Monday night we heard a woman speak with a non-English accent, introducing a man who is on his third wife, having had a child out of wedlock in between all of that. The woman with the non-English accent posed for Playboy and had almost all of her female parts photographed to be ogled at by married heterosexual males. All of this happening in a gun free zone. And this is the opening night of the REPUBLICAN National Convention.
Monday night we heard loud boo’s and hiss’s from a group of men and women who were appalled that their right to free speech had been denied. We listened as they assailed the mean boggy men like dictators who would NOT permit them do the most American thing and cast a vote. We saw them being strong armed into oblivion as if they were non-essential participants in democracy. Tonight we witnessed Republicans being treated like almost every minority demographic in the nation acting surprised that this SORT of THING could happen in America; especially the Republican National Convention.
Monday night we witnessed a nuclear sized bomb of hypocrisy drip all over a crowd who only wanted to Make America Great, Again, by making America Republican. We witnessed Razzle Dazzle, Flim Flam and a Bridge being sold in Manhattan handled by a snake oil salesmen done with such precise precision and of course smoke and mirrors pretending that Monday night reality show had anything to do with politics. WOW!