Tuesday, August 7, 2012

mitt is not

Mitt Romney is referred to as Governor. But when you ask Mitt Romney about being Governor of Massachusetts he refers you to his days as a venture capitalist. But when you ask Mitt Romney about his days at Bain he refers you to his being a religious man. But when you ask him about being a member of he Church of Latter Day Saints he refers you to his days as Governor. Huh?

Mitt Romney boldly states that his tax returns are private and he has shared more then enough of his private life with the public. Mitt Romney loves to talk while on the stump about my private life as in who I can sleep with, who I can marry, what I do with my reproductive body parts. Mitt Romney gets angry when we the people assume he is one of us instead of the boss of us.

Mitt Romney loves to change his mind. Mitt Romney loves to pander. Mitt Romney loves to take things out of context that other people have said. Mitt Romney loves to prove that evidence showcasing one of the many sides of his point of view on audio or video is a spliced, dubbed lie that his enemies have set to deceive the public. Mitt Romney wants to walk away from the fires he has set acting as if he never held the matches in the first place.

Mitt Romney believes that corporations are people, but the kind of people who don’t work for minimum wage or need health benefits. Mitt Romney believes that it is his turn to ascend to the presidency as if he was royalty. Mitt Romney believes that war is good, not for the people of the United States but for the bottom line of the industrial military complex of CEO’s who support his candidacy. Mitt Romney was in Paris during the Viet Nam War, but before he went to proselytize the French he believed the Viet Nam War was the patriotic thing for Americans (anybody but he) to fight. Mr. Romney believes that you can say one thing and get away with doing something else.

Mitt Romney is a whole bunch of this and that, but he is not the right person to be president. Mitt Romney finds transparency pathetic. Mitt Romney finds capitalism the elixir of the Gods but does not want too many of the Gods drinking from the chalice. Mitt Romney is not the common man nor does he share common values with the men or women of this nation. Mitt Romney is a whole bunch of hooey and has not enough honesty to be president. 

As the character, Jessica Rabbit said in the movie ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit’ with bedroom eyes and a pouty mouth. “...I can’t help it...I was drawn this way...”, so Mitt Romney projects a cartoon character so out of touch with the world in which he wishes to lead. He can’t help it, it being an ex-a-sketch lack of depth or compassion shell of a man. Perhaps if he could he would have Bain Capital purchase the US and make himself CEO.

Mitt Romney in his own words, deeds and actions has proven he is not the person we want as president. Mitt Romney is the culmination of politics gone bad based on puppet masters and very wealthy men and women running the show and buying the players in that show. If Mitt Romney is the best America can offer then its time to hide our heads in shame.

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