Wednesday, January 6, 2010

you are the bully

I often wonder why when bullies start a confrontation, thinking because they are bigger, badder or just more of them, they begin to whimper and complain, when finally they become on the defense while those trudged upon take a more offensive and responsive role in defiance?

Why is it they (the bullies), can call names, point fingers misconstrue the truth never owning up to their real intentions or issues, pounding on their chest assuming the harder they pound the more intimating the gesture, but once called to task for that behavior claim to be the victim?

Brit Hume who pontificated about the Buddhist Tiger Woods needing to come to Christianity for redemption and forgiveness for his wayward adventures with other women, now in response to his inappropriate and fact-less based pronouncement against Buddhism, says the only reason he is being picked upon is because there is a war on Christianity. ( of course not the insulting content of his speech).

There is no apology for his initiated attack upon the virtues or lack of value of another religion, but a self prescribed harangue that every other non Christian organized religion is arming themselves against God’s true children---Christianity!

This argument always rears its ugly head when Americans who follow the Constitution regarding separation between church and state demand that the United States of America has no official religion despite a majority of self proclaimed Christians in this country who insist being the majority makes them the boss. Our Constitution made it clear that all men, (eventually women and slaves), were to be treated equal. Yet when we dispute a Christmas nativity scene on the lawn of a municipal facility, or the removal of the Ten Commandments from a court room, or the rights of the LGBT community to wed in a civil setting, all of the sudden Christians scream they are being persecuted.

We are told that “In God We Trust is essential for keeping America a leader among nations by the Evangelical Christian zealots. We are then told but there is only one God to trust and he is the God of Christians, not necessarily the same God as Catholics or Mormons, and especially not some weird nature like God of the Buddhists or a war lord God of Muslims, nor the God of those crazy Jews who need to all flock to Israel for the arrival of the Second Coming.

And when someone with intelligence, wisdom the self confidence of faith, the ability of reason challenges the notion of this is a one God America as expounded by the Evangelical Christian zealots, there is suddenly a war waged. Weapons can be thrown by the James Dobson’s, Pat Robertson’s, Glenn Becks, Sarah Palin’s, Michele Bachman’s, and now Brit Hume's saying America is a Christian nation, based only on their bias, bigotry and lack of compassion or self serving drive for ultimate power. But when sane and sensible people try to communicate with these, supposedly Christians or use the laws of America to counter their twisted reasoning those who attempt a rebuttal suddenly they are the ones who threw the first stone and are the ones at war, the enemy, the evil.

Brit Hume is the latest of the modern Christian Crusaders to demand we all believe the same way with one religion and to one Lord; his hue and cry about sin only being pardoned if Christian, forgiveness only a Christian value, morals and ethics being true if one is a Christian would be fine if he and his Crusaders shared those sentiments among their own flock and not preached to others. But I take offense as a Jew, as an American as a human that he and all his Evangelical Christian buds, spew their lack of understanding their lack of compassion their lack of Christian fellowship to me.

Mr. Hume, you are the aggressor in this so called war. You are the one who began to degrade other religions. I worry that the God you worship is leading you to paths that will result in never finding compassion, consensus or compromise. You scare me Mr. Hume and when scared I will fight back for fair and just.

You are a bully Mr.Hume, and it is about time you realize intimidation, lies and self serving rhetoric have no place in a real America.

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