I know you are voting Republican/Tea Party because the only issue of the decade is the economy. Romney and Ryan tell us they will bring Cap back in Capitalism, and keep America from the evils of socialism. And as you keep your head in the sand, refusing to scan the horizon around you, when in fact you vote Republican/Tea Party you get some of this: Texas GOP recently declared, in the 2012 party platform, that it is opposed to teaching critical thinking skills to children on the grounds that it undermines "parental authority.” When you support Romney and Ryan the residual and residue result in Republicans/Tea Partiers who have decided critical thinking is plot to rid parents of any responsibility in raising their kids. Not true, take a peek at the priorities of Republican/Tea Party dominated state legislatures and watch just how little has been done help the economy. But how much more has stopped women from their own reproductive rights, education programs from growing and voter from being denied the right to vote.
I know you are voting Republican/Tea Party because Barack Hussein sounds like a Muslim name and in fact must be. This is Christian nation and only those who believe in Jesus have the right to be president. I know Romney/Ryan will bring back God to the nation. They hate abortion, Gays, poor people and know immigrants are just lazy humans trying to cheat real Americans. And as you keep your ears focused on the rhetoric from ministers of hate preaching from churches of disdain for anyone considered “other”, when in fact you vote Republican/Tea Party here is what you get: Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), who claims that God himself declares the whole global warming scare to be a "hoax": "Well actually the Genesis 8:22 that I use in there is that “as long as the earth remains there will be springtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, day and night.” When you support Romney/Ryan those true American white guys you get the rust dripping from old ideas that refuse to allow truth to shine on the fact of life of tis planet. You get denial that too much carbon, too much pollution, too much abuse of the land has any, any, any consequences.
I know you are voting Republican/Tea Party because a black man has run this nation amok. He has seen the individual as more important then the community. He has said words like free, equal, rights instead of you don’t deserve it, wealthy is what is America is all about. And when you vote for Romney/Ryan two guys who love to divide, exclude you also get: Todd Akin women could not get pregnant from a rapist's seed because their bodies had some sort of elaborate, hormonal fail-safe system that had never, ever, ever been observed in the natural world but it sure sounds awesome so, why not? When you support Romney/Ryan you get speeches filled with America for all, but laws and plans that restrict some Americans from getting anything at all.
There is a much bigger question then just voting for Romney/Ryan. Try and get a commitment from these men as how they will govern this nation. Ask for facts, simple plans on paper as to what their term in office will look like. Look at the states whose Republican/Tea Party led Congresses and watch how ALL citizens of those states DO NOT receive equal justice under the law. If most Republican/Tea Party candidates and current elected officials only spend time with the FOX fools acting as journalists and will not speak to anyone else, it just might be because everyone else sees the emperor without clothes and that site is soooooooooooo scary!
So you want to vote Romney/Ryan/Republican/Tea Party, really?
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