Like a rash smack dab in the middle of your back, so itchy and begging to be scratched, knowing that maybe if only you could reach it just to end the torment, Sarah Palin surfaces on the Political horizon again and again aggravating and assaulting us begging many of us to just rid ourselves of her inane idiopathic ranting
She never bases her sound bytes on sound reason or supportive fact, but thinks she is the darling of those who require just a gut reaction, something that sounds sensible, and a whole lot of passive response to make a pointless point.
In most cases Ms. Palin would just be a laughing stock, filled with gafahs and giggles. But for some reason in America of the 2009’s and 2010’s she is taken seriously by a whole lot of individuals who need nothing more than a dodo bird to try and take flight.
Ms Palin seems to think she can say whatever she wishes, make a cut with a blunt knife, start a slow drip of blood and walk away from the scene denying she had anything at all to do with the crime. Her response is that if quoted, she (Palin) was taken out of context, or her enemies misconstrued her words and she (Palin) is once again a victim of vengeful un- American Americans.
The do as I say not as I do magician of lies, only speaks to those who will not question her ethics, or pontificates to an audience who believe she represents their bias, bigotry and self loathing. She learned a lesson that smart people, intelligent minds ask questions and actually listen to the inaccuracies and misinformation of her speeches, Facebook ramblings or one line wink and pose statements.
Once again Ms Palin, who I am sure, has more than adequate health coverage is pronouncing there will be the creation of death panels in the newest version of Health reform for the average American. She has changed some of the verbiage from her original warnings of the evil of a creation of a Government cabal whose goal is to kill “granny”, but insists if the Government wants to save money on its health bill, someone certainly must die.
And once again as if she is consumed by ADD (Adult Deficit Disorder), Palin has taken maybe 2 minutes to fact check, and instead spends 15 minutes in releasing her rants and raves based on fact-less findings and fearful fables. She knows she need not base anything on a common reality, just a reality based on fear and distrust.
I applaud her ability to keep on keeping on and pan all those who permit her to continue to do as she pleases without responsibility or virtue.
P.T. Barnum reminded us “…there is a sucker born every minute…” and I so loath, having to pay the consequences of the many who lull in lies.
Do we as Americans ever see the long range picture of who it is that wants to lead our nation? Have we not learned from the past 8 years that deception, denial, and diminishing democratic principles only dug us deeper and deeper into the dire and dreadful?
Free speech is a freedom we Americans deserve, but somehow freer speech identifying the falsehood and lies of those speaking in illegible tongues should be required to counter the crazies.
Sarah Palin is the itch that no matter how much ointment or back scratchers we use to sooth the pain comes back and back and back.
How do we make the pain stop and how do we tell her to be quiet or be honest?
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