Wednesday, January 20, 2010

now i know

After hearing about Scott Brown’s (R) Senatorial win over Martha Coakley (D) in Massachusetts, fuming, fussing and feeling completely angry and full of angst, I at first refused to allow myself to listen to any and all commentaries regarding why and how that happened.

I wondered how stupid the voters were in Massachusetts to have allowed this, man who is anti almost anything that speaks of fair or equal or American, to have been elected to the Senate. I asked myself how could a state, a leader in health care, gay marriage, the home of Provincetown, find it in their hearts to disallow their soul and vote for Brown.

How could any voter have buyer’s remorse with only one year of Democratic control in the Federal Government? How many people came down with amnesia, not to have remembered how not having a Democratic Party in the majority in the Senate or the House of Representatives caused death destruction and the rich getting richer by Republicans who only concerned themselves, well with themselves? How could any individual even cast a vote for a man who sides with the “Birthers”, or the Tea Baggers, or the Evangelical homophobic zealots?

Then like a big Homer Simpson “DOH”, I hit myself on the head and realized WHY!

Because I said to myself, those who hate, those who self loath, those who need an enemy, those want easy answers, those who need fabrication over fact, get angry enough and vote “the bum out”. They gather in covens allowing the most outrageous and egregious comments to be heard, pick from the lies a truth that fits and vote in massive blocks. Their weakness in decision is replaced by strength in conviction. Their dissatisfaction of anyone different is replaced by pure satisfaction by those who say what needs to be heard. Their need for retribution is keen and direct. And the arrogance of the intelligent is thwarted by the lack of will of the intelligent to fight for a cause other than on paper, by the will of the ignorant to swarm and attack. And the dumb seem to have inherited the Earth.

In college there were the Professors who spoke and taught theory, many times the castles they lived in seemed like perfect places. They talked about change and timing and how on paper things should work. Talk was cheap as compared to the Professors who came to class from the trenches. They wiped the sweat from their back before writing on the chalk board and said what they knew because they experienced it.

Seems the Republicans are in the trenches; with the Democrats on the hill above the ravine. Seems the Republicans can talk the talk and walk the walk faster and with more fury; while the Democrats pause and ponder. Seems the Republicans look at the immediacy of the problem, while the Democrats lapse into grand ideas for some future.

Seems the Republicans cater to the lie, and the Democrats cater to the lie only when they have to. Seems the Republicans fight dirty, and the Democrats like to keep their white collar and white gloves clean.

And it seems the Democrats are spineless, while the Republicans have enough of a backbone to push anyone around in their way.

So, Scott Brown won in Massachusetts, but did he win because of his qualities and deeds, nope he won because the Democrats were lulled with their own inadequacies. Perhaps if anything is learned from this disaster is to fight faster, fight dirty, fight harder.

Now I understand! No wonder Mister Brown won!

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