That darn pesky demographic in America, the LGBT community never seem to want to go away. They hog the minds, emotions and every day thoughts of red white and blued Americans. Why are they so darn important, and what do they want (of which a lot of people think they don’t deserve) they already don’t have?
The President spoke about “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” in his State of the Union Speech. He promised again to send a bill to Congress asking them to repeal denying homosexuals the right to serve their country. He stood firm at the podium and boldly stated as if looking at every gay man and woman, almost implying this time its for real, (cause I need your support and campaign dollars), and we will make an honest attempt to cut one form of inequality. Even before the speech was placed as fodder for the “talking heads” Senator, Johnny McCain’s office issued a statement that he was “agin it dag nab it” No OUT and PROUD gays in my military! He is the same man against granting equal rights for Gays to marry, although he is on his second marriage after two affairs. (He is a fan of what’s good for me is not good for you), kind of “mavericky” isn’t it!
The good ole’ Evangelical Christian ex head honcho pastor of the New Life Church Ted, I have compulsive thoughts) Haggard took a seat on the big over sized OPRAH chair along side his newly published (she is an author writing about her life as the wife of a self loathing, self hating, blame it on everyone else but me husband) Gayle.
(For those who forgot, Mister Haggert was a fervent homophobe who used the bully pulpit of his mega expensive Evangelical Church to lambaste any and all homosexuals. His frantic rants and ruminations helped keep the discrimination and bigotry alive, so more and many good Christians could feel okay in hating.)
This will be the third time Mr. Haggard has stopped his homosexual repulsive behavior. He knows the first time, when he had those warm, creamy, dreamy thoughts about men, and acted on them was wrong, dude really wrong. He knew he had to tell his wife about the second times those nasty repulsive homosexual thoughts entered his conscience; but he didn’t tell that is… until his male escort for three yeas did. (His male escort, who in addition pleasured Haggard’s homosexual libido, also pleasured Haggard’s crystal meth addiction).
Teddy Haggard knows that a third time can be a charm and a lot is at stake for him to become a homosexual again. Thing is, this time his wife wrote a book, imagine what would happen to sales if those repulsive behaviors took control, AND he appeared on OPRAH. He may lie to GOD, but not to OPRAH!
Secretly hidden from cameras and the possible lynching’s (the Prop 8 people are sure that the Gay Mafia has hit men, and this case men like women to do harm to the backers of Prop 8 and assorted homophobes) who protest that Gays are so strong that their wedded bliss and desires (the GAYS) would immediately destroy any and all foundation of the Institution of Marriage a (heterosexual owned institution) a trial with great historic, legal and cultural significance is ongoing.
The testimony presented to the Judge, this is a trial without a jury, include discussion about the *history of marriage (how women were considered chattel, what was an appropriate amount of goods in a females family dowry), *if the definition of marriage means the conceiving of children, (pity the poor heterosexuals who either can’t conceive or don’t want children), is homosexuality a disease that creates sick adults (beating your wife, infidelity behavior, being an adulterer is not sick I suppose not to mention the ruling from the American Psychiatric Association saying it "ain't so"), is the LGBT community REALLLLLLLLY a minority who does not have the means to handle their own issues and are they REALLLLLLY a minority (not if you add in all the self loathing closeted homophobes).
The expert witnesses for the Pro Prop 8 gang either pooped out and did not show, or upon cross examination couldn't’t be precise or exact about their facts, but were sure as hell definite in their feelings.
We now wait until March for closing argument to see if one man, a Judge can speak for the equality for millions of Americans.
And last but not least, next but not the end, CBS has decided to allow a commercial that is anti-gay marriage, produced by Focus on the Family a very out and proud anti gay organization. In the past CBS was approached by the United Church of Christ, an inclusive and Christian lite church that reads the words of Jesus in a whole different slant.
In response to the United Church of Christ's approach to post a commercial pro gay marriage, CBS stood head tall dressed in suit and ties, polished shoes clutching their holier than thou attorney approved documents and said, "...we (CBS), prohibit advocacy ads with an 'implicit' endorsement for a side in a public debate.
But this year while a Prop 8 battle is heard in the courts, while election after election has brought the issue of gay marriage to the front, CBS has had a bout of amnesia (or perhaps a bout of we need cash) and seems to have left the attorney briefs behind and will air a commercial ripe with implicit endorsement, advocacy for a particular side in public debate. Hypocrisy, double speak, homophobia, who knows. The Super Bowl, may be, like the Institution of Marriage, so weakened by anything homosexual, that if the pro gay marriage ad is shown, the entire Super Bowl franchise may crumble and be swallowed up the Devil himself.
If I didn't know better I would say "fair and balanced" has moved from FOX to CBS.
Fair is fair, if you have a policy that states, we stay out of your business, so deny or accept both commercials.
(Oh and by the way CBS, its okay to keep on running "Two and A Half Men", Martin Sheen is one hell of a family guy!
Not sure what it is about the LGBT community? We sometimes seem so scary powerful, we sometimes seem to be in the way, we sometimes seem to be trouble makers, and we sometimes have trouble made for us. Many would wish we could just behave and be nice and fit in. Many wish we would cure ourselves from the poison the Devil has delivered. Many wish they could open their closets and emerge not afraid to be themselves. Many want those closets closed.
We are damn darn pesky indeed!
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