Sunday, January 31, 2010


Sometimes there seems to be so much that seems evident, so much that seems to make sense, and so much that should seem natural but just ISN'T.

Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (R, Tennessee) was one of the Republican Congress People who was selected by the Republican caucus to ask the President a question when he was invited to speak with the opposition party. Ms Blackburn, used her polite voice, the one which speaks in a patronizing tone without much inflection of emotion but full of lecture, vinegar and piss.

She scolded the President about his remarks stating that the Republicans should be made a scapegoat and the party of "no" as it relates to the Health Care Reform Bill he so wants to pass. She stated a plethora of ideas the Republicans had to make the Health Reform Come to pass, and all of the suggestions would cost little to nothing. Ms. Blackburn ranted for about three minutes and then acquiesced allowing the President to respond.

In response the President replied to Ms Blackburn, that all of the items, all 12 of them were in the Health Care proposal he and the Democrats had brought to be debated. He went on to add that all of the proposals Ms Blackburn insisted would cost no extra money, were all voted down by the Republicans as too costly. He also added that while voting against the same list of items the Republicans proposed, they also added some other items such as death panels and abortion clinics, which were never on anyone's list. Ms Blackburn, as the camera panned upon her face looked bored and and angry.

My response to Congresswoman Blackburn, had I the opportunity to answer her full fables question, would go like this. If the Republicans truly believe in Health Care Reform as you so dramatically stated, why did they not, and you in particular make Health Care Reform a priority while your party ran the White House and control of the Legislative Branch of Government? You, Ms Blackburn had been in office all those past eight years, and you certainly would have had a veto proof Congress to pass a Republican Health Care Bill just like the one you spoke of in front of the President. How come you and your party of "no", didn't say yes when you had the chance?

FOX News joined the ranks of most main stream media and attempted to televise the President's meeting with the Republican House members. However, unlike those who make more of an attempt to really be fair and balanced, FOX News, interrupted the live news feed, with their entertainment correspondents talking over the Presidents very candid and honest reply. It seems whenever the President explained the facts behind the falsehoods, FOX News became uncomfortable and reiterated for their viewing public, that the President was uncomfortable with the truth. Or if that didn't work, FOX News said the President was so angry he replied with a lecture, never once answering the questions from the Republicans.

I am amazed at how FOX has such low esteem for their audience as to interrupt the live dialogue and assume no one at home in the FOX households would question why they didn't get to hear the President respond. But my amazement turned into the harsh reality that most FOX households don't want the truth, just prefer being lied to. I assume the reality is, the dumber you are the more complacent you remain to let others direct your life.

Tonight it is Grammy Night. I am sure we will see most musicians/producers/ singers/ writers/presenters/ winners wearing some sort of colored ribbon proclaiming I support this, I believe in that, or my it makes me seem less about me and more about something bigger or greater. Many will thank Jesus, or God for receiving the Grammy, and some will become all spiritual, and religious.

But prior to their receiving the award, or presenting the award, or even being considered for the award, all of THEM will have received a big ole' bag of BLING. From jewelry to watches to perfume to trips to the spa and an assorted amounts of tech and electronic gadgets, the total for these gifts will be in the 1000's if not 10's of thousands of dollars.

You might think that those very socially responsible artists, those who wear a ribbon for various and sundry causes, those who believe in a hire power, might have their voices heard way before receiving the BLING, saying this is irresponsible to my principals no, not for me. Whatever you were going to spend on me, should be spent on behalf of me. All of you companies who want to lavish me with items I can afford because I make so much money already, should tally the total and give the real money to charity; in the name of my favorite colored ribbon or my God for the moment.

How nice if the causes for which they (the Grammy nominees) all wear a ribbon, received the cost of what the unnecessary BLING cost. How nice if wayyyyyyyyyy before the usual BS of BLING started for the Grammy's or the Oscars or the Tony's, all of he "we are the people", actors, singers, dancers, producers, directors, just said, we make enough for our craft, give the rest to the people for whom we wear a ribbon.

I just seem to think certain thins are obvious. And I guess when they are not noticed I get mad. Suppose this is not a world of sense and sensibility.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

those darn pesky pests

That darn pesky demographic in America, the LGBT community never seem to want to go away. They hog the minds, emotions and every day thoughts of red white and blued Americans. Why are they so darn important, and what do they want (of which a lot of people think they don’t deserve) they already don’t have?

The President spoke about “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” in his State of the Union Speech. He promised again to send a bill to Congress asking them to repeal denying homosexuals the right to serve their country. He stood firm at the podium and boldly stated as if looking at every gay man and woman, almost implying this time its for real, (cause I need your support and campaign dollars), and we will make an honest attempt to cut one form of inequality. Even before the speech was placed as fodder for the “talking heads” Senator, Johnny McCain’s office issued a statement that he was “agin it dag nab it” No OUT and PROUD gays in my military! He is the same man against granting equal rights for Gays to marry, although he is on his second marriage after two affairs. (He is a fan of what’s good for me is not good for you), kind of “mavericky” isn’t it!

The good ole’ Evangelical Christian ex head honcho pastor of the New Life Church Ted, I have compulsive thoughts) Haggard took a seat on the big over sized OPRAH chair along side his newly published (she is an author writing about her life as the wife of a self loathing, self hating, blame it on everyone else but me husband) Gayle.

(For those who forgot, Mister Haggert was a fervent homophobe who used the bully pulpit of his mega expensive Evangelical Church to lambaste any and all homosexuals. His frantic rants and ruminations helped keep the discrimination and bigotry alive, so more and many good Christians could feel okay in hating.)

This will be the third time Mr. Haggard has stopped his homosexual repulsive behavior. He knows the first time, when he had those warm, creamy, dreamy thoughts about men, and acted on them was wrong, dude really wrong. He knew he had to tell his wife about the second times those nasty repulsive homosexual thoughts entered his conscience; but he didn’t tell that is… until his male escort for three yeas did. (His male escort, who in addition pleasured Haggard’s homosexual libido, also pleasured Haggard’s crystal meth addiction).

Teddy Haggard knows that a third time can be a charm and a lot is at stake for him to become a homosexual again. Thing is, this time his wife wrote a book, imagine what would happen to sales if those repulsive behaviors took control, AND he appeared on OPRAH. He may lie to GOD, but not to OPRAH!

