican Party. So trying to appeal to some kind of collective conscience, is futile, and a frivolous fantasy! Mitch McConnell, is a devious politician, bought and paid for by very wealthy Ultra Conservative families within the US, who might as well be compared to the wealthy Russian Oligarchs, who have also bought and paid for McConnell’s meager, and lifeless body, in actuality not worth much as a human being, but the gold standard in the fine art grifting, graph, greed and gluttony!


To insult McConnell, is a badge of honor, which he wears with pride, and places on his suits as he and his wife Elaine Chao, write dirty money check sending it off to their offshore bank accounts, bribes and bonus’s for being a traitor, sailing across the seven seas toward bank accounts, tax-free, and free from any and all laws that prohibit such transactions. He will never change and prefers the title of most hated man in America, laughing all the way to his hidden banks!


But the real, I HAVE NO IDEA HOW THIS IS EVEN A THING, is based not just emotion, (it is now given true definition as another form of American PSTD-A disorder in which a person has difficulty recovering after experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event. The condition may last months or years, with triggers that can bring back memories of the trauma accompanied by intense emotional and physical reactions.), but the fact, that Trump, losing the popular vote by at least three million fewer ballots, and one man from a state listed as number 26 in total population, can and will decide the future of a Supreme Court for the entire nation. (And the OTHER, IHAVE NO IDEA HOW THIS IS EVEN A THING, ANY LONGER, is the fact that somehow these Justices have lifetime tenure, ignoring the changing values and morals, directions and demographics of the United States. Add to that one more I HAVE NO IDEA HOW THIS IS EVEN A THING, is the idea that Senators do not have term limits, so they too almost have a lifetime job (and please, do not argue, we can vote them out, because, the entire idea of one -person one vote, free and fair elections, died a long time ago!)


Oh yeah, and on top of all of that, almost 200,000 Americans have died from COVID, and the same people responsible for NOT HANDLING THAT CRISIS, have the Majority vote, in reshaping almost each and every, and all freedoms and equality our nation has proudly fought hard to make real!



Saturday, September 19, 2020

Ruth Bader Ginsberg

 “Blessed, praised, honored, exalted,

extolled, glorified, adored, and lauded
be the name of the Holy Blessed One,
beyond all earthly words and songs of blessing, praise, and comfort.
To which we say: Amen”…
/While the Kaddish is always a significant prayer during service, it carries additional significance during times of grief. According to Jewish tradition, each member of the Jewish faith has a certain sense of Godliness. After an individual passes, this radiance or presence becomes slightly diminished. Reciting the Kaddish restores the presence of God within the world, in an homage to the memory of the deceased.


Dear Ruth Bader Ginsberg, wife, mother, grandmother, HUMAN, a once and always Justice for law and order, right and wrong, morals and equality,Baruch Dayan Emet (pronounced bah-ROOKH dai-YAN eh-MET)  — Literally meaning “blessed is the judge of truth,” ….I knew you from a distance, but each day you spoke, as you confronted the fragilities of humankind, you persevered, intentionally denying the ignorant the arrogance to pretend superiority, each moment, you melded intellect, with empathy to protect the most vulnerable, every time you energized the heart of hope to deconstruct the determination of the devious and despot…I became enamored, emotional, and felt as if I was a member of a circle of friends, and you, my relative, making relevant the causes, concerns, and circumstances for the common man and woman! Now, all Americans, must, as with all hero’s no longer alive, take on the role, to save the day, must recall and remember your efforts, energy, enthusiasm…and continue to believe there is a chance and no matter the consequence be the force of change!


“A long long time ago
I can still remember how
That music used to make me smile
And I knew if I had my chance
That I could make those people dance
And maybe they'd be happy for a while

Bye, bye Miss American Pie
Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry
And them good ole boys were drinking whiskey and rye
Singin' this'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die” (American Pie/Don McLean)




Friday, September 18, 2020

Rosh Hashanah

 “Source of blessing, Eternal our God,

You fill the universe with majestic might —
giving us life, upholding the life within us,
and bringing us to this time.”


