In a radio interview with conservative Jan Markell, Michelle Bachmann mentioned a recent exchanged she had with Donald Trump in which the two discussed why Jews in America no longer say “Merry Christmas.” He even said, I don’t understand, when I was growing up, everybody said Merry Christmas. Even my Jews would say Merry Christmas. New York City, there are a lot of jews, they would even say Merry Christmas. Why can’t we say Merry Christmas anymore?” Michelle Bachmann, a member of Trump’s Evangelical Executive Advisory Board.
Trump can out con the most oily snake oil salesman who used to comb the backwoods of America promising spells and elixirs to the most devout Christian pioneers. Trump can out screw the most so called Christian crusaders even those who believe that paying Pat Robertson (who has convinced the poorest of the poor) Jesus only loves you when you provide the Rev Robertson with payola. Trump has even outdone Joel Osteen with his multimillion Christian empire of mega-churches, mega homes and mega yachts as far as a phony swindler of faith.
Trump is savvy enough to understand those… whose science has proven the Earth is flat, whose history insists that dinosaurs found lodging on Noah’s Ark, whose Bible cherishes a God with weapons, and a God whose father created the dark man to be dumb, and the white man to be wise…will buy any and all insincere and hypocritical manure he is selling. Now Michelle Bachmann is back which means the Rapture is close behind. (Might actually be so, if Trump wins the job as CEO of America). She is ready with her Committee of Evangelicals who love them and adulterer and the daddy of an unwed mother, to take back this planet. This is not the first time Donald has claimed to own a demographic, if you recall he spoke highly of his Blacks.(Why Sheldon Adelson one of the wealthiest Jews in America loves him some Trump!) So, you are Jewish, still prefer Trump, well because he is not Hillary. Not Jewish and still prefer the Mien Herr Trump because the GOP and FOX have convinced you facts don’t matter, and no matter, NO proof, Hillary is untrustworthy. Still burning for Bernie, so screw everyone else. Once Donald takes care of his Jews like he did his Blacks, don’t you wonder when he will decide he owns you, and then proceed to take away your freedoms? Not convinced, not sure still undecided, still spiteful… then you must be dead!