So, the newly Evangelical twice married anchor of the “fair and balanced” network FOX, Brit Hume, has editorialized on his television show to Tiger Woods. Mr. Woods, Mr. Hume decried, perhaps if you gave up your current religion, Buddhism, and found the one true religion, Christianity, your sins would be washed away, forgiveness would be found and you could have your family and career back in tip top shape.
It seems the “fair and balanced” network FOX has one again decided to publicize their own version of a holy war, and for just a moment stopped defaming all Muslims, and found time to expound upon the delusional fact that Buddhism does not allow for atonement of the sins of adultery and infidelity as well as Christianity does.
And with good reason they might add as two currently in office Senators John Ensign (R) Nevada, David Vitter (R) Louisiana and one still governing Governor Mark Sanford (R ) had gone the path of selfishness, disharmony to the Institution of Marriage, and extra marital affair-manship only to find redemption and peace by denying what they did was not quite totally wrong in the eyes of God. And all three not only are still doing their jobs, but the “fair and balanced” FOX network has not mentioned word one about these cheating, womanizing good Christians since the origin of the private matter between husband and wife and girlfriend took place. And two out of the three “other woman” wives are back in the arms of their man. (Perhaps Jenny Sanford is not a good Christian woman because she has a backbone a conscience and knowledge of right and wrong and is seeking divorce from her spouse.)
Add the fact that a really good Evangelical Christian can always get the much needed assist from another “God fearin’ soldier” “I know God better than you do” Christian, like Senator Tom Coburn (R) of Oklahoma, and negotiate your way out of adultery by bribing your co-adulteress or buying off her husband (Of course doing so with the good graces of a perceived God who would rather deal in finances than in soul).
Brit Hume sat upon his news desk perch and looked straight into the camera and matter of factly told Tiger Woods and any other non Christian red blooded American male, if you are going to cheat, be an Evangelical Christian, cause our God forgives, even if you cheat with more than one woman, or with the same woman for say 6 months or longer.
And as Brit Hume spoke to a national audience about the negatives of Buddhism and positives of Evangelical Christianity, very few in America sighed, bothered, or even took exception. His four television reporters, alias, lemming like entertainment losers all shook their heads and not once flinched at the defamatory comments made about one religion as it pounced upon the cable airwaves.
If I want propaganda and poison regarding other religions spread like wild flowers it would be my choice to listen to say the 700 Club the late Jerry Farwell commencement speech at Liberty University, or the slew of Republican Senators standing on their soapboxes haranguing about how there is no separation of church and state and if elected in the democracy oriented nation of THEIR America, they will have the New Testament replace the Constitution.
(I actually listen to FOX just to find out how far into the Twilight Zone the “fair and balanced” entertainment correspondents have traveled.) (You got to know the lies spread so you can arm yourself with the truth.)
But I am alarmed at the biased, bigoted, messages shared on FOX. If those with little concern in fact finding, those who require reason to justify their own hatreds, those who love finding others the source of their victimization, those who cower in the light and hover in the darkness watch this show for validation, affirmation they begin to form little armies and anarchy with chaos, turmoil are never far behind. Start making a list FOX seems to say, difference is not good. We already know Muslims and the religion of Islam is on that list, LGBT’s follow, abortion doctors are next, blacks are okay but not as President or anything else but second banana’s, ACORN is sinful, and anyone not speaking English is a demon.
Who is next? Which religion is fermenting evil? Which demographic are Communists? Which Americans are not really All-American Americans? Who, in the name of an Evangelical Christian God shall we cast the next stone upon?
Mr. Hume is a fool! We as honest ethical, moral driven people are more foolish if we don’t demand his or any of this behavior end.
The silence from sane, intelligent good people is shameful!
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