Never Hillary, I know, she is a scoundrel, the Republicans have made a case for which hunts, FOX News has provided experts to assure us of how evil she is, and the Never Hillary Dems would rather elect a tyrant to the highest office just to show Hillary how much disdain they have for her. Spite is really cool, for NO ONE. Never Hillary, lets show her how America works, lets not vote or vote for a third party candidate. Lets pretend that in four years time America will see the light and become more Progressive. Kinda funny knowing that a President Trump can nominate Justices who will serve a life time who think discrimination is a part of the Constitution. Even more hilarious, as restrictive state ID laws become Federal laws. And for a great punch line, we may become part of U.S.S.R. But Never Hillary
I know, we need a Revolution to demonstrate our power. No big deal having a President Trump, by the time he ruins this nation we will be begging for Bernie, but maybe not Bernie because Bernie is now spending too much time thinking about the welfare of this nation and not the feelings of the Cult he created. Gotta be all or nothing, can’t back down on principles, Spite, is a good offense. Fascism is just an exaggeration, used to convince Americans to vote for Hillary, TRUE Americans understand you have to give of your soul, your heart and your freedoms to prove a point. Never Hillary because she is not the perfect candidate. Never Hillary because she vacillates, cozies up to the wrong people, is not one of the Common Man! Don’t Cry For Me America, you will thank us in the future…the future where democracy has died.
NEVER HILLARY, because, we CAN say that, because we CAN make sure she doesn’t win, because WE need to prove a point. Because if we don’t get our way, no gets their way. NEVER HILLARY, yeah, yeah, yeah…because History Never Repeats itself.