Wednesday, January 27, 2010

There Is

*There is disregard for the law in the conservative right wing extremist’s agenda.

*There is disregard for the truth in the conservative right wing extremist’s agenda.

*There is disregard for any and all who are deemed different and dangerous in the right wing extremist’s agenda.

*There is permissible hypocrisy in the conservative right wing extremist’s agenda.

*There is no need for fact; just desire in the conservative right wing extremist’s agenda.

*There is no room for compromise or bi-partisanship in the conservative right wing extremist’s agenda.

*There is no tolerance for choice or challenge in the conservative right wing extremist’s agenda.

*There is great glee in divide and conquer in the conservative right wing extremist’s agenda.

*There is, it seems no one who wants to stop their rampage of ruin.

*There is no more room to place our heads in the sand as those who care less about the many and care more for the few begin to ascend upon our Government begin to take office.

*There is no more room to dismiss the “Birthers” the “Tea Baggers”, the “Death Panelists” the “Creationists” the “Abortion Doctor Murderers”, the “Evangelical Adulterers”, the “Closeted Homophobes”, as fringe and deranged individuals; doing nothing to challenge them and hoping they will fade from the tapestry of America.

*There is no more room in allowing those who created a War in Iraq, denying all truth about that war, to continue to supplant honesty with self desired fable to reach a selfish culmination to have access to a bully pulpit without owning up to their mistakes and crimes.

*There is no more room for the uninsured to live their lives without medical care equal to the law makers who refuse to help.

*There is no more room for the Elected Officials of this Nation to pontificate and ponder only pleasure their continuing needs for power and prestige.

*There is no more room for endless confrontation by our Elected Officials on the economy, equal rights, the environment and health care based only on who is a Republican and who is a Democrat instead of who are the Americans left in a lurch.

*There is, it seems no real motivation to make wrongs into rights.

*There is a need for consensus, compromise, compassion, choice and concern for all Americans by all Americans.

*There is a need for truth, honesty, honor, and obligation.

*There is a need for voices so far silent to speak louder and clearer than the shouting screaming harangues of people who want nothing more than chaos and confusion to reign.

*There is, it seems however no need to stop the madness and begin sane.

The President has the microphone tonight, he has the potential to present reason and ration, he has the chance to call out those who disrupt and desire damage and divisiveness asking them to stop to come together. He can remind us there is a need to come together as humans, as Americans, as individuals who no longer want Politics as usual. He can begin to make the change he so promised so there will be an America we all are proud of and in which we all are equal.

There is at least for now… hope.

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