I am, a believer in a God, I am not certain of HIS or HER, or THEIR reason or rationale, as to the purpose of letting life begin, or why life must end. I wish I had the capacity to comprehend why there must be Evil and exactly when Good happens, why it cannot remain. I have been both traumatized by traditions and have thrived by the joy of celebrating a ritual my ancestors might have once enjoyed. I fear not, the existence of a God, but find it fearsome that a Higher Power might not provide a forever after, because sometimes forever now, seems weighty and woeful, and perhaps, the purpose of NOW, can only be understood with hindsight!


The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, the year of 5780, begins at sunset on Friday, September 18th. The memories of my past will delight and demand attention. Lessons I learned may be on the exam, as I purposefully become introspective, and “trick questions,” might suddenly emerge, and my abilities to collect from my past will be required. I will consider, the idea that a new Book of Life is to be opened, and opine, about the one being closed. In this current Gregorian Calendar year of 2020, too much has transpired, and I have not been able to delineate my SELF, from the COLLECTIVE WE, and this is where my head and heart shall be for the Jewish New Year.  To those for whom this time in the universe is of priority, I share my love!



Thursday, September 17, 2020

sent in those clowns

 Don't you love farce?

My fault, I fear
I thought that you'd want what I want
Sorry, my dear!
But where are the clowns
Send in the clowns
Don't bother, they're here (Send In The Clowns/Stephen Sondheim)


This summer I have been working a part-time job which miraculously is really a full-time job! At the age of 70, I am somehow not as attuned to the 40-hour grind, as I was in my youth.  Nothing wrong working a full-time job, and most likely I would have remained at one of my original gigs till now, but a South African male, who became a citizen of this nation, (still full of his South African Apartheid influenza of a philosophy) still concerned about his probable lack of machismo, decided that I was not the right image (a homosexual) for a leader and had me removed from my position. (He had money, lots of it…so of course without question he had the power) Had I had the guts then as I do now, I would have sued his ass off, but instead, I received almost two years severance pay. I soured over this exploitation in my life then, and until a year or so ago, with the assistance of my husband and family have tried to forget, but not forgiven this incident. I am only sharing this now, because, HERE in 2020, I find myself living in a world where the lack of MACHISMO, on behalf of the so-called President, seems alarmingly similar to my dismissal. And, as was the case, in my case, the bad guy won, or should I say many who I once thought of as good people, succumbed to the ill intention and self-hatred of a man who thought that a homosexual (fill in your demographic it remains the same insecurity,) would make HIM less masculine, and less powerful. It was hush, hush, and don’t look me in the eye, but, whatever you need to find another position we are there for you, but in reality it was GUILT on good people’s part, thinking the means justified the end.


Trump IS a disaster, a man so concerned with his own insecurities, he would and will and does do anything he can to select an enemy, pay vengeance on that purported enemy, and drags along with him enough folk, who think that MONEY, and PROFIT, equals something called AUTHORITY, which somehow demands YOU be attentive and behave! It happened to me, a long time ago, and today, on my day off, watching just enough, but too much TV, I witnessed a BULLY, and his lackey's attempt to fire the entire Constitution, and replace it with a fantasy that by denying other’s freedom, insisting by doing so, they actually are MEN or WOMEN, of superiority! I love my days off, but today, it caused a reflex, and a gut check, and NOW I better understand, why I CANNOT remain SILENT, as this nation is getting FUCKED OVER, as once happened to me!


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

and some say they are undecided

 Trump’s little Geisha, Prince Jared Kushner, was asked by Wolf Blitzer, why his Daddy-In-Law and his present wife’s future husband, Trump re-tweeted a QAnon conspiracy and completely boldfaced intentional political lie, regarding Biden as a pedophile, and The Geisha with all the smirk he could muster having had one too many Face Lifts or injections of Botox, said: “…This President is just a transparent kind of guy and says what he is thinking…” And, then Wolf moved on, instead of asking the Trump Geisha, how come if no one seems concerned that over a dozen women have accused Trump of rape, and Trump to this minute refuses to avail himself of a DNA test to provide innocence! As is and has been the case, regarding the truths surrounding Trump, he will always project his own sordid behavior upon a perceived opponent. Trump calls someone a liar or demands they be locked up, in a knee jerk response to his having to admit, that he himself committed all kinds of fraud, crime, and treason. WE ALL KNOW, by now the sick sociopath narcissist MUST let everyone know that he did the dirty deed, and he WILL and HAS gotten away with it. And we are supposed to consider there are still undecided voters, WTF!

