And as we sit back, (we with intelligence, insight, and inclusion) looking for answers for health and happiness, peace and prosperity, fair, equality and justice, there are many Americans satisfied with none of the above. With the help of the elite (who would prefer a divide between us vs they, have and you don’t deserve, keep them dumb making me smarter), cartoon characters have become elected politicians, religious bigots spokespeople for God, and haters setting the political agenda.
Small teeny tiny steps have turned into large giant stomps, and suddenly the facts are no longer of importance being replaced with private greed, bigotry, bias and bogus. And even if your head has been in the sand, you still think this presidential race is about two of the same kind of buffoon, say that your vote does not matter just take a peek at the people from the Tea Party, Republican Party, their supporters and watch how they plan on reclaiming America as THEIR kind of country!
C. Welton Gaddy, the president of a national multi-faith religious group“Let me be clear: I am not appalled that a Christian school is teaching its students that God created the Earth ... Children in my church learn that every Sunday," Gaddy wrote. “I am appalled that these schools are teaching theology as science, and they’re doing so with government money, my tax dollars."
Lance Hill, executive director of the Southern Institute for Education and Research, echoed this sentiment, telling Reuters in July: "Almost all the voucher schools are religious schools, and many use an evangelical curriculum that teaches that humans walked the earth 6,000 years ago with dinosaurs. Do I, as a taxpayer, want my taxes to support that as a proper education in science?" (Huff Post politics)
Here we go, first less public schools, then less unionized teachers, then less fact, then less divide between church dogma and real history, then an America on a path scary and sad.
And as we all say this election is about jobs and that the key to getting my vote is who can create more employment, cut my taxes, make America whole, the malicious, malevolent, mean spirited voices defining righteous from wrong continue a din of hate, The problem is that din once only heard by the deep rooted hater is now louder and heard by other troubled souls who would rather find blame then begin to accept.
Bryan Fischer from The American Family Association a prominent anti-gay pundit has sparked the ire of many in the blogosphere after calling for an "Underground Railroad to deliver innocent children from same-sex households." Of course, Fischer's anti-gay declarations are hardly new. Previously, he cited the Penn State child abuse scandal as evidence why same-sex parents shouldn’t be allowed to adopt children. Earlier, he slammed gay rights, abortion and even environmentalism as "the work of Satan himself on his "Focal Point" radio show. (Huffington Post Gay Post)
Isn’t always about saving the kids, but saving them from what, from whom. Isn’t it always about the love of a family but who in that family is permitted to love and how exactly should they express that love. Isn’t it always about finding fault in someone else’s life never noticing your own hypocritical empty values. Isn’t it about screaming to America that the reason for shifty politicians, greedy billionaires, unfair balance between the have and the have nots is the behaviors of the Gays, or the Blacks, or the Women, or the Jews or the Muslims or, or, or.
Set fire in the theater (America), lock the doors as you exit and ring your hands beat your heart and declare how did this happen. And when you finally open the doors permitting some of the victims to exit, claim it was your actions that made them free.
Here we go less civil rights, less personal choice, less individual freedoms, less pursuit of your own happiness and more dictatorial direction from a depraved group of self appointed Gods.
When will we all take notice that bit by bit, piece by piece the rhetoric, legislative actions, and intentions of this new breed of Tea Party/Republican party is dangerous. Today the first few waves of the tsunami are hitting the shores of America, still time to curb the tide. But in November the giant waves of everything UnAmerican will drown us all.
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