Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Who Me

His name was BARACK HUSSEIN Obama, The first named sounded foreign, not a real American’s name his last name almost sounded Irish, so still a deal, but no BIG deal, however his middle name sounded too much like the jihadists from the Middle East. Also his skin tone, not quite, white and definitely more quite like black. That middle eastern name HUSSEIN too much a coincidence, plus EVERYONE knows that the lighter dark skin definitely means you are from Arabia, and anyone from Arabia is evil, except for that blond haired guy with pearly white skin named Jesus. Immediately the Republicans demanded a birth certificate. No bias of course, but if BARACK HUSSEIN Obama was to be president we needed to make sure we had a real red white and blue son or daughter of the Confederacy, not one them Islamic people. So countless inquires were made for the Obama birth certificate, and even when one was provided, foul was called, the Republicans demanded more, more more! 

The day after the FBI and Justice Department met with the Republican led Oversight and Government Reform Committee, not liking the answers from the FBI or Department of Justice, Chairman Jason Chaffetz, insisting that it was for the welfare and protection of the American people,that he find proof Hillary was an enemy of the State, a new committee witch hunt was called into session. No more then 24 hours after two legitimate professionals who deal with National Security agreed Hillary Clinton was not a spy or an anarchist, the Republicans under the guise of God Blessing America. spent tax payers dollars and valuable time, pretending to save America.

Donald Trump is cozying up with Vladimir Putin, congratulating him on just how strong of a dictator he is, feigning disgust at the DNC for their internal emails,and now encouraging the Russians to invade the emails of government officials, let alone a private citizen and all we hear from only some of the Republicans is…a rebuke to the Russians and Putin, but NO MENTION AT ALL or condemnation regarding Trumps treasonous retorts. No one saying Donald you are an anarchist, Donald you are an enemy of the state. (Of course others like Giuliani, and Gingrich saying as always the media is taking things out of context). We don’t find Jason Chaffetz scarring around acting all indignant and patriotic demanding a Committee Hearing o a potential spy. Nope, it is another day in Republican-ville, and Trump-land where hypocrisy is like oxygen, plenty of it and it keeps you alive.