Friday, August 31, 2012

who you are

Dear Mitt,

America was promised that the RNC Convention would tell us who the “real Mitt Romney” was and is. The people who were responsible for producing this event assured us that the “real Mitt” would be showcased and any doubt or question we held in the past would be whisked away. I am not a fan of yours but hoped at least I could warrant my distaste for you and find myself correct in my negative feelings for you or have that moment of how did I miss that and find you actually had both a soul and conscience.

The RNC Convention provided a cadre of speakers proclaiming allegiance toward you but few actually pronounced in clear terms your merits to be president, instead shouting loud and proud why Obama should not be the man in the White House. Many of the manicured Republican/Tea Party maven managed the microphone well enough to spew the Party propaganda but few looked into the cameras to tell me Mitt is the man. Again, repeating myself Mitt, more time was spent on why the President should not be president and very little about why you should.

Then it happened, finally a wee part of your history was revealed. Your reluctance to mention that you are a member of the Church of Latter Day Saints while on the political stump was mentioned at the Convention and to coin a phrase I am sure makes you shudder, your religious beliefs came out of the closet for at least a teeny bit. And we learned how your religion is a keystone in your life. By disclosing this information, Mitt I had a few questions. (Isn’t  part of getting to know you, the ability to then sit around drinking soda pop and asking questions).How can you be a man of all the people when in fact your religion discriminates toward a segment of All the people who happen to be Gay? How will you respect your Bible but also respect the Constitution? 

We heard Ann gush about the great husband you have been, what a terrific and devoted son you were, and of course how you could win the Father of the Year Award if in fact one was to be given out. All commendable Mitt, but then a few more questions arise.(Don’t you hate that part about running for Prez and not CEO that your peons, err I mean public gets to ask questions.) With all your family “stuff” being so important to you, why do you insist that loving families not created of  one heterosexual man and women should not experience all the wonderment you have enjoyed. Why do you propose that Gays shouldn’t marry, should not adopt kids, are second class and deserve none of the blessings Ann, your kids and friends have clamored are so important and integral to you being, Mitt Romney. How can family be so vital as to define you as the man you are when you in turn are so selfish in sharing that joy that gift?

In fact Mitt your PR team your team of Mad Men helped define you, at least in my eyes. And what I saw Mitt confirmed the hypocrite you really have been and are. You have a fooled  bunch of people into supporting you, but not because  of you more so because of hate for the other. The thing Mitt after learning more about you I see there is not other side to you and you remain a scary, scary man.

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