It seems that a quick fix, one that sounds too good to be true, one with so many raveled ends is now the all American answer. The Republicans understand that philosophy and play it really, really well. The Democrats trying to be all things to all people, come up with thousands upon thousands of scenarios ruminate over endless upon endless forms of consensus, and travel in an ever widening circle never finding anything but dizzying delays.
The Democrats try and solve... the Republicans try and find enemies as to why things can't be solved. The Democrats pontificate and ponder...the Republicans prove that those who ponder are the enemy, too much time to make a decision they say is too much time wasted in thinking. The Democrats insist on fair and equal, the Republicans insist if you "ain't earned it" in the first place it was never yours to get, so fairness and equality don't matter. The Democrats try to play by the rules, the Republicans make up the rules as they go along.
It is interesting to see, perhaps, a resurgence of Republican rule. Not one election makes a trend, but with the election of Scott Brown in Massachusetts, one has to wonder why? Is it the "economy stupid" as Obama was able to interject into the discourse during his election bid? Is it that the Democrats in trying to be bi-partisan or just afraid to make decisions seemed to be the ones who stopped much of any progress? Is it the street urchins, the bigoted "Birthers", the torrent of "Tea Baggers", mis-information campaign built by Neo Cons and Far Right Republicans who have successfully delayed any interchange on any topic? Is it the perceived fear of those who think, who calculate, who consider as to why? Or is it that those minstrels who mangle the truth, provide the hocus- pocus to present an answer, the fortress of demigods who point outward for blame stretching their fingers so far no one can look at them for the fault as to why? Is that why a possible Republican surge is on the forefront or that a Democratic demise is looming large?
I am amazed that those who created much of the mess of the past 8 years are wearing teflon and floating freely as if no damage had been done. I am amazed that those who had the power to ruin are given a second chance to roam and ruin once more.
Is instant gratification how we as Americans now vote and hand over the future to politicians who promise a quick fix, but never tell us how it will be fixed?
How far have we come in the evolutionary process of electing our officials, an seeding our own fate?
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