Secretly hidden from cameras and the possible lynching’s (the Prop 8 people are sure that the Gay Mafia has hit men, and this case men like women to do harm to the backers of Prop 8 and assorted homophobes) who protest that Gays are so strong that their wedded bliss and desires (the GAYS) would immediately destroy any and all foundation of the Institution of Marriage a (heterosexual owned institution) a trial with great historic, legal and cultural significance is ongoing.

The testimony presented to the Judge, this is a trial without a jury, include discussion about the *history of marriage (how women were considered chattel, what was an appropriate amount of goods in a females family dowry), *if the definition of marriage means the conceiving of children, (pity the poor heterosexuals who either can’t conceive or don’t want children), is homosexuality a disease that creates sick adults (beating your wife, infidelity behavior, being an adulterer is not sick I suppose not to mention the ruling from the American Psychiatric Association saying it "ain't so"), is the LGBT community REALLLLLLLLY a minority who does not have the means to handle their own issues and are they REALLLLLLY a minority (not if you add in all the self loathing closeted homophobes).

The expert witnesses for the Pro Prop 8 gang either pooped out and did not show, or upon cross examination couldn't’t be precise or exact about their facts, but were sure as hell definite in their feelings.

We now wait until March for closing argument to see if one man, a Judge can speak for the equality for millions of Americans.

And last but not least, next but not the end, CBS has decided to allow a commercial that is anti-gay marriage, produced by Focus on the Family a very out and proud anti gay organization. In the past CBS was approached by the United Church of Christ, an inclusive and Christian lite church that reads the words of Jesus in a whole different slant.

In response to the United Church of Christ's approach to post a commercial pro gay marriage, CBS stood head tall dressed in suit and ties, polished shoes clutching their holier than thou attorney approved documents and said, "...we (CBS), prohibit advocacy ads with an 'implicit' endorsement for a side in a public debate.

But this year while a Prop 8 battle is heard in the courts, while election after election has brought the issue of gay marriage to the front, CBS has had a bout of amnesia (or perhaps a bout of we need cash) and seems to have left the attorney briefs behind and will air a commercial ripe with implicit endorsement, advocacy for a particular side in public debate. Hypocrisy, double speak, homophobia, who knows. The Super Bowl, may be, like the Institution of Marriage, so weakened by anything homosexual, that if the pro gay marriage ad is shown, the entire Super Bowl franchise may crumble and be swallowed up the Devil himself.

If I didn't know better I would say "fair and balanced" has moved from FOX to CBS.

Fair is fair, if you have a policy that states, we stay out of your business, so deny or accept both commercials.

(Oh and by the way CBS, its okay to keep on running "Two and A Half Men", Martin Sheen is one hell of a family guy!

Not sure what it is about the LGBT community? We sometimes seem so scary powerful, we sometimes seem to be in the way, we sometimes seem to be trouble makers, and we sometimes have trouble made for us. Many would wish we could just behave and be nice and fit in. Many wish we would cure ourselves from the poison the Devil has delivered. Many wish they could open their closets and emerge not afraid to be themselves. Many want those closets closed.

We are damn darn pesky indeed!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

There Is

*There is disregard for the law in the conservative right wing extremist’s agenda.

*There is disregard for the truth in the conservative right wing extremist’s agenda.

*There is disregard for any and all who are deemed different and dangerous in the right wing extremist’s agenda.

*There is permissible hypocrisy in the conservative right wing extremist’s agenda.

*There is no need for fact; just desire in the conservative right wing extremist’s agenda.

*There is no room for compromise or bi-partisanship in the conservative right wing extremist’s agenda.

*There is no tolerance for choice or challenge in the conservative right wing extremist’s agenda.

*There is great glee in divide and conquer in the conservative right wing extremist’s agenda.

*There is, it seems no one who wants to stop their rampage of ruin.

*There is no more room to place our heads in the sand as those who care less about the many and care more for the few begin to ascend upon our Government begin to take office.

*There is no more room to dismiss the “Birthers” the “Tea Baggers”, the “Death Panelists” the “Creationists” the “Abortion Doctor Murderers”, the “Evangelical Adulterers”, the “Closeted Homophobes”, as fringe and deranged individuals; doing nothing to challenge them and hoping they will fade from the tapestry of America.

*There is no more room in allowing those who created a War in Iraq, denying all truth about that war, to continue to supplant honesty with self desired fable to reach a selfish culmination to have access to a bully pulpit without owning up to their mistakes and crimes.

*There is no more room for the uninsured to live their lives without medical care equal to the law makers who refuse to help.

*There is no more room for the Elected Officials of this Nation to pontificate and ponder only pleasure their continuing needs for power and prestige.

*There is no more room for endless confrontation by our Elected Officials on the economy, equal rights, the environment and health care based only on who is a Republican and who is a Democrat instead of who are the Americans left in a lurch.

*There is, it seems no real motivation to make wrongs into rights.

*There is a need for consensus, compromise, compassion, choice and concern for all Americans by all Americans.

*There is a need for truth, honesty, honor, and obligation.

*There is a need for voices so far silent to speak louder and clearer than the shouting screaming harangues of people who want nothing more than chaos and confusion to reign.

*There is, it seems however no need to stop the madness and begin sane.

The President has the microphone tonight, he has the potential to present reason and ration, he has the chance to call out those who disrupt and desire damage and divisiveness asking them to stop to come together. He can remind us there is a need to come together as humans, as Americans, as individuals who no longer want Politics as usual. He can begin to make the change he so promised so there will be an America we all are proud of and in which we all are equal.

There is at least for now… hope.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

your state of the union speech

Mister President,

If I were consulted on the content of your State of the Union speech I would make a few suggestions that somehow resonate to the world in which I live and not the made up world of the Neo Cons, Radical Right Wing Nuts or various and sundry bigots and unintelligent who say "no" as a part of their Un American life.

I would inform the "nay sayers", the ones who disregard the democratic process, and pout and stomp their collective feet by throwing tea parties or "birther" conventions, that I am the President, elected by a majority of the voters, and elected to complete goals and tasks I campaigned upon and about.

I would inform the public that as President I actually made many efforts to be bi-partisan, but met with road blocks and detours by a bunch of partisan politicians who felt their career, their wallets, their future was more important than the American electorate that voted them in office.

