All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. (Thomas Jefferson)
Within minutes of tapping Paul Ryan as his vice presidential nominee, presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney was distancing himself from the congressman's controversial budget. The Romney campaign sent out talking points on Saturday that made the case that he was his own man on matters of Medicare and Social Security and that he wouldn't be tied to a document he insisted he'd sign into law and once called "marvelous."
Here we go living two realities at one time. Reality A) look what I did (I chose Paul Ryan), and Reality B) look at what I didn’t do (pay any attention to Ryan’s remedy to solve both the deficit and dissolve the safety net). Here we go when what just happened really did not happen, at least the way you supposed it happened. Here we go smoke and mirrors, slight of hand but just don’t accuse me of flimflam. Here we go Mitt Romney placating and pandering but never once sincere enough to seek the truth.
Mitt has once again made a decision but when approached as to why or how, he wants to change both the truth and the reason for his choice. Mitt will never admit to why he has done something as soon as there is question as to WHY he just did what he did. Mitt will snap back that the questioner who dares asks for detail is more interested in finding fault then fact. But when asked for fact Mitt immediately says that is a personal attack.
And the most amazing thing about Mitt, is he still has enough people supporting him, without even knowing more then perhaps 2% about him. Mitt wants to be president of this nation deciding laws, rules, regulations for all of us, yet any question asked to him as who the hell are you is deemed as derogatory and demeaning.
Tyranny is at its best when the majority remain silent and only watch (never act) as their walls of democracy slowly crumble. Tyranny gets stronger when left unchallenged. Tyranny is triumphant when innuendo, fabrication, and anything but the truth are used to feed it.
Mitt has little conscience when it comes to anyone or anything but his own goals and desires. He has selected a running mate who as of today wants to impose a sanction on the welfare of the state, the survival of the poor. He sees rich people, no one else exists.
When will the people of good conscience, as Thomas Jefferson eludes to in is quote, stop remaining silent? Seems we have a huge choice to make, remain silent and let your future be decided for you, or break the silence and control your own future. Mitt and Ryan have a whole bag of tricks ready to aim, shoot and fire.
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