Today I heard that we should all stop thinking we are doing the noble act by not voting for Trump and casting our vote for Hillary. Of course cited as an example of how evil Hillary is is the fact that she still hasn’t embraced the end of fossil fuels. Sometimes its that she didn’t embrace the LGBTQ community soon enough. Or that she used private email severs. As if we are acting noble because we want to feel good when we sleep at night. I am amazed, really, really amazed that many people still think we should vote our conscious and stay home on Election Day., BECAUSE OF COURSE, NEVER VOTE THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS. It’s as if a President Trump will come and go like the latest pop culture faze. As if a President Trump will teach us all a lesson that even if you think Hillary is the lesser of two evils, you should hold your ground and not vote. As if the world revolves around YOU, and no matter how wrong for this nation Trump WILL BE, its better to be true to yourself. Oh yeah, and the best excuse I have heard is we survived George W.
The thing about privilege…for so many sophomoric Americans goes like this…So, while we have food to eat we can complain we need to go on a diet. So while we have a closet full of clothes to wear we can complain, we just don’t like anything we have in our closet. So while we have the latest I-Phone we can say, when is the next one coming out I am so over this. So while we haveFREEDOM, we can say, don’t vote for Hillary,lets permit the Fascist to be in charge, after all its only four years! We’ll get by. The noble thing TO DO is to understand that this choice, to stay home, be spiteful, to vote your conscience is similar to the Act Up Movement: Silence = Death!