I would call out the Senators and Congress Men and Women who claimed your Health Care Reform contained death panels, or abortion clinics. I would then list a bunch of Congresspeople and Senators who received great quantities of money from the Lobbyists of the Health Insurance Cartel and the Conglomo- Pharma Industry. I would make a shame list of Elected Officials who feel they deserve a whole lot more than the average American.

I would ask the Democrat lead Congress where their backbone went. I would ask why with a majority in both the House and Senate why they allowed themselves to be bullied by a bunch of people who brought us the War in Iraq, the War in Afghanistan, the Great Recession, Tax Breaks for the Wealthy, Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Abolition of the Constitution.

If I were asked to help you write your State of the Union Speech, I would ask the people of America did I deliver the change you voted for? Was I assertive and proactive enough to begin change you can believe in? What is it I haven't done, whether of my own fruition or the lack of support of the Republican Spin Machine, or the lack of wherewith all from the Democrats? What is it that I do that still stinks of politics instead of the aroma of fair and just?

Mister President, rumor has it all you are going to offer the people of this great country is a replication of what Scott Brown, the newly elected boss of America sprouted in his hate filled campaign in Massachusetts, cut current programs for the middle class, lower class and those who really don't count because they are either poor, a minority, gay, or can't muster up enough money to pay for campaign dollars.

I voted for you President Obama. I voted for you because you promised to make a difference. I voted for you because your words seemed real and genuine, honest and sure. I voted for you because I trusted you.

You beat the odds in the last election. You overcame the odds. What happened President Obama did you catch the "minus a backbone of the democratic party, or the lies and deceit illness of the Republicans.

If I wrote your State of the Union Speech Mister President I would start off by stating that I am the President, I was elected to do a job the previous Administration failed at, lost at and alienated most of America while not doing what they were elected to do.

If I were your speech writer President Obama, I would say this is MY agenda, because it is the PEOPLE'S agenda, and Republican obstructionists and Democratic fearful fools need to take heed, participate and stop denying American citizens what they deserve.

Please don't deliver a speech that reeks of change you can't count on, or change just doesn't happen here. So many and so much depends on you.

I hope you have a speech that matters not just for your political future but for the future of America.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

spinning arrogance

Hey folks, the new word for the next few weeks is arrogance. Yep, the Republican spin machine fresh from their victory in Massachusetts, is now touting how arrogant the Democrats have been in handling the issues of the day since they took control of both the Senate and the House. And most every news caster, journalist, and entertainment reporter is repeating their words as if it was wisdom.

Senator Mitch McConnell Republican Leader of the Senate, spoke in broad detail about how if the Democrats had not been so arrogant and HAD sought the input of the minority party, the Health Care Reform Plan could have stood a chance of being passed. Senator McConnell wrung his blood soaked hands and said arrogance leading to no attempt for bi-partisan input by the Democrats is what derailed the whole Bill.

Of course the Senator mentioned nothing about the Republicans who were at the table from the beginning of the discussion to revamp health care, deciding from day one that the priorities lied not with finding the most beneficial, cost efficient universal plan for Americans; but rather how it did affect the bottom lines of most and many Republican donors to their campaign coffers---the Health Insurance Cartel and Big Pharma.

Arrogance! Aw, yes here we go again with probably another award winning P.R. trick by the Republican Spin Machine. They are crafty little bastards never finding a solution, but pointing the finger. Never owning up to their responsibilities, but quickly quivering with joy as they comment, drop innuendo, fabricate the truth, and mention how others have not done the right thing. And like a good liar, the Republican Spin Machine repeats and repeats their lies and falsehoods until just enough skepticism rises and no one bothers to find the truth.

From the "birther" brigade who just refuse to believe any truth about the Presidents birth rights, to the President being a charter member and receiving lobbyist money from ACORN, to more terrorist attacks in this country ever since Obama became President to the "Swift Boat lies during the Kerry campaign, the Republican Spin Machine has been successful in deferring their failures into why the Democrats can only fail.

The Republican Spin Machine gets more power to lie when those whose own bigotries and biases are tossed into the mix, and the complacency of the ignorant creates a tsunami wave that becomes the lead story for the nightly news and the banner headline in newspapers. And as every good lie grows, those victims of the falsehood have to spend valuable time denying the lie and speaking the truth. And the diversion allows little progress in the goals set to cease, and permits the Republican leaders to do nothing but serve themselves.

Arrogance! It's the same arrogance of the Politicians who define marriage as a union between one man and one woman, but while married enjoy the company of another woman and another man. Arrogance! It's forgetting that you voted for a war based on "weapons of mass destruction" and somehow along the way forgot the real reason for a war that has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. Arrogance! It's setting up an economy on the trickle down theory only to find the rich remained rich and the poor never had a chance. Arrogance! It's denying the rights of every American citizen to have the same medical coverage as Federal Politicians have and use.

So as has been the case of Politics in this country in the last two decades, the Republican Spin Machine will waste valuable hours spewing innuendo and lies, this time how arrogant are the Democrats. The Republicans will offer lip service or nothing at all to change the conditions of the citizens in this country, while the spineless, minus a backbone Democrats will apologize, ruminate, and run all over themselves trying to back track.

Arrogance is owned by both political parties no argument there. But it irks me to no end that the Republican Spin Machine in their brilliant marketing plan will use arrogance as the only reason the Republican politicians have not cooperated or made any inroads into correcting their last 8 years of corruption, collusion and carefree and careless public responsibility.

And as long as the campaign of lies works nothing of any consequence will take affect in this country. We will now be harangued with promises of change and less arrogance in 2012; but that won't last too long so we will then be told that arrogance will end and change will really come if we only vote for the right President in 2014.

Get ready for the ride on the spin machine, the ride will amaze you, but won't do a thing to make anything better.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

quick fixes

If at first you tell the truth and are scolded for doing so then it seems the only natural path upon which to tread is to lie.

It seems that a quick fix, one that sounds too good to be true, one with so many raveled ends is now the all American answer. The Republicans understand that philosophy and play it really, really well. The Democrats trying to be all things to all people, come up with thousands upon thousands of scenarios ruminate over endless upon endless forms of consensus, and travel in an ever widening circle never finding anything but dizzying delays.

