Thursday, July 14, 2016


The Oversight and Government Reform Committee regarding the First Amendment Defense Act a GOP bill that would let the people in charge of any taxpayer-funded entity ― a business, a school, a nonprofit organization ― deny services to same-sex married couples if it conflicts with their religious beliefs about marriage, held it’s hearing on Tuesday, July 14. This Committee meeting falls in line with other divisive GOP committees, (The Benghazi, Clinton, E-mails, Planned Planned Parenthood) and with the presumptive, GOP’s presidential candidate, Donald Trump, heinous harangue, “To make America Great Again”. The common theme regarding ALL of these meetings has little to with the business of the average citizen, rather, the political benefits of a band of brothers worried only about their continued careers in Congress.

It IS always… People of Color…Women’s Reproductive Rights…Immigrants…The Homeless and Poor…Muslims…for whom the GOP have demonstrated contempt and NOW, going full circle AGAIN, it is time for the Homosexuals to be singled out and denied their Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Inclusion has never been a priority for the GOP, NEVER. The GOP has always been a bit slimy in covering up their bigotry, bias and bogus in the past, but with the onset of Trump, the Republicans have been energized to go PUBLIC and instead of carrying their pitchforks and sticks of fire in the dead of night have released their hatred in BROAD DAY LIGHT.

There are many who say they despise Hillary, and NO MATTER what, they will vote for Trump. The most bizarre thing about that kind of thinking, is the sheer denial the “I hate Hillary folks”, ignore, about Trump…(his Misogyny, Racism, Xenophobia, Narcissism, Anti-Semitism, and Pathological Lying), pretending that once Trump is elected as President they will be able to contain all of THAT. I understand that HISTORY is being compared to SCIENCE by the Christian Conservatives as not accurate and more a subjective subject to ponder but not necessarily believe, so for this group there is nothing to learn from HISTORY’s lessons. But history HAS proven, over and over again, select an ENEMY, point to   that ENEMIES ills, have the townsfolk look away from you, encouraging them carry their pitch forks and their lynching ropes to hunt and kill the perceived ENEMY. All the while as they are occupied with hate, fear and loathing, YOU, the Supreme Leader rob the townsfolk of their own rights and soon make them YOUR enemy!