Wednesday, August 22, 2012


As the RNC committee responsible for establishing their list of planks (the  platform for their party heading into 2012) added an anti-abortion manifesto. This manifesto made it clear that no matter what the circumstance, no matter the type of rape (can you believe we now are having a discussion on the TYPE of Rape) no abortion is okee-doe-kee. Reince Preibus RNC Chair said loudly and proudly the GOP is and  always has been a party about LIFE and FAMILY VALUES. He spoke in that used car salesmen tone, with little affect, no emotion and saying the words so fast in hopes that what was just said went by your ears too fast to decipher. 

In Republican/Tea Party jargon also known as double speak, a party of LIFE interprets as having the zygote survive, the embryo live but once the child is delivered, no more concern for the kind of LIFE she/he lives. Not true, well then consider, the cuts to head start programs,cutting backs for nutrition programs, insisting that fair health care for all is a form of socialized medicine. Dwell into the cut backs in Pell Grants, the insistence that minimum wage for kids is way too much money, the cut back of educational programs, the size of classrooms. LIFE inside the womb must be protected so say these Republican/Tea Party self proclaimed guardians of God, but once the water breaks it is up to anyone else but them to clean up the mess.

In Republican/Tea Party parlance FAMILY VALUES mean the values only they the identifiers of morals deemed derived from God promote. But of course not just any God,the God they pray to. FAMILY VALUES don’t include LGBT families who may want to adopt unloved, abandoned child. Nope better have that child stay in an abusive family or an orphanage. FAMILY VALUES in Republican/Tea Party blabber mean no extension of unemployment benefits due to laziness by the bread winner in the at family in the first place. No regulations for banks, lenders in help of saving your house from being foreclosed. FAMILY VALUES in Republican/Tea Party slang FAMILY VALUES translate into keep the poor families poor, hungry and working longer with less social security as you age. Oh, yeah and only heterosexual.

On Tuesday the Republican/Tea Party stayed their course of exclusion, and denial. They pretend that big government is too big except when it comes to social issues. They claim they are the party of the people, but very selective of which people that might be. They claim LIFE and FAMILY VALUES are the core of their existence, but limit exactly whose LIFE and which FAMILY’s they VALUE.

On Tuesday the RNC began it chores of writing its plank, the rules and regulations, the laws, the codes by which it plans to govern this nation if they become the majority party in power In November the American people hopefully will have decided that words are not as good as deeds, and deeds on LIFE and FAMILY VALUES are not limited by the rants and hypocrisy of the RNC.

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