The Democrats try and solve... the Republicans try and find enemies as to why things can't be solved. The Democrats pontificate and ponder...the Republicans prove that those who ponder are the enemy, too much time to make a decision they say is too much time wasted in thinking. The Democrats insist on fair and equal, the Republicans insist if you "ain't earned it" in the first place it was never yours to get, so fairness and equality don't matter. The Democrats try to play by the rules, the Republicans make up the rules as they go along.

It is interesting to see, perhaps, a resurgence of Republican rule. Not one election makes a trend, but with the election of Scott Brown in Massachusetts, one has to wonder why? Is it the "economy stupid" as Obama was able to interject into the discourse during his election bid? Is it that the Democrats in trying to be bi-partisan or just afraid to make decisions seemed to be the ones who stopped much of any progress? Is it the street urchins, the bigoted "Birthers", the torrent of "Tea Baggers", mis-information campaign built by Neo Cons and Far Right Republicans who have successfully delayed any interchange on any topic? Is it the perceived fear of those who think, who calculate, who consider as to why? Or is it that those minstrels who mangle the truth, provide the hocus- pocus to present an answer, the fortress of demigods who point outward for blame stretching their fingers so far no one can look at them for the fault as to why? Is that why a possible Republican surge is on the forefront or that a Democratic demise is looming large?

I am amazed that those who created much of the mess of the past 8 years are wearing teflon and floating freely as if no damage had been done. I am amazed that those who had the power to ruin are given a second chance to roam and ruin once more.

Is instant gratification how we as Americans now vote and hand over the future to politicians who promise a quick fix, but never tell us how it will be fixed?

How far have we come in the evolutionary process of electing our officials, an seeding our own fate?

Friday, January 22, 2010

an abortion of the law

Opening statements in the first degree-degree murder trial began on the 37th anniversary of the Supreme Courts decision in Roe v. Wade that legalized abortion.

On trial for first degree murder is Scott Roeder of Kansas, who shot, in cold blood, Dr. George Tiller (he performed late term abortions) and was gunned down in church.

The Lawyers for the accused and self admitted murderer Scott Roeder have persuaded the Judge to allow the jury to consider a lesser charge in the murder of Dr. Tiller by introducing voluntary manslaughter. The Lawyers (the defense team) want to argue that Roeder believed Tiller’s killing was necessary to save unborn children. In Kansas, voluntary manslaughter is defined as “an unreasonable but honest belief that circumstance existed that justified deadly force”.

Interesting that pre meditated murder, planned and executed can be considered voluntary manslaughter. Interesting that whatever your reason conceived for murdering those who offend your beliefs can be justified. If a murderer believes it is necessary to kill- plans the hows, why’s and where’s he/she can pick their choice of weapon and eliminate the perceived bad guy and justify the death.

In the early days of American life, in New England, those religious leaders and their flock of lemmings felt uneasy when someone, usually a woman spoke out, spoke against, and voiced a differing opinion, argued against the dogma of the church. They many times tried to isolate her voice, but if they could not silence her they stoned or burned her. They pretended to hold a trial to do so, but the mockery of a trial was evident. It was arguable for the fearful, the uneducated, the wise elders who wanted to maintain and retain power that killing the witch was a more necessary evil to rid the community of any witchcraft.

In the days before the Federal Civil Rights Bill was passed in this country, many a Southern white man felt offended when a Black male looked at a white woman. Making a perceived inappropriate gesture, speaking to her, making advances would often find him (the Black male) hanging on a near by branch by a near by tree. And for the lawless, the religious, the bigots of the day it was a justifiable murder. It was arguable that a circumstance existed and albeit unreasonable for some made a lot of reason for others and deadly force was used to eliminate the foe. No Black man, a non human human would ever again look at a white woman.

In America today, gender based acts of violence are heard in the courts. The victim of these acts, many who die from the actions are always made out to be the wrongdoer, because he or she was gay, or bisexual or transgendered. Had they not been a bizarre circus act and behaved accordingly to some unwritten psychopathic rules written by the perpetrator, then no harm would have come. The murderer found necessary reason to justify his murderous acts.

Law should be fair to all, but since when does murder become justifiable because the reason given is because I had too, I needed to, I saved perceived others and had the right to. And when does a religious belief trump the laws of a nation which still (who knows when that will end) trumpets the difference between church and state. When it is okay for a Christian like Mr. Roeder to take the law into his hand to save Christ’s beliefs, but a person who believes in his so called tenants of Islam is wrong to spout the laws of Muhammad?

Why is one Jihad different from the other?

I worry, once again, that if murder is committed in the name of Christianity in this country, then who will NOT be the next target? Save the kids from homosexuals, save true Americans from Muslims, the Jews killed Christ so they may kill again. He or she is not like us and they may make others turn into people not like us.

At first it seems silly in insane. But history has proven otherwise. The wise make the rules and those with little wisdom-- they break them.

This trial in Kansas is one we all should be looking at. Then look at ourselves and ask the question …can someone consider me a target for murder because I don’t think or look or believe as they do?????.....

Thursday, January 21, 2010

john mccain, go away

John McCain, go away! Go far away, please.

I am tired of your lies, amnesia, and nonsense.

You were asked today, on CNN, if President Obama ever called you and spoke with you regarding your input on Health Care Reform, and you looked in the camera with your deer caught in the lights look and said, "no". You did that look that makes me shudder and wonder if you are still among the living, and then realizing that the truth means nothing, you lied and said "no". And Wolf Blitzer being the ace reporter he isn't, let you go with the lie. Numerous reports of President Obama asking for your input have been on all the news channels. And in case you forgot, which it seems you did, there are just as many numerous video feeds of you saying you were not interested in speaking with Mister Obama.

You were asked today, on CNN, if you felt the President was reaching across the aisle to be bi-partisan, and doing all he could to include the Republicans. You did an imitation of the George Bush dandy smirk, then lapsed into some realm of reality not of this earth and said "no". You never mentioned that the Republicans were included in the process of trying to find a common answer for the health Care Bill, and led the Senate Committee to believe there was a possibility to finish it with a bi-partisan agreement, until Senator Grassley came up with the Sarah Palin idea of death panels, and just wasted weeks and weeks of bi-partisanship teamwork. You also seemed to forget that you spent some time with the Committee until you received marching orders from the rest of the Republican machine and said "no more". And Wolf Blitzer permitted you dally in the land of fabrication and falsehoods.

