No matter what the question is, the answer remains the same, "...its for the children..."
Pick a topic: the denial of rights, the insistence of equal but separate, the refusal to accept others as being similar as yourself, "...its for the children..."
So many arguments used to back up the bias and bigotry as reason to deny or disallow, are always energized by saving the future of the kids. Throw in family values based on dogma and fear, and suddenly change or difference, hope and help are drowned out by the mere insistence that it will be harmful for the children. We are so content to cower from our own ownership of responsibility and reason, by blaming what we do and why we do it, on a made up altruism, "...its for he children..."
Amazing how anti same sex organizers talk about same sex couples who love one another will confuse children about the Institution of Marriage. It seems the power of same sex couples is greater than opposite sex couples, and the mere pledge of "I do", from one man to another man will destroy any opposite sex male from ever uttering "I do", to his female partner.
Amazing that the love of same sex partners is deemed stronger than love between opposite sex partners. It is so great a love that it must be denied so that opposite sex couples will find the will to get married.
Opponents of same sex marriage, find Gay men marrying Gay men unhealthy, an example they want to shelter from their children. But Straight men cheating on their wives, abusing their wives, committing adulterous affairs on their wives is not too scary from which to save "...the children...".
We were told in American history to " the children..." from Women receiving the right to vote. Preachers stood on their holier than thou soap boxes and shouted to the masses that if women receive the same rights as men it will emasculate the male population and little boys would grow up wearing dresses (instead of becoming GI Joe's) The family would crumble, the preachers scolded us and God's will for man to be the bread winner and woman to be the bearer of children would cease. The preachers and chauvinistic males warned us if we don't stop this crazy madness, "...the children..." would suffer.
Interracial marriage we were told, would never permit "...the children..." from knowing what their true ethnic heritage was all about. It would deny "...the children..." the privilege and God given right to know who their real ancestors were. Mixing of the races would confuse "...the children...". How sad it would be if Johnny was white and his mother was not!
It took the insight and wisdom of Congress and leaders who knew in their hearts, that if it was "...for the children...", they (the leaders of ALL Americans), would have to disallow the majority from diminishing the rights of the minority and make into Federal law, that equal but separate is wrong.
As was the case in history and the present, those who hate never look inward as to why they hate. They refuse to admit that perhaps it is their fear, their insecurity, their self victimization that creates the enemies they see. And as is usually the case, those who hate need an excuse for that hate. And of course the excuse is "...its for the children..."
If only "...for the children..." we could be open and honest and communicate what we don't know, what we don't understand, what we fear, and "...for the children...", talk about how we can find common cause, consensus.
If it was "...for the children..." we would stop our lies and speak in truths.
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