The new phrase, Trump’s Flying Monkeys have taught him to use is now called “UP-PLAY” it seems being caught by using his own words, Trump had admitted that he indeed and in fact and intentionally “DOWN-PLAYED” the CORONAVIRUS. We know he did so because, his re-election was a stake, and the life of his remaining in office was and is and will always be more of a priority than the thousands who have died or the millions who have contracted the virus. But now being caught telling his truth, Trump’s Flying Monkey’s are stumped…how can they protect this psychotic Russian asset, wannabe President for Life, when even for many devout worshipers, Trump admitted he lied. So now, the phrase trump had to memorize is “UP-PLAY” as in doing as much as he could, even if it meant to deny masks, or social distancing, ignoring science and medicine because Trump was so concerned for the lives of ALL Americans. And yet, as Trump tries to emote any bit of emotion, speaking with his lips and arms moving but nothing of substance coming out of his mouth or brain, Trump still holds indoor rally’s or fundraisers, and there are no masks or social distancing! And we are supposed to consider there are still undecided voters, WTF

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Only words




All pompous, and full of smiles, calling those gathered around him by their first names, (not titles for anyone but Trump himself),  as if a king sitting on his throne, Trump visited the Western States, all burning in an inferno of unbelievable proportions and magnitude. First providing,  self-adulation for Trump's efforts in pretending to care about the Blue States and the lives of the Blue State Voters, letting the viewer know that Trump and all of the governors; again by first name only recognition, that FEMA and the Trump Administration (or is it now the TRUMP COMPANY), has been so willing and ready to pitch in. As if watching the Wanna Be King, sitting with as sarcastic a smile as humanly possible, and loving the idea that HE was the all-powerful OZ at this meeting, the following interaction took place, and then I had to turn off the television, due to an immediate urge to PUKE!....... Wade Crowfoot, California’s secretary for natural resources, told the president during a briefing on the fires that state officials “want to work with you to really recognize the changing climate and what it means to our forests,” spurring Trump to say: “It’ll start getting cooler. You just watch.” Crowfoot said he wished science agreed with that view, and Trump then said he doesn’t think “science knows actually.”

On previous occasions, the NON-SCIENTIST/But QAnon fanatic and purveyor of INFO-Wars had to say, with all of the malignant narcissists, and illiterate, unintelligible rhetoric he could muster. "Large parts of the Country are suffering from tremendous amounts of snow and near record-setting cold. Amazing how big this system is. Wouldn’t be bad to have a little of that good old-fashioned Global Warming right now!” Trump has tweeted include that global warming is a “hoax,” a “canard” and “bulls--t”; China is using the myth of climate change to gain an economic advantage over the United States, and environmentalists started using the phrase “climate change” because “global warming” didn’t stick. OH AND BY THE WAY: An enormous chunk of Greenland’s ice cap has broken off in the far northeastern Arctic, a development that scientists say is evidence of rapid climate change. In California, where fires since last month have charred over 3.2 million acres and destroyed about 4,000 structures, the number of dead reached 22 on Saturday. Officials in Oregon are preparing for a "mass fatality incident" as deadly wildfires continued to burn, the state's emergency management director, Andrew Phelps, warned late Friday as firefighters continued to battle massive blazes. There are five tropical storms churning in the Atlantic Ocean for the first time in nearly 50 years — amid so much violent weather that meteorologists will likely have to turn to the Greek alphabet for more names

Oh, and the NON-MEDICAL MEDICINE MAN once upon a time said: The coronavirus would weaken “when we get into April, in the warmer weather—that has a very negative effect on that, and that type of a virus.” The outbreak would be temporary: “It’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle—it will disappear.” “Coronavirus numbers are looking MUCH better, going down almost everywhere,” and cases are “coming way down.” The pandemic is “fading away. It’s going to fade away.” Donald Trump As of Wednesday, September 15, 2020….6.6 million cases of COVID in the US/and 194K have died.