You were asked today, on CNN, to comment on the fact that your wife Cindy, had come forward, along with your daughter Meghan and had said no to Prop 8, the California Initiative to deny and take back the rights for Gay Marriage. You did a bit of a freeze, clenched your jaws, opened your eyes as wide as you possibly could and said well, um, they are free spirited souls who can think for themselves. And when asked how you felt about Prop 8 you said you were for the union and sanctity of one man and one woman in the holy institution of marriage. You forgot to mention that the sanctimony of marriage between one male and one female as you professed on CNN, had nothing to do with your own personal history of marriage.

You forgot to mention that you met a swim suit model who at the time was married to a naval classmate of yours. You allowed her to cheat on her husband, (but somehow, somewhere figured by marrying her after she divorced her husband made the union between you two sanctimonious) both she and you had an affair while she was a married woman, you know a union between one man and one woman.

Upon your return from Viet Nam, your first wife (the swim model), lost her looks at least in your eye as she was in a car accident, and decided then you decided to have an affair with your current wife Cindy, while you were still married.

And you looked at the camera and as if your cheating, adulterous, infidelity ridden past was not important, said "no", Prop 8 should stand. and once again Wolf Blitzer giggling like a girl never bothered to ask if maybe you were a hypocrite.

And prior to the interview on CNN on January 21, you were asked if you knew anything about not vetting Sarah Palin as she became your VP nominee. You were asked if perhaps asking her to be the number two spot on your ticket was important enough for you and your campaign to spend more time and effort to at least look into the past of someone who could become the strongest leader of the World. and you almost turned blue with anger, throwing a hissy fit, Jonney boy, and said you didn't know if that (the vetting) had been done, and after all that was the past and it should all be forgotten.

Go away John McCain. You are a liar, you are a hypocrite, you are a senile old man, you are UN-American, you are not fit to be a Senator of this or any other country. Have you no soul, or conscience, or ability to admit your weaknesses? why is it that people like you never see their self flaws, but are ever so eager to point to mistakes of others?

Hopefully the people of Arizona will rid you from the public stage by saying "no" to your next run for the Senate. Hopefully the majority of Arizonians will realize you speak not from truth, speak from self loathing, an do not speak as a true American should or could.

John McCain, go away!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

now i know

After hearing about Scott Brown’s (R) Senatorial win over Martha Coakley (D) in Massachusetts, fuming, fussing and feeling completely angry and full of angst, I at first refused to allow myself to listen to any and all commentaries regarding why and how that happened.

I wondered how stupid the voters were in Massachusetts to have allowed this, man who is anti almost anything that speaks of fair or equal or American, to have been elected to the Senate. I asked myself how could a state, a leader in health care, gay marriage, the home of Provincetown, find it in their hearts to disallow their soul and vote for Brown.

How could any voter have buyer’s remorse with only one year of Democratic control in the Federal Government? How many people came down with amnesia, not to have remembered how not having a Democratic Party in the majority in the Senate or the House of Representatives caused death destruction and the rich getting richer by Republicans who only concerned themselves, well with themselves? How could any individual even cast a vote for a man who sides with the “Birthers”, or the Tea Baggers, or the Evangelical homophobic zealots?

Then like a big Homer Simpson “DOH”, I hit myself on the head and realized WHY!

Because I said to myself, those who hate, those who self loath, those who need an enemy, those want easy answers, those who need fabrication over fact, get angry enough and vote “the bum out”. They gather in covens allowing the most outrageous and egregious comments to be heard, pick from the lies a truth that fits and vote in massive blocks. Their weakness in decision is replaced by strength in conviction. Their dissatisfaction of anyone different is replaced by pure satisfaction by those who say what needs to be heard. Their need for retribution is keen and direct. And the arrogance of the intelligent is thwarted by the lack of will of the intelligent to fight for a cause other than on paper, by the will of the ignorant to swarm and attack. And the dumb seem to have inherited the Earth.

In college there were the Professors who spoke and taught theory, many times the castles they lived in seemed like perfect places. They talked about change and timing and how on paper things should work. Talk was cheap as compared to the Professors who came to class from the trenches. They wiped the sweat from their back before writing on the chalk board and said what they knew because they experienced it.

Seems the Republicans are in the trenches; with the Democrats on the hill above the ravine. Seems the Republicans can talk the talk and walk the walk faster and with more fury; while the Democrats pause and ponder. Seems the Republicans look at the immediacy of the problem, while the Democrats lapse into grand ideas for some future.

Seems the Republicans cater to the lie, and the Democrats cater to the lie only when they have to. Seems the Republicans fight dirty, and the Democrats like to keep their white collar and white gloves clean.

And it seems the Democrats are spineless, while the Republicans have enough of a backbone to push anyone around in their way.

So, Scott Brown won in Massachusetts, but did he win because of his qualities and deeds, nope he won because the Democrats were lulled with their own inadequacies. Perhaps if anything is learned from this disaster is to fight faster, fight dirty, fight harder.

Now I understand! No wonder Mister Brown won!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

change so fleeting

And in a democracy we the people have the power to elect those who want to be our leaders, and bestow upon them titles as President, Governor, Senator or Mayor. And in a democracy like America we can vote into office people who may not speak the truth, nor rely on facts, but share our bias's, indulge our anger, and say out loud what many of us have been thinking deep and dark inside.

In Massachusetts the voters decided to elect a candidate who has told the president to stay out of his states politics, admits that he is not sure of the birth place of the President, wants to deny the LGBT any equal rights, and is for sure not going to allow the poor or middle class the right to equal medical care, and who has agreed that his female opposition candidate should have some kind of physical harm done to her.

Change happens. We were told by our current President that change will make a difference. he has tried to move the country forward from places so depressing and deep, that one wonders why anyone would even wish to take on that responsibility. And it seems that the voters in Massachusetts felt his talk was greater than his deeds. So they decided to elect a person who is an extreme opposite.

I have no idea why we would take a step closer to the past 8 years. I have no idea why the collective memory of Americans is so filled with holes and hollow. I have no idea why smart people sat at home and did not vote, while dumb people made their voices heard.

