American’s, at least the people who still prefer to think over hate, we must pay close attention to the responses Trump delivers whenever he is worried that someone just criticized him. Donald Trump is at the peak of narcissism, that is the point at which he even wants credit for the mischievous, illicit and unlawful acts he has committed. For Trump it is not good enough doing bad things to people, or breaking the law, if he can’t brag about it and take credit. Now, Trump is on a tirade about the leaked DNC emails (All of which remind us that no political party or their operatives can be truly trusted). Whether it is rabid Internet rumor, silly gossip, almost too impossible to be real, or just plain the truth, Donald’s attempt as using this stupidity as a weapon is not so much his pretending to be the laws abiding guy, BUT I believe MORE about being “Look at Me, See what I can do Guy.”
Anytime Trump uses his hashtag with words following like lying, or cheating those Tweets are usually sent around the same time, one or more real journalists have uncovered yet one more lawsuit, one more complaint regarding lying or cheating Trump. As a Marketing Maven and Con Artist Supreme Trumps knows that offense, especially for those who ALWAYS play the victim work wonders. Trump knows he can make people ignore the facts by being louder with his lies. Think back, scratch your head, think again and Trumps’s narcissism shines like a beacon at night. Then think even harder, if Trump is given any U.S. classified information, because now he IS the Republican nominee, worry that Trump, with no moral character or love for this country might want to sell those to his Bromance, Putin or to the highest bidder. It’s the Art of the Deal, dearie!