Any attorney, CEO, businesswoman will tell you the devil is in the details, so read the fine-print well so no surprises jump up and end up biting you in the butt. There are details that if gone unnoticed or unread that can change any deal, any offer, any intention intended and make good into bad and right into wrong. A fool just reads the headlines and is soon facing the consequences of never deciphering the details.
Details: The Supreme Court upheld the case stating that first amendment rights prohibited the government from restricting independent political expenditures by corporations and unions. Thus Citizens United began to rewrite the rules for bribing elections. Now, millions of dollars can be raised and used to buy a candidate, pass an amendment, or deny rights and freedoms for any and all minorities. And as powerful as these united citizens are, we are told we need NO DETAILS about who these puppeteers are.Citizens United can change the shape of democracy in this nation forever, yet even with devil being in the details, we get NO DETAILS. Makes you wonder, if you are so proud to support your favorite politician how come you are so quiet in admitting your choice?
Details: Mitt and the RNC are all about demonstrating how everything from ObamaCare to unemployment, to Medicare are mishandled by the president. The Republican/Tea Party politicos bad mouth each and every plan and outline and detail the president supplies and shares but never offer any more then headlines for their own plans. Ask the Romney campaign about details and all you get is wait until the debates, wait until he is elected, wait, wait wait! We are told details exist, but hold on to your impatience, the information will come, soon! And oh yeah we were told by Romney’s campaign that Mitt is like an etch-a-sketch so even if you get the details, those might not be the real DETAILS. Makes me wonder, if Romney is really sure of his details, really has any details why not share them now and brag about them. You know, instead of hiding behind promises?
Details: As if being president was just another take over of a corporation by Bain, Mitt seems to think his life, his past experiences, his deeds are private, confidential and acts as a CEO. Its my business he shouts and stammers as does his wife Ann with an indignant attitude. Those DETAILS are private, they insist. We want to be elected to do the people’s business, but the people have no right to our business or the details relating to them. Trust us they say our word needs no other Detail. Taxes, shmaxes, what we did in the past was cool, why even ask us about our past? There are more important issues to discuss say the Romney’s then asking us about details that might provide insight to how we will govern this nation. We had Richard Nixon remind us that no matter what the president does it is legal, and then we found out about Watergate. Way too late!
In the case of the Romney’s and the activist Republican Supreme Court it is not so much the devil in the details but more of the devil who provides no detail at all.
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