“This highway leads to the shadowy tip of reality: you're on a through route to the land of the different, the bizarre, the unexplainable...Go as far as you like on this road. Its limits are only those of mind itself. Ladies and Gentlemen, you're entering the wondrous dimension of imagination. . .
Next stop The Twilight Zone. (Rod Serling)
Rod Serling would stand in the shadows at the edge of the set, take a swig of smoke from the burning half ashy cigarette, look you right in the eye and make the viewer think that all we just saw and heard might of, could of, maybe WAS true after all.
We may have seen martians standing behind the counter at a drug store, tiny astronauts attacking giant women, lights dancing on and off in a neighborhood with no one touching the electricity, but when Rod Serling looked at us eye to eye with his sincere voice and cautious smirk it all seemed so possibly real.
Wayne Allyn Root a Vegas oddsmaker who claims that the most scandalous conspiracy regarding President Barack Obama can be found at Columbia University. Admittedly, he doesn't know exactly what this scandal entails, and his theory is based on nothing more than his "gut instinct," but the scandal exists -- again, according to nothing more than his (ahem) flawless intuition. (the village voice blogs)
As Mr. Root was interviewed by Sean Hannity on the “fair and balanced” noise-work known as FOX, one could hear the ominous do-do-do/do-do-do first few notes of the Twilight Zone theme playing in the background. Claiming to not be a ‘birther’ himself (after having had at least a dozen ‘birthers‘ on his entertainment show, of which Donald Trump was the main star), Hannity said without a doubt there is MUCH MORE HERE THEN MEETS THE EYE. And with nothing more then a hunch, the Puritans of of the Tea Party were ready for their next round of a witch hunt. A hunt based on no details but lots of fiction and farce, bias and bigotry.
As did Rod Serling, Sean Hannity used his sincere voice, his voice of caution, a voice of concern for the viewer, for the people who really know what America should look like and how those who run America should look. Sans cigarette but just like Rod Serling Sean Hannity asked the viewer you have the facts now YOU decide on what just happened. And if you looked close enough you would see that scary eyeball open and close, the knowing eyeball that can look into your soul.
And then those who despise any one else’s successes, those who need a scapegoat to blame for their own self driven misfortunes, those who pretend God hates and they are soldiers for that vicious God, those who just can’t believe that uppity black man became president of the United States did a universal shake of the head and acknowledged that IN FACT the Kenyan born Muslim has no right to be the leader of the free world.
“Show us your papers” they scream (none of them screaming for Romney to show us his papers of course), enough of this charade, you lie Barack Hussain, bring us back to the days of the Confederacy!
Twilight Zone was wonderful fiction, and if you could make it through the entire half hour there was a sigh of relief that it was only a well written scary show. We knew it was fiction and we went on with our day, albeit a few nightmares as we slept.
Hannity, O’Reilly, Limbaugh are all fiction also of course but somehow the viewers who are made to be as terrified as those who watched Twilight Zone have no idea that whatever is said by these buffoons is a lie based on a lie. And those viewers are ready to use their second amendment rights to deny others their first amendment rights. They are ready to take back America from a bogey man who is just a figment of the imaginations of hateful, harmful, hokey men and women with little love for America but lots of love for their own selfish egos.
“...the worst aspect of our time is prejudice... In almost everything I've written, there is a thread of this - man's seemingly palpable need to dislike someone other than himself.” (Rod Serling)
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