Sunday, January 24, 2010

spinning arrogance

Hey folks, the new word for the next few weeks is arrogance. Yep, the Republican spin machine fresh from their victory in Massachusetts, is now touting how arrogant the Democrats have been in handling the issues of the day since they took control of both the Senate and the House. And most every news caster, journalist, and entertainment reporter is repeating their words as if it was wisdom.

Senator Mitch McConnell Republican Leader of the Senate, spoke in broad detail about how if the Democrats had not been so arrogant and HAD sought the input of the minority party, the Health Care Reform Plan could have stood a chance of being passed. Senator McConnell wrung his blood soaked hands and said arrogance leading to no attempt for bi-partisan input by the Democrats is what derailed the whole Bill.

Of course the Senator mentioned nothing about the Republicans who were at the table from the beginning of the discussion to revamp health care, deciding from day one that the priorities lied not with finding the most beneficial, cost efficient universal plan for Americans; but rather how it did affect the bottom lines of most and many Republican donors to their campaign coffers---the Health Insurance Cartel and Big Pharma.

Arrogance! Aw, yes here we go again with probably another award winning P.R. trick by the Republican Spin Machine. They are crafty little bastards never finding a solution, but pointing the finger. Never owning up to their responsibilities, but quickly quivering with joy as they comment, drop innuendo, fabricate the truth, and mention how others have not done the right thing. And like a good liar, the Republican Spin Machine repeats and repeats their lies and falsehoods until just enough skepticism rises and no one bothers to find the truth.

From the "birther" brigade who just refuse to believe any truth about the Presidents birth rights, to the President being a charter member and receiving lobbyist money from ACORN, to more terrorist attacks in this country ever since Obama became President to the "Swift Boat lies during the Kerry campaign, the Republican Spin Machine has been successful in deferring their failures into why the Democrats can only fail.

The Republican Spin Machine gets more power to lie when those whose own bigotries and biases are tossed into the mix, and the complacency of the ignorant creates a tsunami wave that becomes the lead story for the nightly news and the banner headline in newspapers. And as every good lie grows, those victims of the falsehood have to spend valuable time denying the lie and speaking the truth. And the diversion allows little progress in the goals set to cease, and permits the Republican leaders to do nothing but serve themselves.

Arrogance! It's the same arrogance of the Politicians who define marriage as a union between one man and one woman, but while married enjoy the company of another woman and another man. Arrogance! It's forgetting that you voted for a war based on "weapons of mass destruction" and somehow along the way forgot the real reason for a war that has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. Arrogance! It's setting up an economy on the trickle down theory only to find the rich remained rich and the poor never had a chance. Arrogance! It's denying the rights of every American citizen to have the same medical coverage as Federal Politicians have and use.

So as has been the case of Politics in this country in the last two decades, the Republican Spin Machine will waste valuable hours spewing innuendo and lies, this time how arrogant are the Democrats. The Republicans will offer lip service or nothing at all to change the conditions of the citizens in this country, while the spineless, minus a backbone Democrats will apologize, ruminate, and run all over themselves trying to back track.

Arrogance is owned by both political parties no argument there. But it irks me to no end that the Republican Spin Machine in their brilliant marketing plan will use arrogance as the only reason the Republican politicians have not cooperated or made any inroads into correcting their last 8 years of corruption, collusion and carefree and careless public responsibility.

And as long as the campaign of lies works nothing of any consequence will take affect in this country. We will now be harangued with promises of change and less arrogance in 2012; but that won't last too long so we will then be told that arrogance will end and change will really come if we only vote for the right President in 2014.

Get ready for the ride on the spin machine, the ride will amaze you, but won't do a thing to make anything better.

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