Wednesday, August 1, 2012

freedom road

In my life I have been blessed
in my life I have been cursed
I have lived the best of times
I have suffered the worst
do you know which road you're travelling
do you know where you want to be
with so many roads to travel
there's just one can set you free
there's just one road
one road to freedom
there's just one road
one road to freedom
there's just one road
one road to freedom (“One Road to Freedom”, Ben Harper)
Today, under the religious teachings of Mike Huckabee, the man who wanted to be president, but just not the president for all Americans, was the show your appreciation for the bigotry and bias of Chick fil A and its esteemed homophobe president Dan Cathy.
Mr. Huckabee who is first to point fingers at the Gays wanting to marry but never mentions the indiscretions of his thrice married Republican/Tea Party cohorts such as Gingrich, Limbaugh, or the adulterous ramblings of current sitting Senator Vitter decided that it was time to speak for God and marriage. 
And today some very irate protestors in the Los Angeles area, indignant and pissed, told the TV reporter this whole counter protest is about freedom. This is America and we believe in freedom they screamed. If we don’t have freedom we don’t have America.
And is the typical hypocrisy of those who would rather hate then love, divide then conquer these freedom loving same sex hating protestors have no idea that words from Dan Cathy insisting that same sex marriage is wrong denies FREEDOM for a whole slew of Americans. These protestors, crusaders of the freedoms of the First Amendment of our Constitution have no idea how they in their zeal to holler FREEDOM have been restricting the FREEDOMS of those in the LGBT community
How come some should have FREEDOM, while others just don’t deserve it?
President Obama's Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, but it wasn't until today, August 1, that women on new insurance plans gained access to new health benefits, many of them related to preventative services, without having to owe a co-pay. (Huffington Post)
The evils of Obama care have come to town and with them they have swept in an ill wind permitting more women access to care they might have never been able to afford. If you have a mother, daughter, wife, sister, aunt or a female best friend SHE can now take a proactive role in staying healthy. Socialism has taken hold in America and it is targeting the women in this nation by permitting them to live a longer and happier life. Big Government has intervened in the lives of the ladies we love and it is about time.
House Republicans are so obsessed with what women can and can not do with their bodies that yesterday 203 House Republicans voted to force rape victims and victims of incest to keep the baby had the women been impregnated; only 6 Republicans voted against it.  Small government conservatism at work. (Huffington Post)
And then a day before the Affordable Care Act took hold a group of men and women mostly Tea Party/Republicans in Congress, who must hate our mothers, sisters, wives, aunts and female best friends decided to make government even bigger and insist pregnancy no matter the cause must be brought to term. Women, they all say, you have no idea how to control your reproductive rights, and we will make laws that deny you that right. Hey victim, you must carry your rapists baby for 9 months, hey daughter your dad or brother raped you keep the baby.
And is the typical hypocrisy of those who speak for God, never once really hearing his words, FREEDOM is good, except when I just don’t like the way you want to enjoy it. And never once having read the Constitution, but pulling apart the pieces they prefer to scream they say My religious FREEDOM is the priority while your Constitutional stated FREEDOM is secondary at the least and never used at the most. FREEDOM is me expressing my point of view and disallowing you any rights to live the life as you choose.
How come FREEDOM is just for those in the good ole boys club and no one else?
Tell me which road are you travelling
which road are you travelling on
tell me who will you turn to
when the light has gone
I hear somebody calling
I hear somebody calling to me
with so many roads to travel
there's just one can set you free
there's just one road
one road to freedom
there's just one road
one road to freedom
just one (“One Road to Freedom”, Ben Harper)

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