I am tired of your lies, amnesia, and nonsense.
You were asked today, on CNN, if President Obama ever called you and spoke with you regarding your input on Health Care Reform, and you looked in the camera with your deer caught in the lights look and said, "no". You did that look that makes me shudder and wonder if you are still among the living, and then realizing that the truth means nothing, you lied and said "no". And Wolf Blitzer being the ace reporter he isn't, let you go with the lie. Numerous reports of President Obama asking for your input have been on all the news channels. And in case you forgot, which it seems you did, there are just as many numerous video feeds of you saying you were not interested in speaking with Mister Obama.
You were asked today, on CNN, if you felt the President was reaching across the aisle to be bi-partisan, and doing all he could to include the Republicans. You did an imitation of the George Bush dandy smirk, then lapsed into some realm of reality not of this earth and said "no". You never mentioned that the Republicans were included in the process of trying to find a common answer for the health Care Bill, and led the Senate Committee to believe there was a possibility to finish it with a bi-partisan agreement, until Senator Grassley came up with the Sarah Palin idea of death panels, and just wasted weeks and weeks of bi-partisanship teamwork. You also seemed to forget that you spent some time with the Committee until you received marching orders from the rest of the Republican machine and said "no more". And Wolf Blitzer permitted you dally in the land of fabrication and falsehoods.
You were asked today, on CNN, to comment on the fact that your wife Cindy, had come forward, along with your daughter Meghan and had said no to Prop 8, the California Initiative to deny and take back the rights for Gay Marriage. You did a bit of a freeze, clenched your jaws, opened your eyes as wide as you possibly could and said well, um, they are free spirited souls who can think for themselves. And when asked how you felt about Prop 8 you said you were for the union and sanctity of one man and one woman in the holy institution of marriage. You forgot to mention that the sanctimony of marriage between one male and one female as you professed on CNN, had nothing to do with your own personal history of marriage.
You forgot to mention that you met a swim suit model who at the time was married to a naval classmate of yours. You allowed her to cheat on her husband, (but somehow, somewhere figured by marrying her after she divorced her husband made the union between you two sanctimonious) both she and you had an affair while she was a married woman, you know a union between one man and one woman.
Upon your return from Viet Nam, your first wife (the swim model), lost her looks at least in your eye as she was in a car accident, and decided then you decided to have an affair with your current wife Cindy, while you were still married.
And you looked at the camera and as if your cheating, adulterous, infidelity ridden past was not important, said "no", Prop 8 should stand. and once again Wolf Blitzer giggling like a girl never bothered to ask if maybe you were a hypocrite.
And prior to the interview on CNN on January 21, you were asked if you knew anything about not vetting Sarah Palin as she became your VP nominee. You were asked if perhaps asking her to be the number two spot on your ticket was important enough for you and your campaign to spend more time and effort to at least look into the past of someone who could become the strongest leader of the World. and you almost turned blue with anger, throwing a hissy fit, Jonney boy, and said you didn't know if that (the vetting) had been done, and after all that was the past and it should all be forgotten.
Go away John McCain. You are a liar, you are a hypocrite, you are a senile old man, you are UN-American, you are not fit to be a Senator of this or any other country. Have you no soul, or conscience, or ability to admit your weaknesses? why is it that people like you never see their self flaws, but are ever so eager to point to mistakes of others?
Hopefully the people of Arizona will rid you from the public stage by saying "no" to your next run for the Senate. Hopefully the majority of Arizonians will realize you speak not from truth, speak from self loathing, an do not speak as a true American should or could.
John McCain, go away!
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