Perhaps the scariest thing about Pat Robertson’s religious tirade against the evils of the Haitians (he blamed the Haitians for the catastrophic earthquake disaster, the Haitian slaves should not have demanded freedom from the French) is that many of Robertson’s 700 Club Holy Roller do as I say not as I do listeners shook their collective heads and agreed.
Perhaps the scariest thing about Rush Limbaugh’s irrational comment about President Obama’s quick response to provide aid to the Haitians, as being much quicker than wanting to throw the would be Detroit airplane bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, in jail, (Limbaugh insisted that the only reason the President wanted to help the Haitians was to appease the lighter colored Blacks in this country) is that Limbaugh’s cadre of hate monger, small minded audience agreed.
We, who consider ourselves intelligent open for dialogue, ready to communicate differences, able to hear another viewpoint and consider the commonalities and define the differences; WE usually scoff and laugh at what seems to be bogus and baseless tales by the likes of Robertson and Limbaugh.
But, the scariest thing is that a whole lot of Americans need go no further than the most current gurus of garbage, who assure them if you hate like me, then it is okay to hate. I am a powerful player and my job on Earth is to speak for you, think for you and communicate all the bigotries and fears, (well deserved as they are), that have been imposed on you by the bad guy. And I will help you define the bad guy and assist in your own self victimization.
The self appointed messengers of Jesus, like Robertson, or the self proclaimed king of conservatism, Limbaugh, are smart enough to know how to insight, instigate, and indulge the most insecure who never look inward for cause and effect, but loving lash outward for reason and rhyme. Robertson and Limbaugh both are smart enough to know how to appeal to the weak, weaker, weakest. They never need fact just fable. They know how to define US vs. THEM very well. And both Robertson and Limbaugh are keen marksmen in the hunt to divide and conquer.
Both Robertson and Limbaugh on the surface are laughable facades of human beings. Many of us can see how rich the two clowns have grown from basing their careers on finding fears. The two men live an extravagant life, and it seems want for little when it comes to the materialistic things in life.
But both practice the same philosophical theories of terrorist organizations by preying on the have not’s, the self victimized, who believe life could be better if the perceived bully was removed. It is okay to fight the people who have denied you the ability to be richer, greater, better. And as most who want to wage a Jihad, the army of lost souls, will defend their supposed saviors to make sure the greener, fairer, expected pastures soon come their way.
And as frightful as it may be, both men have the right to stand upon their soapbox and spew the liturgy of lies (this is America and free speech), but the scariest thing is that so many millions want to hear it. And the minions place no caveats on the content; they just listen as if it was a lullaby to sooth their distrust, dissatisfaction and desire to place blame.
The words spoken by Robertson and Limbaugh on the topic of Haiti as well of the dozens and dozens of other topics are fowl smelling turds of speech. But the fact that so many wait with baited breath for these two to scream sentences based on bias, bigotry, fear and folly frightens me more than anything else.
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