“You can pull all the stops out
Till they call the cops out
Grind your behind till you're bend.
But you gotta get a gimmick
If you wanna get a hand”. (“Gotta Have a Gimmick”, Stephen Sondheim)
After Gabby Douglas' gold medal performance at the women's gymnastics individual all-around competition in London FOX news pundents wondered aloud : how is the athlete showing her patriotism if her uniform lacks stars and stripes? (Huff Post Media)
As always the finger pointing, assuming, shadowy figures from FOX News have found their newest scapegoat for everything wrong in America. The gimmick dress up racism to look like a naive concern for patriotism. Never mention that Gabby is black and or even that, that color is the issue. But FOX demurely assures us, it is the color of her uniform that does matter. The gimmick, anyone who is truly an American will drape themselves in the colors of the flag and anyone who doesn’t might be a black person with a questionable love of FOX New’s nation. And with most gimmicks it takes an audience relying on smoke and mirrors, lack of personal depth, no concern for the truth or willingness to find the facts to succeed.
You can sacrifice your sacharo
Working in the back row.
Bump in a dump till you're dead.
Kid you gotta have a gimmick
If you wanna get ahead. (“Gotta Have a Gimmick”, Stephen Sondheim)
It is about free speech, it is about our First Amendment Rights say the good Christian soldiers defending Dan Cathy. It is also about the War on Religion say the rebel rousing hypocrites who love to speak for God but never really listen to is words. Lets show the world that good Christians will support the man who reads the Bible and lives his life in a Biblical way (only the parts he prefers), and show those sinful Gays God has the power.(Gerry Buncher)
As always it is the bully who when called upon his ill intended actions loves to become the victim denying any misdeed. The gimmick is to use the holiness of religion as the cover for homophobia. Explain you are a good Christian and that makes you a better American. The gimmick is to defy the notion that church and state have a divide, and in fact the Constitution is another book within the Bible, not just any Bible, your Bible. The gimmick is to cajole the sheep herd them into a frenzy confusing Gods love for Gods hate. The gimmick is if you are a good American you must first read the Bible and patriotism will follow as God wills it.
If you wanna make it,
Twinkle while you shake it.
If you wanna grind it,
Wait till you refined it.
If you wanna stump it,
Bump it with a trumpet!
Get yourself a gimmick and you too,
Can be a star! (“Gotta Have a Gimmick”, Stephen Sondheim)
A gimmick is neat trick to avoid the truth. It is a con artists way of avoiding being better, acting professional, or trying your best. A gimmick is a perfect way to sway the stupid, surprise the naive, and the real from the fantasy. If you have no point have a gimmick. if the facts don’t add up to your point of view find a gimmick. If you want to disguise your racism, homophobia, hate find a gimmick.
Look around at the holier than thou’s in this nation and watch how much of a difference there is in the do as I say and not as I do. Look around at the creatures gracing the set of FOX News and how much fair and balance they never display. It is a gimmick to say you love God,but never really love thy neighbor. It is a gimmick to say you love America and explain why others don’t.
We have millions of Americans watching this side show of politics in this nation. They are hypnotized by the lights, the glitter, the facades and have no reason to question. Isn’t it about time those who have waited in the wings...those who have a real spiritual connection with God...those who understand democracy to take the front row seats and remove all the gimmicks.
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