If the truth sets you free why does Mitt Romney seem so burdened by admitting it? If Mitt IS the man to be the next President why is finding out any truth about his past so difficult to learn? If Romney is the answer to all the evil that has befallen this nation why does he continue to avoid the truth in both his ads for president as well as his speeches on the stump?
If the Republican/Tea Party philosophy is the correct path for America why are so many Republican/Tea Party state legislators passing bills limiting or denying votes for its citizens? If the Republican/Tea Party says it IS the party for all Americans why are they always finding laws to discriminate against some of those Americans? If the Republican/Tea Party is about limiting Government, why are they expanding their reach into our bedrooms, love lives and homes?
If one is running for president, a person who has the potential power to change the ways Americans thrive, why is it not the right of ALL Americans to ask as many questions about his/her background as we wish. If America is a land priding itself on democracy why do some with more money have more sway in the government and perhaps the final say on how the government governs? If finding a common answer, a common purpose, a common cause for America, why is it so much easier to travel to the further edges of a political party?
If IT IS ABOUT THE ECONOMY, STUPID, why are so many laws regulating women’s bodies the first priority on the agendas for Republican/Tea Party controlled state legislatures. If IT IS ABOUT THE ECONOMY STUPID, why are Republican/Tea Party Congress People in office spending more time on calling some a Muslim Brotherhood supporter, a member of the Communist Party, placing bills to stop Sharia Law? If IT IS ABOUT THE ECONOMY STUPID, why are most of the bills introduced always related to social issues, the social services, and anything with health and welfare for the poor, the elderly and the unemployed?
If you vote for Mitt Romney why are you satisfied that he avoids and refuses to answer questions any presidential candidate should be required to do. If you want Mitt Romney to be president why do you provide him with a pass on anything personal. Mitt, if president will have the ability to initiate laws regarding our most personal aspect of life. If all you hear is the economy how do you find fairness from a political party who wants to deny freedoms, restrict fairness and at time eliminate equality?
I am scared of Karl Rove, the Koch Brothers, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, Todd Akin, Dick Cheney, because none of these individuals see further then their own selfish needs and desires. I am afraid of Mitch McConnell, Steve King, Sean Hannity, Michelle Bachmann, Alan West, John Bolton because these men and women want political power while destroying any power for the average people. I am terrified that Romney/Ryan become President/Vice President because all of the name I have mentioned above will be the people who with others just like them will set policy in this nation.
If you have women in your life love and respect them...if you have sons/daughters, sisters/brothers who among other things happen to be Gay and you love and respect them...if your parents are reaching retirement or are living on meager pensions and you love and respect them...if you know a teacher, a fire fighter, a police man an earner of minimum wage and you love and respect them...if you believe in your God, and practice your religion your way...if any of these examples or the million more that exist mean nothing at all and you still want to vote for Romney/Ryan have you asked what IF they are elected and what WILL become of this nation?
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