Friday, July 29, 2016

Come On World

Come on world, we all know hashtag Donnie, can’t control himself when he feels his ego has been tarnished. We all should know that whatever word he uses after the hashtag is just Donny projecting his worst fears about himself. It is a true action of a narcissist, whose only concern is that he might be found out to be the fraud, he is always so afraid of addressing. Donnie’s real time sentences are composed of few words and he speaks a dialect of Palin-ese. His lack of the English language is always hidden by his shouts, the raising of that tiny right hand of his, (in an almost Mister Spock look), and he knows how to make that (you know you love smirk.) 

I believe the only way to communicate with Donnie is to hashtag him using his same words and then some. #Crooked Hillary, maybe “Crooked Tax returns. #Small Bloomberg, maybe #smaller billions. And a new one #owned Donnie, (by Putin) It is hard to imagine how the polls are as close as they seem to be, but then realize…some parents are proud that their kids play Pokemon Go because it gets them outside…Caitlyn Jenner is a Republican because they love the Gays…big government is cool as long as Jesus mentioned it in the Bible he wrote…if you leave your two other wives for a REAL Babe, ain’t nothing UnChristian about that… Come on world why the surprise! 

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