Now we will hear how after only one year this President's career is over. We will be told by people who deny equal rights to anyone not like them that change is now turning back to the way hey liked change at all.

Massachusetts's voters have spoken and have shown the power they yield by voting the way they want. This is America and we can vote the bum out of office and vote in a creep. We liked Bush because we thought he would be a better bud to have beer with over Al Gore. We liked Bush again because even though he had more millions than most he seemed less stuffy than Kerry. We didn't care if Mister Bush fabricated the truth, because his promises we thought kept us safe, and kept us divided among we and they, us and them.

The Tea Baggers, the Birthers, the homophobic family values syndicate the republican party of "no" had a better strategy, call to arms, and turn out. The sane, and sensible sat at home thinking no way.

I love America and democracy, and the power the people have. i just don't understand why those with a conscience, a heart, morals and ethics seem to lethargic and loony.

Why does change seem so fleeting?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

what is scary

Perhaps the scariest thing about Pat Robertson’s religious tirade against the evils of the Haitians (he blamed the Haitians for the catastrophic earthquake disaster, the Haitian slaves should not have demanded freedom from the French) is that many of Robertson’s 700 Club Holy Roller do as I say not as I do listeners shook their collective heads and agreed.

Perhaps the scariest thing about Rush Limbaugh’s irrational comment about President Obama’s quick response to provide aid to the Haitians, as being much quicker than wanting to throw the would be Detroit airplane bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, in jail, (Limbaugh insisted that the only reason the President wanted to help the Haitians was to appease the lighter colored Blacks in this country) is that Limbaugh’s cadre of hate monger, small minded audience agreed.

We, who consider ourselves intelligent open for dialogue, ready to communicate differences, able to hear another viewpoint and consider the commonalities and define the differences; WE usually scoff and laugh at what seems to be bogus and baseless tales by the likes of Robertson and Limbaugh.

But, the scariest thing is that a whole lot of Americans need go no further than the most current gurus of garbage, who assure them if you hate like me, then it is okay to hate. I am a powerful player and my job on Earth is to speak for you, think for you and communicate all the bigotries and fears, (well deserved as they are), that have been imposed on you by the bad guy. And I will help you define the bad guy and assist in your own self victimization.

The self appointed messengers of Jesus, like Robertson, or the self proclaimed king of conservatism, Limbaugh, are smart enough to know how to insight, instigate, and indulge the most insecure who never look inward for cause and effect, but loving lash outward for reason and rhyme. Robertson and Limbaugh both are smart enough to know how to appeal to the weak, weaker, weakest. They never need fact just fable. They know how to define US vs. THEM very well. And both Robertson and Limbaugh are keen marksmen in the hunt to divide and conquer.

Both Robertson and Limbaugh on the surface are laughable facades of human beings. Many of us can see how rich the two clowns have grown from basing their careers on finding fears. The two men live an extravagant life, and it seems want for little when it comes to the materialistic things in life.

But both practice the same philosophical theories of terrorist organizations by preying on the have not’s, the self victimized, who believe life could be better if the perceived bully was removed. It is okay to fight the people who have denied you the ability to be richer, greater, better. And as most who want to wage a Jihad, the army of lost souls, will defend their supposed saviors to make sure the greener, fairer, expected pastures soon come their way.

And as frightful as it may be, both men have the right to stand upon their soapbox and spew the liturgy of lies (this is America and free speech), but the scariest thing is that so many millions want to hear it. And the minions place no caveats on the content; they just listen as if it was a lullaby to sooth their distrust, dissatisfaction and desire to place blame.

The words spoken by Robertson and Limbaugh on the topic of Haiti as well of the dozens and dozens of other topics are fowl smelling turds of speech. But the fact that so many wait with baited breath for these two to scream sentences based on bias, bigotry, fear and folly frightens me more than anything else.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

wonder of self

I sometimes wallow in my own wonder of self. I find the achievements I made rewarding and am blessed with having people in my life loving and supportive. From my partner Joe to my kids, to friends and family who surround me with unconditional love, I most often fend off the blues and doldrums of my day to day existence. But now and then I linger a little longer looking at how luck seems to laugh at me.

I try with great conviction to do the right thing, and make every conceivable effort to remain conscious of how what I do, or not do, affects those around me-directly or indirectly. In earnest I engage my environment seeking truth and honesty, trying to find solutions to issues or questions about what is right and what is wrong.

I have made great strides in realizing consensus is correct, and blame is blasphemy.

But even knowing and doing and trying all of that I go through a syndrome of woe is me, and why me or why not me.

And I wonder why it seems to me that the “bad guys” are ending up ahead while the unsung heroes seem to be lapsing father and further behind.

The Congress has convened a Special Commission to investigate the 2008 financial collapse. They are currently honing in on top bank executives asking them why and what might have led to devastating consequences in the financial markets.

Some of the questions asked include, why are the same executives and staff of failed banks receiving large bonuses and compensations when many Americans lost their homes, savings and pensions. And what justification do the Banks have in increasing salaries to the Bank employees when the average American taxpayer sees no relief for their own financial struggles?

The executives from Goldman Sachs Group Inc., JPMorgan Chase and Company, Morgan Stanley, and Bank of America all testifying before this Panel, succinctly, and rehearsed and like drones have responded “…we understand the anger felt by many citizens…””we are grateful for the taxpayer assistance we have received…”over the course of the crisis we as an industry caused a lot of damage…” “we regret the consequences that people have lost money from our practices…”

Then the same bunch of Bankers added. “…the vast number of our employees played no role in the economic crisis, and do not deserve to be penalized with lower compensation…”and we will continue to pay people in a responsible and disciplined manner.”

And so without a hint of a true mea culpa, but instead a wave of the hand a wiping of the slate clean, the Wall Street and Banker CEO Gang will move forward. We did wrong, it hurt, we were in our purview of rights to do what we did with your money, and that was yesterday, and we who know what we are doing should be rewarded. This is America. Victims happen!

And the Elected Officials who presided in office during the past 8 years, the ones who did not establish regulations of the Financial Institutions, who received Political Action funds for their campaigns, whose spouses worked for the same Institutions, who were entertained by Lobbyists from the Financial Institutions just look the other way as if their lack of concern, lack of leadership, lack of care had little or nothing to do with the financial crisis in which the Average American was and still is suffering.