You think that I don't even mean
A single word I say
It's only words and words are all I have
To take your heart away (Words/Bee Gees)

























Monday, September 14, 2020



I knew the days, exactly, when, a Jewish holiday was approaching, not because of the calendar, or some sixth sense of predicting the future, but of an odorous, seemingly foggy sense of cloudy smell which would emanate from the kitchen, but encompass, not only our entire house but the homes of the relatives of my mother’s side of the family. It was the making of  SCHMALTZ: rendered chicken or goose fat. It is an integral part of traditional Ashkenazi Jewish cuisine; where it has been used for centuries in a wide array of dishes such as chicken soup, latkes, Schmaltz is collected by slowly sautéing chicken skin and fat, then collecting the liquid fat that melts as it cooks. Most of the time onion is added to the mix, which flavors the schmaltz and makes the gribenes extra tasty. I had never been nor am I now a fan of schmaltz. Even as I reminisce about the past, listening to music, or viewing photographs, looking at the pieces of clothing or jewelry collected from my family members after they have passed; all with the joy human emotions can provide, EVEN the mention of the word schmaltz causes a gag reflex, and an entire box of Kleenex tissue so I can blow my nose, hoping the smell will go away!


Monday, September 14, 2020, a new week, working my summer job I wake up early, and now on the East Coast, I can watch Morning Joe, and try my darndest to catch a glimpse of some current event, just to be aware, if I must begin reciting the words to the Russian National Anthem, begin a choice of conversion to Evangelical Christianity, begin to learn how to say Chairman Trump and Princess Ivanka, or weep bitter tears, because now at least three-fourths of the American population has succumbed to the simple fly, Trump assured us would disappear in a week or two! After 15 minutes of sheer torture, of listening to the obvious (these are the facts) and hearing how the oblivious (these are both the Trump supporters, sycophants, and enablers) are at complete opposite sides of reality, a strange odor seems to prevail in my kitchen, and I grow nauseated, and suddenly all I can think of is SCHMALTZ!


How can it be that living beings ignore any science, medicine, fact, reality, truth, BUT, embrace, hate, injustice, a skewed justice system, fraud, tax evasion, meetings with declared foreign adversaries, refuse to wear a mask or social distancing pretending that somehow those two actions deny freedom…and how is it still possible with most to all financial or personal papers regarding anything Trump, still hidden or denied access to, from samples of DNA to tax returns, living beings prefer an odorous, imperious, insidious, amalgamation of melted fat and just oozing hate and bigotry, selfishness and treachery. Whenever I see or hear about Trump, I feel I am like Haley Joel Osment, who uttered the phrase “I see dead people,” BUT instead, I say “I smell SCHMALTZ!”










Sunday, September 13, 2020

teach you children

 “Teach your children well,

Their father's hell did slowly go by,
And feed them on your dreams
The one they picks, the one you'll know by.
Don't you ever ask them why, if they told you, you will cry,
So just look at them and sigh
And know they love you.” (Teach Your Children/Graham Nash)


If, by now, anyone of an intelligence level which permits them to open a door before exiting a room, understands that playing in traffic actually can cause fatal injuries, wrapping themselves in poison ivy, is not a natural beauty regimen, or drinking a juice glass of bleach, will not keep your intestines shiny and bright…has NOT caught on to the basic idea, that whatever Donald Trump accuses another person of being or acting or doing, is ONLY his narcissistic, nihilistic sociopathic behavior on full Adderall display, and a sad sick demonstration of having to CALL HIMSELF OUT FOR HIS OWN MISCONCEPTIONS REGARDING REALITY!


From the days of “lock her up,” to “lying Ted, to “nasty women,” to “her emails,” each and every insult or accusation pronounced by Trump, is NOT an accusation of another person’s misdeeds, but a direct discussion on all the BAD STUFF, Trump in which Trump and Company had been complacent, and a NECESSARY ANNOUNCEMENT, as to how really good he feels about doing it. Always one in dire need for attention and credit, Trump's state of mental illness, promotes and motivates him to speak his truth but project it onto others.


