If I were consulted on the content of your State of the Union speech I would make a few suggestions that somehow resonate to the world in which I live and not the made up world of the Neo Cons, Radical Right Wing Nuts or various and sundry bigots and unintelligent who say "no" as a part of their Un American life.
I would inform the "nay sayers", the ones who disregard the democratic process, and pout and stomp their collective feet by throwing tea parties or "birther" conventions, that I am the President, elected by a majority of the voters, and elected to complete goals and tasks I campaigned upon and about.
I would inform the public that as President I actually made many efforts to be bi-partisan, but met with road blocks and detours by a bunch of partisan politicians who felt their career, their wallets, their future was more important than the American electorate that voted them in office.
I would call out the Senators and Congress Men and Women who claimed your Health Care Reform contained death panels, or abortion clinics. I would then list a bunch of Congresspeople and Senators who received great quantities of money from the Lobbyists of the Health Insurance Cartel and the Conglomo- Pharma Industry. I would make a shame list of Elected Officials who feel they deserve a whole lot more than the average American.
I would ask the Democrat lead Congress where their backbone went. I would ask why with a majority in both the House and Senate why they allowed themselves to be bullied by a bunch of people who brought us the War in Iraq, the War in Afghanistan, the Great Recession, Tax Breaks for the Wealthy, Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Abolition of the Constitution.
If I were asked to help you write your State of the Union Speech, I would ask the people of America did I deliver the change you voted for? Was I assertive and proactive enough to begin change you can believe in? What is it I haven't done, whether of my own fruition or the lack of support of the Republican Spin Machine, or the lack of wherewith all from the Democrats? What is it that I do that still stinks of politics instead of the aroma of fair and just?
Mister President, rumor has it all you are going to offer the people of this great country is a replication of what Scott Brown, the newly elected boss of America sprouted in his hate filled campaign in Massachusetts, cut current programs for the middle class, lower class and those who really don't count because they are either poor, a minority, gay, or can't muster up enough money to pay for campaign dollars.
I voted for you President Obama. I voted for you because you promised to make a difference. I voted for you because your words seemed real and genuine, honest and sure. I voted for you because I trusted you.
You beat the odds in the last election. You overcame the odds. What happened President Obama did you catch the "minus a backbone of the democratic party, or the lies and deceit illness of the Republicans.
If I wrote your State of the Union Speech Mister President I would start off by stating that I am the President, I was elected to do a job the previous Administration failed at, lost at and alienated most of America while not doing what they were elected to do.
If I were your speech writer President Obama, I would say this is MY agenda, because it is the PEOPLE'S agenda, and Republican obstructionists and Democratic fearful fools need to take heed, participate and stop denying American citizens what they deserve.
Please don't deliver a speech that reeks of change you can't count on, or change just doesn't happen here. So many and so much depends on you.
I hope you have a speech that matters not just for your political future but for the future of America.
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