Our Elected Officials beat their breasts and say WE have established a bi-partisan panel to get to the root cause of the financial mess. WE will find the villain and well, um, perhaps, maybe scold them. WE will do this in anticipation of the mid year elections, and market the hell out of this. WE will of course never point the fingers to us, but will scrutinize all other evil doers.

And at the end of the day, our pension plan, the value of our homes, our savings will not be replaced, but the CEO’s the Wall Street white collared cast of characters, the Senate and the House of Representatives will go about their business, blaming but never owning. They will continue to receive perks, and bonuses, special compensation, money for re-election. And as is usually the case with American consumers and voters, our Elected Officials will hope that Americans memory will be short circuited and the CEO’s will hope that the Congress is satisfied with money for their political careers, and all will be forgotten.

And as I witness this fiasco, this farce, this shambles of ethics and morals, gluttony and greed, I focus back to my situation in my life. I strive as do millions of Americans to live a life full and promise. I try to do the right thing, and find encouragement from others similar to me. But I wonder why try, why do the right thing, when those who seem to wander through life without self pity, without doubt, without conscience win. Why has luck found them and rewarded them for just thinking about themselves, for selfishness not selflessness?

I sometimes wallow in my self doubt because I am not sure how trying to be my best, be right, be fair measures up to those who just don’t seem to care? When did wrong turn into right?


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"...for the children..."

"...It's for the children..."

No matter what the question is, the answer remains the same, "...its for the children..."

Pick a topic: the denial of rights, the insistence of equal but separate, the refusal to accept others as being similar as yourself, "...its for the children..."

So many arguments used to back up the bias and bigotry as reason to deny or disallow, are always energized by saving the future of the kids. Throw in family values based on dogma and fear, and suddenly change or difference, hope and help are drowned out by the mere insistence that it will be harmful for the children. We are so content to cower from our own ownership of responsibility and reason, by blaming what we do and why we do it, on a made up altruism, "...its for he children..."

Amazing how anti same sex organizers talk about same sex couples who love one another will confuse children about the Institution of Marriage. It seems the power of same sex couples is greater than opposite sex couples, and the mere pledge of "I do", from one man to another man will destroy any opposite sex male from ever uttering "I do", to his female partner.

Amazing that the love of same sex partners is deemed stronger than love between opposite sex partners. It is so great a love that it must be denied so that opposite sex couples will find the will to get married.

Opponents of same sex marriage, find Gay men marrying Gay men unhealthy, an example they want to shelter from their children. But Straight men cheating on their wives, abusing their wives, committing adulterous affairs on their wives is not too scary from which to save "...the children...".

We were told in American history to " the children..." from Women receiving the right to vote. Preachers stood on their holier than thou soap boxes and shouted to the masses that if women receive the same rights as men it will emasculate the male population and little boys would grow up wearing dresses (instead of becoming GI Joe's) The family would crumble, the preachers scolded us and God's will for man to be the bread winner and woman to be the bearer of children would cease. The preachers and chauvinistic males warned us if we don't stop this crazy madness, "...the children..." would suffer.

Interracial marriage we were told, would never permit "...the children..." from knowing what their true ethnic heritage was all about. It would deny "...the children..." the privilege and God given right to know who their real ancestors were. Mixing of the races would confuse "...the children...". How sad it would be if Johnny was white and his mother was not!

It took the insight and wisdom of Congress and leaders who knew in their hearts, that if it was "...for the children...", they (the leaders of ALL Americans), would have to disallow the majority from diminishing the rights of the minority and make into Federal law, that equal but separate is wrong.

As was the case in history and the present, those who hate never look inward as to why they hate. They refuse to admit that perhaps it is their fear, their insecurity, their self victimization that creates the enemies they see. And as is usually the case, those who hate need an excuse for that hate. And of course the excuse is "...its for the children..."

If only "...for the children..." we could be open and honest and communicate what we don't know, what we don't understand, what we fear, and "...for the children...", talk about how we can find common cause, consensus.

If it was "...for the children..." we would stop our lies and speak in truths.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Rats and their Droppings

Rats. some say they are smart creatures. They can invade a space and by the time you discover them they have destroyed or ruined almost everything in their way. And usually the first manner of figuring out they even were in your home is stumbling upon their Droppings.

Rats. They love the darkness, the silent cover of making mischief without worrying about the consequences. They ravage, roam, and scavenger the place they call theirs, and once finished with the job at hand just leave and just leave their Droppings.

The Family, the C Street Church of Elected Officials (who are part of a brotherhood of Evangelical Christians (formally a secretive society) whose members are permitted to cheat on their spouses, urged to pay off the spouses whose Family partners were in an adulterous affair with), were recently in the business of supporting an anti LGBT campaign in Uganda.

The Family, thought in the cover of darkness, in a land other than the United States, using surrogates of hate, they (The Family), could persuade the Uganda Government to stop the notorious "Gay Agenda", and convince the Ugandans that committing Gays to death for various and sundry actions could help these insecure American male Politicians with their bigotry.

Through seminars of the "gay agenda", destruction of the Ugandan family, and the spreader of AIDS, The Family, has provided human and financial resources to help rid Uganda of human rights and any and all homosexuals living there.

Like Rats, who are found out to be the vermin they are, because of their poisonous Droppings, The Family was found out to be the propagators of a Bill of death for homosexuals in Uganda. And until the family's poisonous Droppings were discovered smeared all over the cable and news stations, The Family much like Rats thought they could destroy and not be found out. And had their Droppings not been strewn on the lives of the LGBT in Uganda, they might have disappeared in the darkness of bias and bigotry and lived holier than thou.

Rats we are told have no conscience. They are survivors and live to eat and propagate.
The Family we are told are Christians, following a Golden Rule from a God they celebrate as being kind, good and fair. We are also told that The Family, are humans so supposedly they have a conscience.

Until the harangues the eye witness reports, the non stop questioning by people with a conscience, became too much, did The Family even admit they might have, maybe a little interfered with Ugandan politics.

Rats can be contained. If they did not expel their Droppings it would be hard to know where they lived, so the containment can begin to rid them from your home.

The Family has left their Droppings in oh so many places it is almost hard to find a place to start to contain them. But they Dropped a lot more of their foul, anti Christian excretion in Uganda, and the results were piles of crap leading to people's possible death.

