Tuesday, January 19, 2010

change so fleeting

And in a democracy we the people have the power to elect those who want to be our leaders, and bestow upon them titles as President, Governor, Senator or Mayor. And in a democracy like America we can vote into office people who may not speak the truth, nor rely on facts, but share our bias's, indulge our anger, and say out loud what many of us have been thinking deep and dark inside.

In Massachusetts the voters decided to elect a candidate who has told the president to stay out of his states politics, admits that he is not sure of the birth place of the President, wants to deny the LGBT any equal rights, and is for sure not going to allow the poor or middle class the right to equal medical care, and who has agreed that his female opposition candidate should have some kind of physical harm done to her.

Change happens. We were told by our current President that change will make a difference. he has tried to move the country forward from places so depressing and deep, that one wonders why anyone would even wish to take on that responsibility. And it seems that the voters in Massachusetts felt his talk was greater than his deeds. So they decided to elect a person who is an extreme opposite.

I have no idea why we would take a step closer to the past 8 years. I have no idea why the collective memory of Americans is so filled with holes and hollow. I have no idea why smart people sat at home and did not vote, while dumb people made their voices heard.

Now we will hear how after only one year this President's career is over. We will be told by people who deny equal rights to anyone not like them that change is now turning back to the way hey liked things...no change at all.

Massachusetts's voters have spoken and have shown the power they yield by voting the way they want. This is America and we can vote the bum out of office and vote in a creep. We liked Bush because we thought he would be a better bud to have beer with over Al Gore. We liked Bush again because even though he had more millions than most he seemed less stuffy than Kerry. We didn't care if Mister Bush fabricated the truth, because his promises we thought kept us safe, and kept us divided among we and they, us and them.

The Tea Baggers, the Birthers, the homophobic family values syndicate the republican party of "no" had a better strategy, call to arms, and turn out. The sane, and sensible sat at home thinking no way.

I love America and democracy, and the power the people have. i just don't understand why those with a conscience, a heart, morals and ethics seem to lethargic and loony.

Why does change seem so fleeting?

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