So, now when we hear about how Antifa will destroy our nation, the translation is I Donald J. Trump will bring AUTHORITARIANISM to this nation. When we hear that the Dems are stirring up a Deep State attempt by insisting that the COVID-19 is more contagious than and dangerous, it translates into, I know this but it will hurt me more than you. And as Trump speaks about Biden’s health and stealth, steadiness, and alertness, Trump is admitting to the public, he is under physical and mental duress, and he IS the one in need of drugs/medication/and mental health intervention just to make it to the next day. And as Trump tries to fear monger the WOMEN in suburbs about the lawlessness of people of color coming to get them, all Trump is telling us is Women are babes, and babes need the protection of dudes like me. I have the power, as a man should control the lives of others, and that makes me more of a man, and I will create as much havoc as possible to maintain my masculinity.


With Trump, by now, we all should be wary of what he says, knowing that all he says is about himself and his own motives, but needs to project them on others. Teach your children well, cause the Hell of Trump is heinous and horrendous!


Saturday, September 12, 2020

A Looking Glass

 “When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less.” (Lewis Carroll) “There IS EVIL or there IS GOOD, and for me living 70 plus years, I had never, ever been in the situation in which I DEFINITELY understood the difference. There are EVILDOERS, and there are those who WISH TO DO GOOD, and as I embrace my seventh decade, I must also embrace only, that you be of one kind and not the other,  because there no longer is room for compromise nor middle of the road!” (Gerry Buncher)


“Which form of proverb do you prefer Better late than never, or Better never than late?” (Lewis Carroll0 “We act as if all this nonsense is new, or that since someone of great reputation has it on tape, then all of our misgivings which we forgave, actually have placed our health and welfare in a grave situation. It had been too late since Trump’s rise to, power, and it is later than be we wish to stop his ascent. I am of great mind and worry, no matter what, nothing is going to get better, and that in fact, it is too late.” (Gerry Buncher)


“There comes a pause, for human strength will not endure to dance without cessation; and everyone must reach the point at length of absolute prostration.” (Lewis Carroll) “We must fight the consequences so many aspire to, thinking that whatever bad happens, will annihilate those who are only good, and permit the real villains to roam freely on this Earth! Somehow there is a virus consuming the human soul, not just the flesh and blood, but the parts and pieces we never really see, but use as weapons of deceit, divisiveness, and destruction. We gyrate, we genuflect, we gravitate and we then fall flat as the gravity of our situation can do nothing but tug at our feet, or eventually pull us apart. I will not, permit any of this peacefully, and will fight the evil as hard as I can and deny the evildoers anything resembling a fair fight!” (Gerry Buncher)



Friday, September 11, 2020

19 years

We knew then as we knew now, about the threat of terror and destruction, drifting toward our shores,, one an enemy of flesh and blood, another a small flurry of the virus, too small to see with the human eye, but as dangerous as 747’s crashing to the ground.


We pretended then that cause and effect could not truly intertwine, with enough verbosity, to let alone, bring harm to a nation as powerful as the United States, and destroy towers of Capitalistic pride. And then, we permitted ourselves to ignore the power of science and medicine NOW,  pretending that no one person would be so disingenuous, so insidious, so self-absorbed, as to prioritize his Capitalistic self-serving interests over the lives of thousands of deaths and millions of infected.


Nineteen years ago, we have jolted from a slumber a satisfying assumption that no matter what we are the USA, and dominance is a directive from a higher power. Nineteen years to the day, quadrupling the devastation, of something that never should have happened, has come ashore again, and it once again didn’t have to happen and could have been contained.


Since 2001 we tried thoughts and prayers, the ringing of hands, blame, just ignoring facts, and politicians pretending that all that happened was a once in a 100-year storm, only to discover once in a 100 years, is more like a daily occurrence.  And it is as if HISTORY, is just another fairy tale, not always providing a happily after, ending!