Now, The Family is practicing a typical "not me Willis", response by insisting The Family was taken out of context, is appalled, and will certainly try as they may to dissuade the killing machine created by originated by The Family to stop!

Rats have a habit of leaving once they create havoc. Wonder where the Family is headed to after they leave Uganda?

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Like a rash smack dab in the middle of your back, so itchy and begging to be scratched, knowing that maybe if only you could reach it just to end the torment, Sarah Palin surfaces on the Political horizon again and again aggravating and assaulting us begging many of us to just rid ourselves of her inane idiopathic ranting

She never bases her sound bytes on sound reason or supportive fact, but thinks she is the darling of those who require just a gut reaction, something that sounds sensible, and a whole lot of passive response to make a pointless point.

In most cases Ms. Palin would just be a laughing stock, filled with gafahs and giggles. But for some reason in America of the 2009’s and 2010’s she is taken seriously by a whole lot of individuals who need nothing more than a dodo bird to try and take flight.

Ms Palin seems to think she can say whatever she wishes, make a cut with a blunt knife, start a slow drip of blood and walk away from the scene denying she had anything at all to do with the crime. Her response is that if quoted, she (Palin) was taken out of context, or her enemies misconstrued her words and she (Palin) is once again a victim of vengeful un- American Americans.

The do as I say not as I do magician of lies, only speaks to those who will not question her ethics, or pontificates to an audience who believe she represents their bias, bigotry and self loathing. She learned a lesson that smart people, intelligent minds ask questions and actually listen to the inaccuracies and misinformation of her speeches, Facebook ramblings or one line wink and pose statements.

Once again Ms Palin, who I am sure, has more than adequate health coverage is pronouncing there will be the creation of death panels in the newest version of Health reform for the average American. She has changed some of the verbiage from her original warnings of the evil of a creation of a Government cabal whose goal is to kill “granny”, but insists if the Government wants to save money on its health bill, someone certainly must die.

And once again as if she is consumed by ADD (Adult Deficit Disorder), Palin has taken maybe 2 minutes to fact check, and instead spends 15 minutes in releasing her rants and raves based on fact-less findings and fearful fables. She knows she need not base anything on a common reality, just a reality based on fear and distrust.

I applaud her ability to keep on keeping on and pan all those who permit her to continue to do as she pleases without responsibility or virtue.

P.T. Barnum reminded us “…there is a sucker born every minute…” and I so loath, having to pay the consequences of the many who lull in lies.

Do we as Americans ever see the long range picture of who it is that wants to lead our nation? Have we not learned from the past 8 years that deception, denial, and diminishing democratic principles only dug us deeper and deeper into the dire and dreadful?

Free speech is a freedom we Americans deserve, but somehow freer speech identifying the falsehood and lies of those speaking in illegible tongues should be required to counter the crazies.

Sarah Palin is the itch that no matter how much ointment or back scratchers we use to sooth the pain comes back and back and back.

How do we make the pain stop and how do we tell her to be quiet or be honest?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

you are the bully

I often wonder why when bullies start a confrontation, thinking because they are bigger, badder or just more of them, they begin to whimper and complain, when finally they become on the defense while those trudged upon take a more offensive and responsive role in defiance?

Why is it they (the bullies), can call names, point fingers misconstrue the truth never owning up to their real intentions or issues, pounding on their chest assuming the harder they pound the more intimating the gesture, but once called to task for that behavior claim to be the victim?

Brit Hume who pontificated about the Buddhist Tiger Woods needing to come to Christianity for redemption and forgiveness for his wayward adventures with other women, now in response to his inappropriate and fact-less based pronouncement against Buddhism, says the only reason he is being picked upon is because there is a war on Christianity. ( of course not the insulting content of his speech).

There is no apology for his initiated attack upon the virtues or lack of value of another religion, but a self prescribed harangue that every other non Christian organized religion is arming themselves against God’s true children---Christianity!

This argument always rears its ugly head when Americans who follow the Constitution regarding separation between church and state demand that the United States of America has no official religion despite a majority of self proclaimed Christians in this country who insist being the majority makes them the boss. Our Constitution made it clear that all men, (eventually women and slaves), were to be treated equal. Yet when we dispute a Christmas nativity scene on the lawn of a municipal facility, or the removal of the Ten Commandments from a court room, or the rights of the LGBT community to wed in a civil setting, all of the sudden Christians scream they are being persecuted.

We are told that “In God We Trust is essential for keeping America a leader among nations by the Evangelical Christian zealots. We are then told but there is only one God to trust and he is the God of Christians, not necessarily the same God as Catholics or Mormons, and especially not some weird nature like God of the Buddhists or a war lord God of Muslims, nor the God of those crazy Jews who need to all flock to Israel for the arrival of the Second Coming.

And when someone with intelligence, wisdom the self confidence of faith, the ability of reason challenges the notion of this is a one God America as expounded by the Evangelical Christian zealots, there is suddenly a war waged. Weapons can be thrown by the James Dobson’s, Pat Robertson’s, Glenn Becks, Sarah Palin’s, Michele Bachman’s, and now Brit Hume's saying America is a Christian nation, based only on their bias, bigotry and lack of compassion or self serving drive for ultimate power. But when sane and sensible people try to communicate with these, supposedly Christians or use the laws of America to counter their twisted reasoning those who attempt a rebuttal suddenly they are the ones who threw the first stone and are the ones at war, the enemy, the evil.

Brit Hume is the latest of the modern Christian Crusaders to demand we all believe the same way with one religion and to one Lord; his hue and cry about sin only being pardoned if Christian, forgiveness only a Christian value, morals and ethics being true if one is a Christian would be fine if he and his Crusaders shared those sentiments among their own flock and not preached to others. But I take offense as a Jew, as an American as a human that he and all his Evangelical Christian buds, spew their lack of understanding their lack of compassion their lack of Christian fellowship to me.

Mr. Hume, you are the aggressor in this so called war. You are the one who began to degrade other religions. I worry that the God you worship is leading you to paths that will result in never finding compassion, consensus or compromise. You scare me Mr. Hume and when scared I will fight back for fair and just.

You are a bully Mr.Hume, and it is about time you realize intimidation, lies and self serving rhetoric have no place in a real America.