Come on America, lets change some of the wording we have used, which basically, when spoken is really an extension of hatred and being a dumb ass. The phrase Politically Correct is a good place to start. Currently The ReTRUMP-licans want us to believe that by being a Politically Correct American, it makes us weak and makes us (The user) the real victim a sorry assed victim. Its not Political to be correct, it is Human to be correct. To insult, insinuate, ignore is inhumane. Thinking you can spew racist remarks, brag about your own bias and boast just how much of a bigot you are just demonstrates how Humanly Incoherent and Incorrect you are. Just look at the people who scoff and wince claiming its UnAmerican to be Politically Correct. Trace their history of Anti-Almost everything as an example; all you are is nothing but a coward afraid to admit you are the jerk!
Then this whole thing of Coming Out of the Closet. The only reason there is a damn closet is because a bunch of religious homophobes built one, thinking that out of sight is out of mind. Lets change that to something more positive, like Welcome to My World, I have graciously and cautiously let you in. Coming Out of the Closet is demeaning as if I was a prisoner, a leper too contagious to touch or love. When I decide to let you in My World I am the gate keeper, not your victim. Closets are the walls, you know the kind that ReTRUMP-licans pretend make you safer from the evilness of others.
Then there is the phrase, Open Carry, as if it it synonymous with Apple Pie, Mothers’ Day, Baseball and that 1950’s era White Picket Fence. We need to change that phrase to I am a Paranoid, Spineless Coward with a Gun. We tried Open Carry in our history it was called the Wild West, everyone thought they were the good guy, again wearing their White hat and could shoot up anyone they wished to, just because they thought THAT action made America Great. Open carry In Wal-Mart, Target, your Church and just walking down the street while your baby is in a stroller, just proclaims you are a frightened individual with delusional and paranoid phobias. Just admit you hate the law and consider yourself the real judge and jury. Pretend you are an NRA Good Guy, until you aren’t. Come on America so many lies in front of our faces, just be real call a bigot, a BIGOT!